$ VLBARUN - Amy Mioduszewski, NRAO - Oct 2 2014 $ Ver 1.0 : based heavily on VLBAPIPE $--------------------------------------------------------------- $0000000011111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666666677777777778 $2345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 $=============================================== $! Applies amplitude and phase calibration procs to VLBA data $# RUN POPS VLBI UTILITY CALIBRATION IMAGING $--------------------------------------------------------------- $; Copyright (C) 2014-2015 $; Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. $; $; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or $; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as $; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of $; the License, or (at your option) any later version. $; $; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, $; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of $; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the $; GNU General Public License for more details. $; $; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public $; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free $; Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, $; MA 02139, USA. $; $; Correspondence concerning AIPS should be addressed as follows: $; Internet email: aipsmail@nrao.edu. $; Postal address: AIPS Project Office $; National Radio Astronomy Observatory $; 520 Edgemont Road $; Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA $--------------------------------------------------------------- $=============================================================== PROCEDURE P_INIT $ $ Define VLBAUTIL and variables for VLBA pipeline $---------------------------------------------- docrt 1;dowa true SCALAR P_DISK, P_SQ, P_NUM, P_VER, P_DOHTML, P_DOEMAIL, P_INVERS SCALAR P_CLINT, P_ANTNUM, P_SOLINT, P_TINT, P_MIN, P_MAX, P_SEQ SCALAR P_DOSTART, P_DOTIMER, P_NUMCAL, P_NUMREF, P_FREQUID, P_AP8 SCALAR P_ERROR, P_DEBUG, P_ROW, P_FACTOR, P_IFS, P_INSEQ, P_SI, P_IMSEQ SCALAR P_LDFILE, P_ONDISK, P_INDI, P_OBSFQ, P_CHAN, P_NCHAN, P_DOPL SCALAR P_PVER, P_IVER, P_I, P_FOUND, P_NUMANT, P_GU,P_DB,P_BP,P_NPL ARRAY P_IMSIZE(2), P_PLCNT(20), P_CLCNT(10) ARRAY P_CALSCANT(8), P_BADDISKS(10), P_NO_SLFCL(30) STRING*2 P_REFANT, P_EXT, CHREFANT STRING*4 P_TYP, P_MODE, P_INTERPOL STRING*6 P_CLASS, P_INCL, P_IMCL STRING*8 P_TASK STRING*12 P_EXPNA, P_NA, P_INNA STRING*16 P_CALSOURC(30), P_ATARGETS(30), P_PLABEL, P_SRC STRING*48 P_DATAIN, P_DIR, P_EMAIL STRING*66 P_LINE(2), P_OUTDIR $ from input dialog: P_DATAIN = DATAIN ;P_EXPNA = OUTNAME ;P_DISK = OUTDISK P_INNA = INNAME ;P_INCL = INCLASS ;P_INSEQ = INSEQ P_INDI = INDISK ;P_MODE = OPTYPE ;P_CLINT = CLINT P_REFANT = CHREFANT ;P_CALSCANT = TIMERANG ;P_CALSOURC = CALSOUR P_ATARGETS = SOURCES ;P_SOLINT = SOLINT ;P_IMSIZE = IMSIZE P_FACTOR = FACTOR ;P_DOPL = DOPLOT ;P_DIR = OUTFILE P_EMAIL = OUTTEXT ;P_BADDISKS = BADDISK ;P_INVERS = INVERS $--- P_DOTIMER = 0 ;P_ERROR = 0 ;P_DOHTML = -1 P_LDFILE = -1 ;P_ONDISK = -1 ;P_DOEMAIL = -1 P_SEQ = 1 ;P_FOUND = -1 ;P_NUMANT = 0 P_INTERPOL = '2PT' ;P_OUTDIR = '' ;INVERS = 0 FOR I = 1 TO 10; P_CLCNT(I) = -1; END $--- and set to defaults tput vlbarun;vnum 35;vput vlbarun;task'vlbarun' VBA_NFQI=0;VBA_SX=0;VBA_9050=0 $ must be 0 in VLBAUTIL, used in P_GETFQNUM RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_RESTART clrstat;inext'pl';j = maxtab(inext);if (j>0) then;invers -1;extdest;end ine'bp';j = maxtab(inext);if (j>0) then;invers -1;extdest;end ine'fg';j = maxtab(inext);if (j>1) then;for i=2:j;invers i;extdest;end;end ine'cl';j = maxtab(inext);if (j>1) then;for i=2:j;invers i;extdest;end;end ine'sn';j = maxtab(inext);if (j>0) then;invers -1;extdest;end RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_RESET p_restart RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_ZAPALL chkname;if (error<1) then;indisk p_disk;for j=1 to (1-1*error);zap;end;end RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_ALLPLOT(P_MIN) if(p_min=0)then;p_min=1;end;p_max=maxtab('PL');j=p_max-p_min+1 type char(j)!!' PLOT FILES TO SHOW ON TV:'!!char(p_min)!!' TO:'!!char(p_max) if (j > 0) then; tvinit; for i=p_min:p_max;plver i type 'plot #'!!char(i-p_min+1)!!'/'!!char(j)!!' -- TYPE A ZERO TO STOP' grchan=0;grclear;runwait('tvpl');p_num=1;read p_num if (p_num=0) then;i=p_max+1;end;end else;type 'NOTHING TO PLOT - DONE';end RETURN;finish PROCEDURE P_INFO (P_TASK) if (p_debug > 0) then task p_task;type '*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*' inp;type '*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*'; j = 1 type 'TYPE RETURN TO CONTINUE, ZERO TO STOP';read j if (j = 0) then;type 'OK, STOPPING AT' p_task;p_error = 99;end end;type p_task!!' RUNNING ..' RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_GETSTOK $ NOTE: sets stokes (default/undetermined -> stokes = '') keyvalue 0;keystrng '';j = 0 while ( (j < 8) & (substr(keystrng,1,6) <> 'STOKES') ) j = j + 1;keyword 'ctype'!!char(j);gethead if (substr(keystrng,1,6) = 'STOKES') then keyword 'crval'!!char(j);gethead if (keyvalue(1) = -1) then;stokes = 'RR' else if (keyvalue(1) = -2) then;stokes = 'LL' else if (keyvalue(1) = 1) then;stokes = 'I' else;stokes = ' ';end;end;end; end end RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_FQINFO $ Sets the frequency information from the header p_getstok;keyvalue 0;keystrng '';j = 0 while ((j < 8) & (substr(keystrng,1,4) <> 'FREQ')) j = j + 1;keyword 'ctype'!!char(j);gethead if (substr(keystrng,1,4) = 'FREQ') then keyword 'crval'!!char(j);gethead;p_obsfq = keyvalue(1) $ obs frequency keyword 'cdelt'!!char(j);gethead;p_chan = keyvalue(1) $ channel bandwidth keyword 'naxis'!!char(j);gethead;p_nchan = keyvalue(1) $ number of channels end if (substr(keystrng,1,2) = 'IF') then keyword 'naxis'!!char(j);gethead;p_ifs = keyvalue(1) $ number of IFs end; end $ * * * * find freq -> sefd $ * * * * find mode (typ) -> TBW (assume 2bit) and get #vis for ext=im - not bl RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_SNPLOT (P_NA, P_SQ, P_EXT, P_VER, P_TYP, P_MIN, P_MAX, P_NUM) type p_na task'snplt';default;inname p_na;inclass p_class;inseq p_sq;indisk p_disk inext p_ext;invers p_ver;pixrange p_min,p_max;nplots p_num;optype p_typ if (p_typ = 'DDLY') then;p_getstok;end $ only one (first) stokes needed $ p_info('snplt') if (p_error = 0) then dotv -1;plver = p_ver;runwait('snplt') end;timerang p_calscant; RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_POSSM(P_NA, P_SQ, P_GU,P_DB,P_BP,P_NPL,P_SI, P_SRC, P_AP8) $---------------------------------------------- default 'possm'; inname p_na;inclass p_class;inseq p_sq;indisk p_disk docal 1; gainuse=p_gu; doband=p_db; bpver=p_bp; nplots=p_npl; solint=p_si source ''; source(1)=p_src; stokes 'half'; aparm(8)=p_ap8 if(p_ap8<2)then;baseline refant, 0;aparm(2)=1;aparm(5)=-180; aparm(6)=180;end aparm(9)=1;runwait('possm') return;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_VPLOT(P_NA, P_SQ,P_GU,P_DB,P_BP,P_NPL,P_SI, P_SRC) $---------------------------------------------- default 'vplot'; inname p_na;inclass p_class;inseq p_sq;indisk p_disk docal 1; gainuse=p_gu; doband=p_db; bpver=p_bp; nplots=p_npl; solint=p_si source ''; source(1)=p_src; stokes 'half';nplots 8; echan=p_nchan; solint 1 baseline refant, 0; bparm 0, 2, 1, 0, 0,-180, 180; do3col 1;docal 1; runwait('vplot') return;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_KNTR(P_NA) $---------------------------------------------- default 'imean'; inname p_na;inclass 'ICL001';indisk p_disk; intype ''; inseq 0; chkname; if(error<1) then; p_imcl='ICL001';p_imseq=1-error else; inclass='RCL001'; chkname; if(error<1) then; p_imcl='RCL001';p_imseq=1-error else;inclass='LCL001'; chkname; if(error<1) then; p_imcl='LCL001';p_imseq=1-error;end;' end;end if(error<1) then inclass=p_imcl;nboxes 50; docal -1; outtext ''; runwait('imean') default 'kntr'; inname p_na;inclass p_imcl;inseq p_imseq;indisk p_disk dogrey -1;dovect -1;clev=3*triangle(15);levs(1)=-1.414;levs(2)=-1; tvchan=0; dodark -1;for p_i=3 to 30; levs(p_i)=2**((p_i-3)/2);end runwait('kntr') else type 'Error making image plots, could not find image file' end return;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_HTMLPUT(P_LINE) default system; sys2com(1)=p_line(1); sys2com(2)=p_line(2); syscom 'echo sys2com(3)=' >>'; sys2com(4)=substr(p_outdir,1,length(p_outdir))!!'vlbarun.html system; return; finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_PLOTFILE(P_NA, P_IMCL,P_SQ,P_PVER, P_IVER, P_PLABEL) default 'lwpla'; inname p_na;inclass p_imcl ;inseq p_sq;indisk p_disk for p_i=p_pver to p_iver; plver=p_i; outfile=p_dir!!substr(p_plabel,1,8)!!char(p_i)!!'.ps runwait('lwpla'); default system; syscom 'convert sys2com(1)= p_outdir!!substr(p_plabel,1,8)!!char(p_i)!!'.ps sys2com(2)= p_outdir!!substr(p_plabel,1,8)!!char(p_i)!!'.gif system default system; syscom '\rm sys2com(1)=p_outdir!!substr(p_plabel,1,8)!!char(p_i)!!'.ps system if(p_dohtml>0)then; p_line(2)='>"' p_line(1)=' "
0) then;VBA_NFQI = VBA_NFQI + 1;end $ add one for S/X band if (VBA_9050 > 0) then;VBA_NFQI = VBA_NFQI + 1;end $ add one for 90/50 band RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_GETSUROW $ NOTE: proc sets p_row inext'su';invers 0;keyword'num row';getthead;p_row = keyvalue(1); RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_EXIT $ Restore values vnum 35;vget vlbarun;dowait -1;vnum 0; RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_GETUVF $ $ Determine UV file class to work on $ NOTE: proc sets P_CLASS $---------------------------------------------- if(p_ondisk<>1) then inname p_expna;inseq 1;indisk p_disk;intype 'uv';inclass 'fxpol';chkname if (error = 0) then;p_class inclass $ dual polarization, one frequency else;inclass 'fpol'!!char(p_frequid);chkname; if (error = 0) then $ dual pols and multi freq with new outclass;del old p_class inclass;inclass 'fq-'!!char(p_frequid);p_zapall;recat else;inclass 'fq-'!!char(p_frequid);chkname; if (error = 0) then;p_class inclass $ polarizations okay, multiple freqs else;p_class 'uvdata';end;end $ polarizations okay, single frequency end;inclass p_class else p_class=p_incl; p_expna=p_inna;p_seq=p_inseq; p_disk=p_indi end RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_WCHSCAN p_i=1 