$ DOFARS.001 $--------------------------------------------------------------- $! RUN file to define procs to simplify running FARS $# Run ANALYSIS POLARIZATION $--------------------------------------------------------------- $; Copyright (C) 2011-2013, 2015 $; Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. $; $; This program is free software; you can redistribute it/or $; and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public $; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either $; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later $; version. $; $; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be $; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied $; warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR $; PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more $; details. $; $; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public $; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free $; Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, $; MA 02139, USA. $; $; Correspondence concerning AIPS should be addressed as $; follows: $; Internet email: aipsmail@nrao.edu. $; Postal address: AIPS Project Office $; National Radio Astronomy Observatory $; 520 Edgemont Road $; Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA $--------------------------------------------------------------- PROC DEFARS SCALAR FBLC, FTRC, DOWINAIT STRING*48 FINFIL FINISH $ PROC DOFARS $ defaults if (outname=' ') then; outname = inname; end if (aparm(5)>=1.5) then if (outclass=' ') then; outclass = 'FARSam end; else if (outclass=' ') then; outclass = 'FARSre end; end; if (outdisk=0) then; outdisk = indisk; end fblc = blc(3); ftrc=trc(3); blc(3)=0; trc(3)=0 dowinait=dowait; dowait=1 if (infile<>' ') then; finfil=' '; else; finfil='FITS:DOFARS.weights'; end vnum = 33 - getpopsn; vput dofars $ rspec weights if (finfil<>' ') then; filezap finfil default rspec; vget dofars; task 'rspec' blc 0; trc 0; opcode 'weit'; doslice=-1; doprint=-3; outprint=finfil; go; end $ trans 1 default trans; vget dofars; task 'trans' outname=inname; outclass='TRANS1'; outseq=0; outdisk=indisk; transcod='312'; go $ trans 2 default trans; vget dofars; task 'trans' inname=in2name; inclass=in2class; inseq=in2seq; indisk=in2disk; outname=inname; outclass='TRANS2'; outseq=0; outdisk=indisk; transcod='312'; go $ fars default fars; vget dofars; task 'fars' inclass='TRANS1'; in2class='TRANS2'; inseq=0; in2seq=0; if (infile=' ') then; infile=finfil; end if (infile='1') then; infile=' '; end blc=fblc,0; trc=ftrc,0; go $ clean up zap; inname=in2name; inclass=in2class; inseq=in2seq; indisk=in2disk; zap $ more trans task = 'trans'; inname=outname; inclass='FARSre indisk=outdisk; inseq=outseq; blc=0; trc=0; transc='231'; if (aparm(5)>=1.5) then; outclass='TRANam inclass='FARSam else; outclass='TRANre end; go inname=outname; indisk=outdisk; inclass='FARSim inseq=outseq; outname=outname; outseq=outseq; outdisk=outdisk; if (aparm(5)>=1.5) then; outclass='TRANph inclass='FARSph else; outclass='TRANim end; go $ clean return dowait=dowinait; vget dofars; blc(3)=fblc; trc(3)=ftrc return FINISH