; PCNTR ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;! Generate plot file with contours plus polarization vectors ;# TASK PLOT TV POLARIZATION ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Copyright (C) 1995-1996, 2002-2004, 2006, 2008-2009, 2011 ;; Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, ;; MA 02139, USA. ;; ;; Correspondence concerning AIPS should be addressed as follows: ;; Internet email: aipsmail@nrao.edu. ;; Postal address: AIPS Project Office ;; National Radio Astronomy Observatory ;; 520 Edgemont Road ;; Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- PCNTR LLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUU CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC PCNTR: Task to generate plot file for contour plus pol. vectors DOCONT -1.0 4.0 Draw contours? select image DOVECT -1.0 1.0 Draw pol. vectors? > 0 => yes DOGREY -1.0 4.0 Select grey-scale image? USERID -32000.0 32000.0 Image owner ID number ingored Total intensity image: INNAME Image name (name) INCLASS Image name (class) INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name (seq. #) INDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk unit # Polarization intensity image: IN2NAME (name) blank => INNAME IN2CLASS (class) blank => 'PPOL' IN2SEQ 0.0 9999.0 (seq. #) 0 => high IN2DISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive #, 0 => any Polarization angle image: IN3NAME (name) blank => INNAME IN3CLASS (class) blank => 'PANG' IN3SEQ 0.0 9999.0 (seq. #) 0 => high IN3DISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive #, 0 => any Fourth image if needed IN4NAME (name) blank => INNAME IN4CLASS (class) blank => any IN4SEQ 0.0 9999.0 (seq. #) 0 => high IN4DISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive #, 0 => any BLC 0.0 4096.0 Bottom left corner of images TRC 0.0 4096.0 Top right corner of images CON3COL -1.0 > 0 => overplot contours in color of multiple planes ZINC is CON3COL. See help for more. XYRATIO 0.0 10.0 X to Y axis plot ratio. 0=> header inc or window ratio. LTYPE -30.0 30.0 Type of labeling: 1 border, 2 no ticks, 3 standard, 4 rel to center, 5 rel to subim cen 6 pixels, 7-10 as 3-6 with only tick labels <0 -> no date/time special values for RGBLEVS PLEV -99.9 100.0 Percent of peak for levs. CLEV Absolute value for levs (used only if PLEV = 0). CLEV=PLEV=0 => PLEV=10 LEVS -9999.0 99999.0 Contour levels (up to 30). FACTOR 0.0 999999.9 Mult. factor for Pol vector (see HELP) ROTATE Angle to rotate Pol vector (in degrees) XINC 0.0 99.0 X-inc. of Pol vectors. 0=>1 YINC 0.0 99.0 Y-inc. of Pol vectors. 0=>1 PCUT Pol. vector cutoff. P units. ICUT Int. vector cutoff. I units. POL3COL -1.0 180.0 Color polarization vectors value in degrees = red DOALIGN -2.0 1.0 Maps must align? > 0 => yes See HELP DOALIGN! DOCIRCLE -1.0 1.0 > 0 => extend ticks to form coordinate grid PIXRANGE Min,Max of image intensity 0 => entire range. FUNCTYPE Image intensity transfer func 'LN' Linear. unknown=>'LN' 'LG' Logarithmic 'L2' More logarithmic 'SQ' Square root 'NE' Negative linear 'NG' Negative logarithmic 'N2' Negative more log. 'NQ' Negative square root DOWEDGE -1.0 4.0 > 0 => plot a wedge also. = 2 => put on the right edge. = 3 => put on top using full range of image values = 4 => put on right w full range of image values OFMFILE ' ' => do black & white 'TV' => use TV OFM else read file for OFM DOCOLOR -1.0 1.0 Plot RGB images as true color STVERS 0.0 46655.0 STar file version number. STFACTOR -9999.0 9999.0 Scale star sizes: 0 => none. > 0 crosses with no labels < 0 crosses with labels CBPLOT -20.0 20.0 Position for beam plot: 0: don't plot beam 1: lower left (default) 2: lower right 3: upper right 4: upper left 6-9 : fill in a little 11-14: more filled 16-19: even more -n < 0 => n, but no other drawing in beam-plot area DOTV -1.0 1.0 > 0 Do plot on the TV, else make a plot file GRCHAN 0.0 8.0 Graphics channel 0 => 1. TVCHAN 0.0 16.0 Grey-scale display channel DODARK -1.0 1.0 Plot dark vectors as black? DARKLINE 0.0 1.0 Switch to dark lines when grey-scale > DARKLINE 0-1 RGBLEVS 0.0 1.0 Color each value of LEVS TVCORN 0.0 2048.0 TV pixel location of bottom left corner of image 0=> self scale, non 0 => pixel scale. ---------------------------------------------------------------- PCNTR Type: Task Use: PCNTR will write commands to a plot file for the execution of a grey-scale and/or contour plot and/or line vectors associated with a linear polarization image. If DOCONT= 1 and DOVECT = -1, this task will do only a contour plot and is identical to task CNTR. PCNTR now handles I-Pol-Angle sets of images, I-Q-U sets of images, or an image cube with IQU on the third axis. PCNTR supports TELL operations QUIT and ABOR only. Adverbs: DOCONT......Should