while(p_found<0) default bscan;inname p_expna;inclass p_class;inseq p_seq;indisk p_disk docal 1; sources(1)= p_calsourc(p_i); runwait('bscan');invers=p_invers if(chansel(3,1)=p_numant)then; p_found = p_i; end; p_i=p_i+1 end if(p_found<0)then; p_error = 7 type 'CANNOT FIND GOOD CALIBRATOR SCAN WITH ALL ANTENNAS' type 'PLEASE SET TIMERANG' end if(p_error=0)then; if((chansel(1,1)-chansel(2,1))>0.0021) then chansel(1,1)=chansel(2,1)-0.0021; end p_calscant(1)=floor(chansel(1,1)); p_calscant(5)=floor(chansel(2,1)) p_calscant(2)=floor((chansel(1,1)-p_calscant(1))*24) p_calscant(3)=floor((chansel(1,1)-(p_calscant(2)/24+p_calscant(1)))*1440) p_calscant(4)=p_calscant(3)/1440+p_calscant(2)/24+p_calscant(1) p_calscant(4)=floor((chansel(1,1)-p_calscant(4))*86400) p_calscant(6)=floor((chansel(2,1)-p_calscant(5))*24) p_calscant(7)=floor((chansel(2,1)-(p_calscant(6)/24+p_calscant(5)))*1440) p_calscant(8)=p_calscant(7)/1440+p_calscant(6)/24+p_calscant(5) p_calscant(8)=floor((chansel(2,1)-p_calscant(8))*86400) end finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_PRECHECK $ $ Prepare and check inputs for VLBA pipeline $ NOTE: proc sets p_dotimer and p_dostart $---------------------------------------------- $ check datain or inname if (substr(p_datain,1,1) <> ' ')then; p_ldfile = 1; end if (substr(p_inna,1,1) <> ' ' & p_inseq > 0) then; p_ondisk = 1; end if (p_ondisk = 1 & substr(p_incl,1,1) <> ' ')then p_ondisk = 1 else p_ondisk = -1 end if (p_ldfile = 1 & p_ondisk = 1) then type 'SPECIFY DATAIN OR INNAME NOT BOTH' p_error=1 end if (p_ldfile < 0 & p_ondisk < 0) then type 'DONT KNOW WHERE YOUR DATA IS: SPECIFY DATAIN OR INNAME' p_error=1 end $ check date file is pristine, only one CL table, no SN tables $ and set the outnames etc because that is how the the script was $ originally written if (p_error=0 & p_ondisk = 1) then if(maxtab('CL')>1) then; p_error=60; end if(maxtab('SN')>0) then; p_error=60; end if(p_error=60) then; type 'PARTIALLY CALIBRATED DATA - STOPPING'; end end $ check one freq id, does not check for S/X or 90/50 if (p_error=0 & p_ondisk = 1) then INEXT = 'FQ'; INVERS = 1; KEYWORD = 'NUM ROW'; GETTHEAD if(KEYVALUE(1)>1) then; p_error=70; type 'MORE THAN ONE FREQID -- SEPARATE (RUN VLBAFIX) AND START AGAIN' END;end $ check outname, outdisk if (substr(p_expna,1,1) = ' ' & substr(p_inna,1,1) <> ' ' ) then; p_expna = p_inna; else if (substr(p_expna,1,1) = ' ' & substr(p_inna,1,1) = ' ') then type 'SPECIFY AN UNIQUE OUTNAME or INNAME' p_error = 4; end;end if (p_disk = 0 & p_indi > 0) then; p_disk = p_indi; else if (p_disk = 0 & p_indi = 0) then type 'SPECIFY AN OUTDISK or INDISK' p_error = 4; end; end $ FUTURE check if outfile already exists - p_restart or bomb?? $ FUTURE check outdisk ? $ check invers if(p_invers=0) then; p_invers=1;end $ spectral line data or continuum data to be expected? if(p_mode = 'LINE') then; p_mode = 'SPEC'; end; p_fqinfo if(p_mode = '' & p_nchan < 65) then; p_mode='CONT'; end if(p_mode = '' & p_nchan >= 65) then; p_mode='SPEC'; end if (p_error=0 & p_mode = 'SPEC') then $ apparently spectral line type 'DOING SPECTRAL LINE PROCEDURE: NO PULSE CAL OR FREQUENCY AVERAGING' else if (p_error=0 & p_mode = 'CONT') then $ apparently continuum type 'DOING CONTINUUM PROCEDURE: WITH PULSE CAL AND FREQUENCY AVERAGING' else if (p_error=0 & p_mode = 'PSEU') then $ pseudo continuum type 'DOING PSEUDO CONTINUUM PROCEDURE: '; type ' WITH PULSE CAL BUT -NO- FREQUENCY AVERAGING' else if(p_mode <> 'SPEC' & p_mode <> 'CONT' & p_mode <> 'PSEU') then type 'OBSERVATION MODE NOT KNOWN - FILL IN "OPTYPE" PROPERLY';p_error 1 end;end;end;end; $ check if html directory and/or e-mail is wanted if (length(p_email) > 0) then; p_doemail=1;end if (p_doemail>0) then p_email= 'X'!!p_email; substr(p_email,1,1)=' '; end if (length(p_dir) > 0) then; p_dohtml=1; end if (p_dohtml>0) then if(substr(p_dir,length(p_dir),length(p_dir))<>':');then if(substr(p_dir,length(p_dir),length(p_dir))<>'/');then substr(p_dir,length(p_dir)+1,length(p_dir)+1)='/';end;end p_outdir= p_outdir!!p_dir; substr(p_outdir,1,1)=' ' if(substr(p_outdir,length(p_outdir),length(p_outdir))=':') then p_outdir= 'X$'!!p_dir; substr(p_outdir,1,1)=' '; substr(p_outdir,length(p_outdir),length(p_outdir))='/'; else p_outdir= 'X'!!p_dir; substr(p_outdir,1,1)=' '; end if(length(p_dir)>37); then type 'OUTPUT DIRECTORY LIMITED TO 37 CHARACTERS (including final /)' type 'HINT: IF DESIRED OUTPUT DIRECTORY PATH LONGER THAN 31 CHAR' type 'USE AN ENVIRONMENTALL VARIABLE AND DESIGNATE WITH A ":".' type 'SEE EXPLAIN VLBARUN.' p_error = 13;end $check if convert command exists default system; syscom 'which convert system; if (error > 0) then type 'ERROR: Cannot create plots for output html file because the type 'ERROR: command convert does not exist on your computer. type 'ERROR: Install convert or leave OUTFILE blank. p_error=15; end $check and create html file if (p_error=0) then default system; syscom 'ls sys2com(1)=substr(p_outdir,1,length(p_outdir))!!'vlbarun.html system; if (error < 0) then; type 'ERROR: Output vlbarun.html file already exists. p_error=14; else; p_line(1)=' "VLBARUN output
" p_htmlput(p_line);p_line(1)=' "

VLBARUN output for p_line(2)=': '!!p_expna!!'.'!!p_incl!!'.'!!char(p_seq)!!'

" p_htmlput(p_line); end end; end $ check reasonable clint -- very loose, default is 0.25 if(p_error=0) then; if(p_clint=0) then; p_clint=0.25; type 'CLINT SET TO 0.25'; end if(p_clint < 0) then;type 'CLINT < 0 UNVALID -- STOPPING';p_error=12;end if((p_obsfq>10.e9) & (p_clint> 2)) then; p_error = 10 type 'CLINT IS TOO LARGE FOR YOUR FREQ, RESET CLINT AND START AGAIN' else if((p_obsfq<10.e9) & (p_clint> 4)) then; p_error = 10 type 'CLINT IS TOO LARGE FOR YOUR FREQ, RESET CLINT AND START AGAIN' end;end clint = p_clint $ check refant, FUTURE check if refant in array, get number of antennas p_antnum = antnum(p_refant) if(p_antnum = 0) then; type 'CHREFANT NOT SET, WILL TRY TO SET DEFAULT';end if(p_antnum = 0) then; p_antnum=antnum('FD'); end if(p_antnum = 0) then; p_antnum=antnum('PT'); end if(p_antnum = 0) then; p_antnum=antnum('LA'); end if(p_antnum = 0) then; p_antnum=antnum('KP'); end if(p_antnum = 0) then; p_error=11; type 'NO ANTENNA IN THE SOUTHWEST, PLEASE SET REFANT AND START AGAIN' end if(p_error<>11) then; type 'REFANT SET TO ANTENNA #', p_antnum end refant = p_antnum inext 'an'; keyword 'num row'; getthead; p_numant = keyval(1) $ check timerange and corresp scantime, if no timerang then auto-set i = 1 while (i < 8) $ if timer(2) or above non-zero, timer is specified (not scan) i = i + 1;if (p_calscant(i) > 0) then;p_dotimer = 1; p_found=1;end end; if ( (p_dotimer > 0) & (p_error = 0) ) then type 'USING SPECIFIED TIMERANGE FOR VLBAPCOR OR VLBAMPCL' i = p_calscant(5) - p_calscant(1) i = p_calscant(6) - p_calscant(2) + 24 * i i = p_calscant(7) - p_calscant(3) + 60 * i if ( (p_calscant(8) - p_calscant(4) + 60 * i) < 1 ) then type 'BUT NOW ENDING TIME PRECEEDS STARTING TIME - TRY AGAIN' p_error = 6 end else if (p_calscant(1) = 0) then; p_dotimer=2 else;type 'USING SPECIFIED SCAN NUMBER INSTEAD OF TIMERANGE';end end $ check later if in data p_numcal = 0;i = 0; while (i < 30) $ count number of sources in calsour, do self-cal ? i = i + 1 if (substr(p_calsourc(i),1,1) <> ' ') then p_numcal = p_numcal + 1 if (substr(p_calsourc(i),1,1) = '-') then j = length(p_calsourc(i)) p_calsourc(i) = substr(p_calsourc(i),2,j) $ if (substr(p_calsourc(i),1,1) = '*') then $ type 'SORRY HAVE TO EXIT: NO SELF CAL ALLOWED FOR CALSOUR = *' $ p_error = 12 $ end;p_no_slfcl(i) = 0 $ else;p_no_slfcl(i) = 1 end;end;end;p_numref = 0;i = 0; while (i < 30) $ count number of sources targeted (incl its Ph-Ref.) i=i+1;if (substr(p_atargets(i),1,1)<>' ') then;p_numref=p_numref+1;end end if (p_numref = 0) then $ use calsour only (only strong sources, no Ph-Ref) type 'NO PHASE-REF SCHEME SPECIFIED, ASSUMING ALL SOURCES ARE STRONG' if (p_numcal = 0) then $ no sources specified ! $ type 'BUT NO CALIBRATOR SOURCES SPECIFIED ! TRY AGAIN' type 'AT LEAST ONE CALSOURCE NEEDED - FOR P-CAL/BANDPASS CALIBRATION' p_error = 8 else if (substr(p_calsourc(2),1,1)='*') then type 'WILL FRINGE FIT ALL SOURCES THAT ARE FOUND IN THE SU-TABLE' $ p_no_slfcl = 1 else type 'WILL FRINGE FIT ALL SOURCES IN CALSOUR, I.E. :'!!char(p_numcal) end;end;end; $ if sources, check if p_numref even (pairs), borrow p_num for loop $ check later if in data, but here check if odd numbers are in calsource if (substr(p_atargets(1),1,1) <> ' ') then if (mod(p_numref,2) = 1) then $ odd number of sources type 'ODD NUMBER OF SOURCES - SPECIFY PHAS-REF *PAIRS* !!' p_error = 8 else $ check if odd numbered are in calsour, evens not in calsour for i = 1 to p_numref by 2 j = length(p_atargets(i));p_num = 1 while ( (j < 17) & (substr(p_calsourc(p_num),1,1) <> ' ') ) if (substr(p_calsourc(p_num),1,j)=substr(p_atargets(i),1,j)) then j = 17 $ found! stop the while loop else;p_num = p_num + 1;end $ not found .. next end if (j <> 17) then $ source not found but should be there type 'CALSOUR DOES NOT, BUT SHOULD, INCLUDE PH-REF. SOURCE :'!!p_atargets(i) p_error 9 end;end; for i = 2 to p_numref by 2 j = length(p_atargets(i));p_num = 1 while ( (j < 17) & (substr(p_calsourc(p_num),1,1) <> ' ') ) if (substr(p_calsourc(p_num),1,j)=substr(p_atargets(i),1,j)) then j = 17 $ found! stop the while loop else;p_num = p_num + 1;end $ not found .. next end if (j = 17) then $ source found but should not be there type 'CALSOUR DOES, BUT SHOULD NOT, INCLUDE PH-REF. SOURCE :'!!p_atargets(i) p_error 9 end;end p_numref = p_numref / 2 $ # of pairs;can do because p_numref even end if ( (p_numref = 1) & (p_atargets(2) = '*') ) then type 'PHASE-REFERENCING ALL NON-CALIBRATORS TO :'!!p_atargets(1) end;end; $ check solint FUTURE add check on other valid solints? if (p_solint<0) then; type 'SOLINT<0 INVALID: STOPPING'; end if (p_solint=0) then; p_solint=1;end $ check map sizes for factor and imsize if (p_factor < 1 & p_imsize(1) >= 0) then;p_factor = 1 type 'WILL NOT DO CALSOUR IMAGES SMALLER THAN 128 SQUARE; 128 IT IS' else;if (p_factor > 64) then;p_factor = 64 type 'CALSOUR IMAGE REQUEST TOO BIG, WILL USE THE MAXIMUM OF 8192 SQUARE' end;end; if (substr(p_atargets(1),1,1) <> ' ' & p_imsize(1) >= 0) then if ( (p_imsize(1) < 512) ! (p_imsize(2) < 512) ) then;p_imsize = 512 type 'WILL NOT DO SOURCES IMAGES SMALLER THAN 512 SQUARE; 512 IT IS' else if ( (p_imsize(1) > 8192) ! (p_imsize(2) > 8192) ) then;p_imsize = 8192 type 'SOURCE IMAGE REQUEST TOO BIG, WILL USE THE MAXIMUM OF 8192 SQUARE' end;end;end; $ include subarray , change into vlbafix ?? * if (p_debug > 0) then;type 'P_PRECHECK ERROR = '!!char(p_error);end end RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_LOAD $ $ Load data and split freq-id's to prepare for VLBA pipeline $ NOTE: proc sets VBA_NFQI $---------------------------------------------- if (p_ldfile > 0) then $ start loading data douvcomp=-1 type 'UNLESS DOTV > 0, YOU CAN GO HOME NOW; REST WILL BE AUTOMATIC' type 'PROVIDED THAT ALL INPUTS ARE VALID SO I WONT BREAK' p_info('vlbaload') if (p_error = 0) then; vlbaload;recat; type 'DONE WITH LOADING THE DATA' $ check one freq id, does not check for S/X or 90/50 INEXT = 'FQ'; INVERS = 1; KEYWORD = 'NUM ROW'; GETTHEAD if(KEYVALUE(1)>1) then; p_error=70; type 'MORE THAN ONE FREQID - SEPARATE (RUN VLBAFIX) AND START AGAIN' else p_info('vlbafix');vlbafix end;end;end; RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_INSTCAL $ $ Amplitude and instrumental phase calibration per freq-id $ NOTE: proc sets VBA_PAIR $---------------------------------------------- if (p_error = 0) then;p_getuvf $ find uvfile to work on $tecor p_info('vlbatecr') if (p_error = 0 & p_obsfq<12.e9) then; go vlbatecr; p_clcnt(1) = maxtab('cl'); end $eops p_info('vlbaeops');if (p_error = 0) then; go vlbaeops; p_clcnt(6) = maxtab('cl');end $cala freqid 1;subarray 1 $ after vlbafix splitted into single freq/suba p_info('vlbacala') if (p_error = 0) then go vlbacala;i = maxtab('sn');j = maxtab('cl');p_plcnt(1) = maxtab('pl') if(p_dopl>1.5) then p_snplot(p_expna, 1, 'sn', i-1, 'amp', 0,0, 8) $ #1 p_plcnt(3) = maxtab('pl'); if(p_dohtml>0)then;p_line(1)=' "