contours be plotted? <= 0 => no, 1 - 4 selects which of the name sets will be contoured. DOVECT......Should line vectors whose lengths are associated with IN2NAME, etc; and whose orientations are associated with IN3NAME, etc. be derived. > 0 => yes DOGREY......Should a grey-scale, pseudo-color, or true-color image also be displayed? <= 0 => no. 1 - 4 selects one of the 4 name sets for this display. USERID......The ID of the owner of the image. Ignored. **** Main image - defines the I polarization for limiting the plotting of vectors and is the image to which the plot file is attached and which supplies the ST file if used. It may be used for contouring if DOCONT=1 or grey scale if DOGREY=1. If image 1 is a Stokes cubes with (at least) planes for I, Q, and U. then the I plane is used for clipping and is contoured (DOCONT=1) or imaged (DOGREY=1), the Q and U converted to polarization and angle, and files 2 and 3 (below) ignored (for polarization vectors). The contour image may be a non-polarization data cube with more than one plane plotted if CON3COL is set. If DOCONT > 0 and CON3COL > 0, then the planes are separately colored contours. If DOCONT <= 0 but DOVECT > 0 and CON3COL > 0, then the polarization planes will be colored by plane number. Each polarization plane is blanked by the corresponding plane in the first image. INNAME......Image name (name). Standard defaults. INCLASS.....Image name (class). Standard defaults. INSEQ.......Image name (seq. #). 0 => highest. INDISK......Disk unit #. 0 => any. **** Image to set the length of vectors. Called the P image, it can really be of anything. If its is an image plane of Stokes Q, it will be compbined with the third image of Stokes U to make polarization and angle images to be drawn. IN2NAME.....Image name (name). Standard behavior except all blank => use actual INNAME. IN2CLASS....Image name (class). Standard behavior except all blank => use 'PPOL' IN2SEQ......Image name (seq. #). 0 => highest. IN2DISK.....Disk unit #. 0 => any. Image to set angles of vectors (or U image plane). IN3NAME.....Image name (name). Standard behavior except all blank => use actual INNAME. IN3CLASS....Image name (class). Standard behavior except all blank => use 'PANG' IN3SEQ......Image name (seq. #) associated with pol. ang. 0 => highest. IN3DISK.....Disk unit #. 0 => any. **** Fourth image used when DOGREY = 4 or DOCONT = 4. IN4NAME.....Image name (name). Standard behavior except all blank => use INNAME IN4CLASS....Image name (class). Standard behavior except all blank => any IN4SEQ......Image name (seq. #) associated with pol. ang. 0 => highest. IN4DISK.....Disk unit #. 0 => any. BLC.........Bottom Left Corner of image to contour. 0 -> 1. Images 2, 3, 4 use same size window, but a smaller window will be selected if needed to overlap the images. See DOALIGN. TRC.........Top Right Corner of image to contour. (0,0) means top right hand corner of map. Normally, TRC(3-7) is set = BLC(3-7). But, if CON3COL is > 0, then planes BLC(3) to TRC(3) by CON3COL will be plotted on top of each other in multiple colors. When DOCONT <= 0 and CON3COL > 0, multiple planes of the polarization vectors are separately colored. If DOCONT > 0, then only the first plane of polarization is plotted and multiple planes of contours are plotted. CON3COL.....> 0 => plot multiple planes in color - see TRC above. XYRATIO.....The ratio of the X-axis to Y-axis pixel separation. 0 => X to Y inc. in map header if related, else Y to X window ratio. LTYPE.......Labelling type: 1 = border, 2 = no ticks, 3 or 7 = standard, 4 or 8 = relative to ref. pixel, 5 or 9 = relative to subimage (BLC, TRC) center, 6 or 10 = pixels. 7-10 all labels other than tick numbers and axis type are omitted. Less than 0 is the same except that the plot file version number and create time are omitted. When using RGBLEVS, LTYPE also controls whether a line in color appears in the plot at the bottom, the top, or not at all. Values of LTYPE=-10 to 10 give a line inside the contour plot at the bottom; values from -20 to -11 and 11 to 20 give the line inside the plot at the top, and values -30 to -21 and 21 to 30 omit the color listing of the LEVS. The units digit retains the same meaning for this extended range of LTYPE. PLEV........Percent of peak for the contour increment. If CLEV and PLEV are both zero PLEV is set to 10. CLEV........Image intensity value for the contour increment. Used only if PLEV is zero. LEVS........Contour levels in units of the increment. The levels must be in ascending order and a maximum 30 levels are permitted. 