SN table after ACCOR

p_line(2)='"'; p_htmlput(p_line); p_plotfile(p_expna,p_class,1,p_plcnt(1)+1, p_plcnt(3),'ACCOR_SN'); end p_snplot(p_expna, 1, 'cl', j-1, 'amp', 0,0, 8) $ #2 p_plcnt(4) = maxtab('pl'); if(p_dohtml>0)then;p_line(1)=' "

CL table after ACCOR

p_line(2)='"'; p_htmlput(p_line); p_plotfile(p_expna,p_class, 1,p_plcnt(3)+1, p_plcnt(4),'ACCOR_CL');end p_snplot(p_expna, 1, 'sn', i, 'amp', 0, 0, 8) $ #2 p_plcnt(5) = maxtab('pl'); if(p_dohtml>0)then;p_line(1)=' "

SN table after APCAL

p_line(2)='"'; p_htmlput(p_line); p_plotfile(p_expna,p_class, 1,p_plcnt(4)+1, p_plcnt(5),'APCAL_SN');end end if (p_dopl>0.5) then p_plcnt(5) = maxtab('pl') $ in case p_dopl=1 p_snplot(p_expna, 1, 'cl', j, 'amp', 0, 0, 8) $ #3 p_plcnt(6) = maxtab('pl'); if(p_dohtml>0)then;p_line(1)=' "

CL table after APCAL

p_line(2)='"'; p_htmlput(p_line); p_plotfile(p_expna,p_class, 1,p_plcnt(5)+1, p_plcnt(6),'APCAL_CL') end;end $ outseq p_frequid;outclass '';runwait('tasav') p_clcnt(2) = j-1;p_clcnt(3) = j;p_info('vlbapang') go vlbapang;j = maxtab('cl');p_clcnt(4) = j; p_plcnt(7) = maxtab('pl'); if (p_dotimer = 0)then; timerang = scantime(p_calscant(1));end if (p_dotimer = 1)then;timerang = p_calscant;end if (p_dotimer = 2)then;p_wchscan;timerang = p_calscant;end calsour p_calsour(p_found),'';gainuse 0;docal 2;doban -1;opcode'' $if (maxtab('bp') > 0) then;bpver 0;doban 1;end inext'fq';invers 1;keyword = 'no_if';getthead; if (keyvalue(1) > 1) then $ if only 1 IF then no need to align IFs .. refant=p_antnum;j = maxtab('pc') $ check for pc table if ( (p_mode = 'SPEC') & (j > 0) ) then type 'WEIRD: FOUND A PC TABLE IN MODE SPEC - WILL NOT USE IT ANYWAY' end if ((p_mode <> 'SPEC') & (j > 0) & (p_invers>-0.5)) then $ use pulse-cal tones p_info('vlbapcor');if(p_error = 0) then;invers=p_invers;go vlbapcor;end else $ spectral-line or pccor not wanted;do manual pcal p_info('vlbampcl');if (p_error = 0) then;go vlbampcl;end end;i = maxtab('sn');j = maxtab('cl');p_clcnt(5) = j; aparm 0, 1, 0, 0, -180, 180, 0 0 3 if (p_dopl>0.5) then p_possm(p_expna, p_sq, maxtab('cl'), -1, 0, 9, -1, calsour(1),0) p_plcnt(8) = maxtab('pl') if(p_dohtml>0)then;p_line(1)=' "

Intrumental Phase Cals

p_line(2)='"'; p_htmlput(p_line); p_plotfile(p_expna,p_class, 1,p_plcnt(7)+1, p_plcnt(8),'INSTRCAL') end;end;end;end;end p_plcnt(9) = maxtab('pl'); p_plcnt(11) = maxtab('pl'); RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_EXTRAS $ $ Do some extras: BPASS (removed UVMLN) $---------------------------------------------- $bpass task 'bpass';calsour p_calsourc(1),'';solint -1;bpver 1;flux 0;timerang 0 antenna 0;bchan 1;echan 0;bpassprm 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 0;stokes'' gainuse=maxtab('cl');refant=p_antnum;p_info('bpass'); if (p_error = 0) then vput bpass;runwait('bpass'); aparm 0 1 .5 1.3,-20 20 0 2 1 0 if (p_dopl>0) then p_possm(p_expna, p_sq, maxtab('cl'), 1, 0, 6, 0, calsour(1), 2) p_plcnt(12) = maxtab('pl'); if(p_dohtml>0)then;p_line(1)=' "

Bandpass solutions

p_line(2)='"'; p_htmlput(p_line) p_plotfile(inname,p_class, 1,p_plcnt(11)+1, p_plcnt(12),'BANDPASS') end;end;end RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_FRING $---------------------------------------------- $ First do all clcals on calsources, then the pairs if (substr(p_calsourc(2),1,1)='*') then calsour '';sources '';p_getsurow;p_numcal = p_row $ do all sources else calsour p_calsourc;sources p_calsourc $ includes phase-refs, not targets end * search = 0 $ better make sure solutions exist search = antnum('PT'),antnum('LA'),antnum('KP'),antnum('FD'),antnum('OV') search(6)~antnum('NL'),antnum('BR'),antnum('NH'),antnum('SC'),antnum('MK') bchan 0;interpol p_interpol;aparm(6) 1;aparm(9) 1;baddisk p_baddisks; solint = p_solint;dparm(8) 0;refant=p_antnum;p_info('vlbafrng') if (p_error = 0) then go vlbafrng;gainuse=maxtab('cl');vput clcal $ -- for phase-ref if ((p_numref>0)&(p_atargets(2)<>'*')) then $ sources not empty, nor all for i = 1 to p_numref $ vlbafrng did all cals, now do the pairs j = length(p_atargets(2*i));p_getsurow;keystrng'' while ((p_row>0)&(substr(p_atargets(2*i),1,j)<>substr(keystrng,1,j))) inext'su';pixxy p_row 2 0;tabget if (substr(p_atargets(2*i),1,j) = substr(keystrng,1,j)) then $ found p_row = -1;p_error = 0 else;p_row = p_row - 1;p_error = 31;end end; if (p_error = 0) then $ source found;check for reference j = length(p_atargets(2*i-1));p_getsurow;keystrng'' while ((p_row>0)&(substr(p_atargets(2*i-1),1,j)<>substr(keystrng,1,j))) inext'su';pixxy p_row 2 0;tabget if (substr(p_atargets(2*i-1),1,j)=substr(keystrng,1,j)) then $found p_row = -1;p_error = 0 else;p_row = p_row - 1;p_error = 32;end end; if (p_error = 32) then type 'TARGET IN UV DATA FILE, BUT REFERENCE NOT - CANNOT DO THIS !!' end else type 'COULD NOT FIND TARGET IN UV DATA FILE - NOTHING TO REFERENCE' $ keep p_error non-zero to avoid next clcal end; if (p_error = 0) then $ pair observed in this freq-ID vget clcal;interpol p_interpol;sources p_atargets(2*i), '' calsour p_atargets(2*i-1), '';p_info('clcal') if (p_error = 0) then;runwait('clcal');vput clcal type '**'!!calsour(1)!!' USED TO PHASE-REFERENCE :'!!source(1)!!'**' end else type 'THUS :' p_atargets(2*i-1) p_atargets(2*i) type ' AS PHASE REFERENCE PAIR SKIPPED - NOT AS PAIR IN UV DATA SET' $ reset p_error to finish loop and program p_error = 0 end;end; else if (p_atargets(2) = '*') then vget clcal;interpol p_interpol;calsour p_atargets(1), '' for i=1:p_numcal;sources(i)='-'!!p_calsourc(i);end $ not the cal's p_info('clcal') if (p_error = 0) then runwait('clcal') type '** ALL NON-CALIBRATORS PHASE-REFERENCED TO :'!!calsour(1)!!'**' end;end;end;i = maxtab('sn');j = maxtab('cl'); p_clcnt(7) = j if(p_dopl>1.5) then p_snplot(inname, 1, 'sn', i, 'phas', -180, 180, 8) $ #4 p_snplot(inname, 1, 'sn', i, 'dela', 0, 0, 8) $ #4 p_snplot(inname, 1, 'sn', i, 'rate', 0, 0, 8) $ #4 p_snplot(inname, 1, 'sn', i, 'snr', 0, 0, 8) $ #4 p_plcnt(13) = maxtab('pl'); if(p_dohtml>0)then; p_line(1)=' "

Phase, delay, rate, snr in SN table after p_line(2)=' FRING

"'; p_htmlput(p_line) p_plotfile(p_expna,p_class,1,p_plcnt(12)+1, p_plcnt(13),'fring_sn');end p_snplot(inname, 1, 'cl', j, 'amp', 0, 0, 8) $ #7 p_plcnt(14) = maxtab('pl'); if(p_dohtml>0)then; p_line(1)=' "

Amplitude in CL table after p_line(2)=' FRING

"'; p_htmlput(p_line) p_plotfile(p_expna,p_class,1,p_plcnt(13)+1, p_plcnt(14),'framp_cl');end end if(p_dopl>0.5)then p_plcnt(14) = maxtab('pl') $ in case p_dopl=1 p_snplot(inname, 1, 'cl', j, 'phas', -180, 180, 8) $ #7 p_snplot(inname, 1, 'cl', j, 'dela', 0, 0, 8) $ #7 p_snplot(inname, 1, 'cl', j, 'rate', 0, 0, 8) $ #7 p_plcnt(15) = maxtab('pl'); if(p_dohtml>0 )then; p_line(1)=' "