0 => -10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,0 FACTOR......Multiplication factor for polarization vectors. A vector of 0.5 in the units of the P image (i.e. Jy/beam) will be this many pixel separations long. Note that this may require rather large FACTORs to plot lines of a significant length for values of P around, say, a mJy/beam. 0 => 1.0 ROTATE......Angle to rotate position angle vector in degrees. This rotation is applied to all polarization vectors drawn. XINC........Separate pol. vectors in X by XINC pixels. 0 => 1 YINC........Separate pol. vectors in Y by YINC pixels. 0 => 1 PCUT........Do not plot polarization vectors if less than PCUT in the units of the P image. No default. ICUT........Do not plot polarization vectors if less than ICUT in the units of the I image. No default. POL3COL.....<= 0.0 => draw polarization vectors with usual uncolored bright vectors. > 0 => use subtle colors to represent polarization angle. The value selects the polarization angle that is pure red (eps to 180 degrees). DOALIGN.....Controls how the 4 input images are to be aligned (see HELP DOALIGN). True (>.1) means that the images must agree in their coordinates, though not necessarily in the reference pixel position. Alignment is by coordinate values (if DOALIGN > -0.1) or by offsets from the reference pixel positions (if DOALIGN <= -0.1). If DOALIGN < -1.5 the headers are ignored and alignment is at pixels (1,1,...). DOCIRCLE....False (<= 0) means that tick marks are short lines extending inward from the plot borders. True (>0) requests that a full coordinate grid be drawn. PIXRANGE....Min,Max of Image intensity. 0 => entire range FUNCTYPE....Image intensity transfer function 'LN' => linear; 'NE' => negative lin. 'LG' => log; 'NG' => negative log; 'L2' => extreme log; 'N2' => negative extra log; 'SQ' => square root,; 'NQ' => negative square root; others => linear. DOWEDGE.....If false (<= 0.0), do not plot a step wedge. If 1.5 >= DOWEDGE > 0.0, then plot a wedge along the top of the image using PIXRANGE range of values. If between 1.5 and 2.5, plot a wedge along the right-hand edge of the image using PIXRANGE range of image values. If between 2.5 and 3.5, plot a wedge along the top with the full range of image values. If between 3.5 and 4.5, plot a wedge along the right hand edge with the full range of image values. If LTYPE >= 3, ticks and tick labels are drawn for the wedge. OFMFILE.....' ' => plot in black and white 'TV' => read the TV OFM (before initializing it) other => read a text file giving the OFM to use (as in OFMDIR, OFMGET, OFMLIST, OFMSAVE). OFMFILE may be of the form 'Logical:File' where Logical is an logical (environment) name for a directory and File is a file name. It may also be of the form 'Stdfile' which is either a file $OFMFIL/Stdfile.uuu where uuu is the login user number or a file $AIPSOFM/Stdfile.001 in the OFM area distributed with AIPS. Use verb OFMDIR to show what is available. There is a web site http://www.nro.nao.ac.jp/~sawada/aipscb/ with color images of all standard AIPS OFMFILEs. DOCOLOR.....If the grey-scale image has its 3rd axis type = 'RGB', then it can be displayed as true color if DOCOLOR > 0. RGB cubes are made by RGBMP, TVHUI, MCUBE (with PUTHEAD), and, soon, LAYER. STVERS......Version number of ST (star position) file to be used to plot star positions. 0 => highest, < 0 => no star positions plotted. STFACTOR....Scale factor used to multiply star sizes in file for plotting. > 0 => scale star size = 0 => don't plot stars. < 0 => scale by abs(STFACTOR) and show any star label CBPLOT......Selects the corner in which the half-power beam plot is placed (Clean images only) -1: no beam plot 0, 5 => 1; 10 => 6, 15 => 11, 20 => 16. 1: lower left 2: lower right 3: upper right 4: upper left 6 - 10: as 1-5 but slightly filled in 11 - 15: as 1-5 more filled in 16 - 20: as 1-5 scribbled over DOTV........> 0 => plot directly on the TV device, otherwise make a plot file for later display on one or more devices (including the TV if desired). GRCHAN......Graphics channel (1 - 7) to use for line drawing. 0 => use multiple graphics planes for the various parts of the graphical drawing. TVCHAN......TV channel to display gray-scale portion of plot. 0 => 1. DODARK......DODARK controls whether contours, polarization lines, and stars are drawn as black overlay lines when the grey-scale image is bright (>0) or in the same color as used for the lines when the image is not bright (<= 0). DODARK does not apply to color contours (RGBLEVS or CON3COL). DARKLINE....When the grey-scale image after FUNCTYPE and other scaling (values 0 to 1) is > DARKLINE, dark lines are used to draw polarization lines, stars, and contours. <= 0, > 1 => 0.33. RGBLEVS.....Colors to be assigned to each of the LEVS: RGBLEVS(1,i) red color (0-1) assigned to LEVS(i) RGBLEVS(2,i) green color (0-1) assigned to LEVS(i) RGBLEVS(3,i) blue color (0-1) assigned