Phase, delay, rate in CL table after FRING

p_line(2)='"'; p_htmlput(p_line) p_plotfile(p_expna,p_class,1,p_plcnt(14)+1, p_plcnt(15),'fring_cl');end for i=1 to p_numref by 2; p_vplot(p_expna, p_sq,maxtab('cl'),1,0, 9, 0.5, p_atarget(i));end p_plcnt(16) = maxtab('pl') if(p_dohtml>0)then; p_line(1)=' "

Phases of phase calibrator(s) with last p_line(2)=' CL table applied

" p_htmlput(p_line); p_plotfile(p_expna,p_class,1,p_plcnt(15)+1, p_plcnt(16),'phasecal')end end;end RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_SPLIT $ $ Split data for this frequency ID $---------------------------------------------- task 'split';outdisk indisk;sources'';doban 1;bpver=maxtab('bp');gainuse 0 douvcomp=-1; stokes='' timerang 0;outseq p_frequid;outclass substr(p_expna,1,6);keyword'naxis3' gethead;bchan 1;echan keyvalue(1);nchav 0 if (p_mode <> 'CONT') then $ pseudo cont or spectral line, no freq averaging aparm 0;type char(echan)!!' CHANNELS KEPT UNAVERAGED IN SINGLE SOURCE DATA' else $ continuum, grab all together aparm 2 0;type char(echan)!!' CHANNELS AVERAGED IN SINGLE SOURCE DATA' end;aparm(6)=1;p_info('split') if (p_error=0) then;runwait('split');end; RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_SETCELL (P_TYP) $ NOTE: sets cellsize, bchan, echan and nchav for imagr keyword'crval3';gethead;cellsize 2.25e6/keyv(1);bchan 1;echan 1;nchav 1 if (p_typ <> 'CONT') then $ spec cube or otf-avg channels keyword'naxis3';gethead;echan = keyvalue(1); if (p_typ = 'PSEU') then;nchav = keyvalue(1);else $ skip few channels if (p_typ = 'SPEC') then;bchan = ceil(echan/10);echan = floor(echan*9/10) if (bchan = 1) then;bchan = 2;end;else $ ie first channel usually empty type 'CANNOT DETERMINE IMAGE PARAMETERS';p_error = 15;end;end end; RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_SCMAP(J) task'imagr';imsize 128;nit 5000;flux 5e-4;sources'';timerang 0;docal -1 gainuse 0;outdisk 2;uvwtfn'na';imagrp(1) 25;imagrp(10) 1;doband -1;invers 0 dotv -1;inseq p_frequid;outn'';outseq p_frequid;outdisk p_disk fldsize p_factor*128 p_factor*128 0;minpatch fldsize(1,1);intype'uv' im2parm 10 6 9 0.5; nboxes 50 for i = j to p_numcal if (substr(p_calsourc(2),1,1)='*') then p_getuvf;inext'su';pixxy i 2 0;tabget;inname keystrng;inseq p_frequid else;inname p_calsourc(i);end inclass substr(p_expna,1,6);clrtemp;chkname if (error < 1) then $ always continuum image of strong sources (if > 10 vis) p_setcell('PSEU');timerang 0;keyword'gcount';gethead if ( (keyvalue(1) > 10) & (p_error = 0) ) then type 'CALIBRATOR :'!!inname!!' BEING IMAGED NOW';runwait('imagr') if (p_dopl > 0.5) then; p_kntr(inname);end p_plcnt(17) = maxtab('pl'); if(p_dohtml>0 & p_plcnt(17)>0) then; if(i=1) then;p_line(1)=' "


p_line(2)='"'; p_htmlput(p_line);end if(i<10) then p_plotfile(inname,inclass,inseq,1, p_plcnt(17),'IMAGCAL'!!char(i)) else p_plotfile(inname,inclass,inseq,1, p_plcnt(17),'IMACAL'!!char(i)) end;end $ if (substr(p_calsourc(2),1,1)<>'*') then $ if (p_no_slfcl(i) = 0) then $ task'scmap';out2disk p_disk;nmaps 4;aparm 3 0;solmode'';docal -1 $ if (p_solint = -1) then;solint = p_solint $ else;solint = p_solint;end;runwait('scmap') $ inc'SWTCHD';chkname;end;end end;clrtemp;end;end;clrtemp for i = 1 to p_numcal if (substr(p_calsourc(2),1,1)<>'*') then inname p_calsourc(i);inc'SCMAP';p_zapall $$ inc'SWTCHD';p_zapall inclass'IBM001';inseq 0;indisk p_disk;intype'ma';p_zapall inclass'RBM001';p_zapall;inclass'LBM001';p_zapall else inname p_expna;inclass 'UVDATA';inseq 0;ine'su' pixxy i 2 0;tabget;inname keystrng inclass'IBM001';inseq 0;intype'ma';indisk p_disk;p_zapall inclass'RBM001';p_zapall;inclass'LBM001';p_zapall end;intype'uv';end;clrtemp;recat;clrtemp RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_IMAGR imsize 512;fldsize p_imsize(1) p_imsize(2) 0;outc'';stokes='';doband=-1 im2parm 10 6 9 0.5; nboxes 50 if (p_numref > 0) then if (substr(p_atargets(2),1,1)='*') then inname p_expna;inclass 'UVDATA';p_getsurow;p_numref=p_row-p_numcal;p_sq=1 end; for i = 1 to p_numref if (substr(p_atargets(2),1,1)='*') then j = 0;inname p_expna;inclass 'UVDATA';inseq 1;inext'su' while ((p_sq<=p_row)&(j<>17)) pixxy p_sq 2 0;tabget;p_num = 1;j = length(keystrng) $ max 12 while ( (j<17) & (p_num<=p_numcal) ) if (substr(p_calsourc(p_num),1,j)=substr(keystrng,1,j)) then j = 17;p_sq = p_sq + 1 $ found, stop comparing, take next else p_num = p_num + 1;end end;if (j <> 17) then;inname keystrng;j = 17;p_sq = p_sq + 1;end;end else;inname p_atargets(2*i);end inseq p_frequid;outseq p_frequid;inclass substr(p_expna,1,6);chkname if (error < 1) then p_setcell(p_mode);timerang 0;keyword'gcount';gethead if ( (keyvalue(1) > 10) & (p_error = 0) ) then type 'TARGET :'!!inname!!' BEING IMAGED NOW';runwait('imagr');end if (p_error = 0 & p_dopl > 0.5) then; p_kntr(inname) end;end;end; p_plcnt(18) = maxtab('pl'); if(p_dohtml>0 & p_plcnt(18)>0) then; p_plotfile(inname,inclass,inseq,1, p_plcnt(18),'IMAGRTAR'); end for i = 1 to p_numref inname p_atargets(2*i);inclass'IBM001';inseq 0;indisk outdisk;intype'ma' p_zapall;inclass'RBM001';p_zapall;inclass'LBM001';p_zapall end;recat;end; RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE P_REPORT $ $ Report on tables and plots made $---------------------------------------------- if(p_dohtml>0) then p_line(1)=' "