to LEVS(i) If all are 0, do not do this. RUN SETRGBL will compile procedures CIRCLEVS, RAINLEVS, FLAMLEVS, and STEPLEVS to help you set these values. TVCORN......TV pixel location (X,Y) where the bottom left- corner of the plot is to be placed. If either is zero, use the largest possible self scaling, else use pixel scaling with specified origin on the TV. ---------------------------------------------------------------- PCNTR: Task to create contour and/or polarization plot file DOCUMENTOR: J. J. Condon NRAO/CV RELATED PROGRAMS: CNTR; PRTPL, TKPL, TVPL, QMSPL, TVWIN PURPOSE PCNTR generates a plot extension file containing an inten- sity contour plot and/ or a polarization vector plot, along with the associated border and labels. Such a plot may be displayed on a printer, TEK screen, or TV by the tasks PRTPL, TEKPL, or TVPL, respectively. Contour plots are generally more useful for quantitative image analysis than gray-scale or profile plots, and most maps are published in the form of contour plots. Contour plots can easily display all features in an image with a very large dynamic range. They tend to emphasize gradients in intensity. The contour plot of a complex image, especially one with local minima, can be confusing; and the contour plot of a noisy map will be messy if contours below about 3 sigma are plotted. PCNTR indicates positive and negative contour values by continuous and broken lines, respectively. Note that a local but non-negative minimum will be indicated by a closed continuous contour, so that it is indistinguishable from a maximum. Also, the simple interpolation routine used by PCNTR may produce jagged "staircase" contours. This problem can be minimized by interpolating the plotted images with the task GEOM. Alternatively, final contour plots may be produced outside of AIPS. PCNTR indicates linear polarization by lines whose lengths are proportional to the linearly polarized intensity and whose directions are parallel to the E-vector. These can be computed in advance from Q and U images by COMB (OPCODEs POLI and POLA) or "on-the-fly" in PCNTR. COMMENTS BLC, TRC: A convenient way to select the plot corners is to display the image on a TV and set the rectangular boundary of the subimage to be plotted with the verb TVWIN. LEVS: Nonzero elements LEVS(I) in this 30-element vector specify the contour levels LEVS(I)*PLEV or LEVS(I)*CLEV to be plotted. They must be specified in increasing order and lie within the range -9999.0 to +99999.0. It is easy to specify a large number of LEVS values with a FOR loop. For example, the statement FOR I=1 TO 20;LEVS(I)=2**((I-1)/2.);END;LEVS(21)=0 yields successive contours separated by factors of 2**.5 LTYPE: 1=> unlabeled rectangular border 2=> rectangular border plus labels (image name, center position, etc.). Beware that the PEAK FLUX label gives the peak flux in the whole image, not just in the subimage plotted. 3=> rectangular border, labels, and border tick marks indicating absolute coordinates (r.a., decl., etc.) 4=> rectangular border, labels, and border tick marks indicating coordinates relative to the coordinates of the image reference pixel 5=> rectangular border, labels, and border tick marks indicating coordinates relative to the center of the subimage plotted 6=> rectangular border, labels, and border tick marks indicating image pixel numbers 7-10 => like 3-6 but the extra labels are omitted. An LTYPE which is < 0 is used, in absolute value, to control the labeling as listed above and specifies that the "PLOT FILE VERSION n CREATED date time" string is not placed on the plot. XYRATIO: XYRATIO can be used to change the plot aspect ratio. Values >1 stretch the X-axis, values <1 compress it. STFACTOR: You can use STarFACTOR to add crosses or other symbols to your plot to denote the postions of stars or other objects. First you must read the postions into a ST table using STARS. Then set INVER to the table version number. You can scale the sizes of the crosses be setting STFACTOR > 0. Set STFACTOR to 1.0 for no scaling (use the star sizes in the ST table). You can label the crosses with a character string to help identify them by setting STFACTOR < 0. The label is the text string entered when creating the ST table. The star sizes in this case will be scaled by ABS(STFACTOR). Note that you can also rotate the crosses through an angle by specifying a positon angle when you create the ST table in STARS (see STARS for more information). EXECUTION TIMES: In an otherwise empty VAX 11/780 a simple plot takes about 20 seconds and a large messy plot can take several minutes. If PCNTR seems to be taking longer than expected, you may be plotting more contours than you expected, or you may have chosen PCUT or ICUT too low.