Summary of the CL tables produced by VLBARUN: p_line(2)='

" p_htmlput(p_line); p_line(1)=' "CL#1: Input CL table p_line(2)='
"' p_htmlput(p_line); if (p_clcnt(1) > 0) then p_line(1)=' "CL#'!!char(p_clcnt(1))!!': Ionospheric correction added p_htmlput(p_line); end;if (p_clcnt(6) > 0) then p_line(1)=' "CL#'!!char(p_clcnt(6))!!': EOP correction added p_htmlput(p_line); end;if (p_clcnt(2) > 0) then p_line(1)=' "CL#'!!char(p_clcnt(2))!!': Sampler correction added p_htmlput(p_line); end;if (p_clcnt(3) > 0) then p_line(1)=' "CL#'!!char(p_clcnt(3))!!': Gain amplitude correction added p_htmlput(p_line); end;if (p_clcnt(4) > 0) then p_line(1)=' "CL#'!!char(p_clcnt(4))!!': Parallactic angle correction added p_htmlput(p_line); end;if (p_clcnt(5) > 0) then p_line(1)=' "CL#'!!char(p_clcnt(5))!!': Intrumnetal Phase-cal correction added p_htmlput(p_line); end;if (p_clcnt(7) > 0) then p_line(1)=' "CL#'!!char(p_clcnt(7))!!': Fringe fit added (final table) p_htmlput(p_line); end;end type ' ';type 'SUMMARY OF THE CL-TABLES PRODUCED FOR THIS DATA:';type ' ' type 'CL-1 : INPUT CL TABLE' if (p_clcnt(1) > 0) then type 'CL-'!!char(p_clcnt(1))!!' : IONOSPHERIC CORRECTION ADDED' end;if (p_clcnt(6) > 0) then type 'CL-'!!char(p_clcnt(6))!!' : EOP CORRECTION ADDED' end;if (p_clcnt(2) > 0) then type 'CL-'!!char(p_clcnt(2))!!' : SAMPLER CORRECTIONS ADDED' end;if (p_clcnt(3) > 0) then type 'CL-'!!char(p_clcnt(3))!!' : GAIN CORRECTIONS ADDED' end;if (p_clcnt(4) > 0) then type 'CL-'!!char(p_clcnt(4))!!' : PARALLACTIC ANGLE CORRECTION ADDED' end;if (p_clcnt(5) > 0) then type 'CL-'!!char(p_clcnt(5))!!' : INSTRUMENTAL P-CAL ADDED' end;if (p_clcnt(7) > 0) then type 'CL-'!!char(p_clcnt(7))!!' : TOTAL CALIBRATION TABLE' end; type ' ' if (p_dopl > 0.5) then $ report about plots made for i=14:2 by -1;if (p_plcnt(i)=0) then;p_plcnt(i)=p_plcnt(i+1);end;end type 'THESE PLOTS HAVE BEEN PRODUCED FOR THIS FREQUENCY-ID:'; type ' ' if (p_dopl > 1.5) then type '1-'!!char(p_plcnt(3))!!' SAMPLER CORRECTIONS IN SN' type char(p_plcnt(3)+1)!!'-'!!char(p_plcnt(4))!!' SAMPLER CORR. ADDED TO CL' type char(p_plcnt(4)+1)!!'-'!!char(p_plcnt(5))!!' GAIN CORRECTIONS IN SN' end; type char(p_plcnt(5)+1)!!'-'!!char(p_plcnt(6))!!' GAIN CORR. ADDED TO CL' if (VBA_NFQI > 1) then; type char(p_plcnt(7)+1)!!'-'!!char(p_plcnt(8))!!' (MANUAL?) P-CAL' end; type char(p_plcnt(11)+1)!!'-'!!char(p_plcnt(12))!!' BANDPASS CORRECTIONS' if (p_dopl > 1.5) then type char(p_plcnt(12)+1)!!'-'!!char(p_plcnt(13))!!' FRINGE-FIT SOLUTIONS IN SN' type char(p_plcnt(13)+1)!!'-'!!char(p_plcnt(14))!!' AMP IN FINAL CL TABLE'' end; type char(p_plcnt(14)+1)!!'-'!!char(p_plcnt(15))!!' FINAL CL TABLE' type char(p_plcnt(15)+1)!!'-'!!char(p_plcnt(16))!!' PHASES AFTER FINAL CAL' type ' ' end RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE VLBARUN $ $ Do whole VLBA pipeline $---------------------------------------------- * inputs vlbarun type '=============================================================' p_init;p_precheck; if (p_error = 0) then;p_load;end type '-------------------------' if (p_error = 0) then;p_instcal;end if (p_error = 0) then;p_extras;end if (p_error = 0) then;p_fring;end $ new bandpass table and plots here if (p_error = 0) then;p_split;end if (p_error = 0 & p_imsize(1)>0) then;p_scmap(1);end if (p_error = 0 & p_imsize(1)>0) then;p_imagr;end if (p_error = 0) then;p_report;end p_exit; if (p_error = 0) then if (p_dohtml>0) then p_line(2)='';p_line(1)=' "" p_htmlput(p_line) if(p_doemail>0) then default system; sysout '/tmp/p_tempmail syscom= 'echo "VLBARUN is done, please review your plots at: if(substr(p_dir,length(p_dir),length(p_dir))=':')then sys2com(1)='"'; system; syscom 'echo "file://" sys2com(1)=substr(p_outdir,2,length(p_outdir));sys2com(2) ='"vlbarun.html" else sys2com(1)= ' file:// sys2com(2)= substr(p_dir,1,length(p_dir))!!'vlbarun.html" end system; default system syscom= 'cat /tmp/p_tempmail | mail -s "VLBARUN DONE" sys2com(1)= p_email system;sys2com = '' syscom= '\rm /tmp/p_tempmail system end;end if (p_doemail>0 & p_dohtml<0) then default system syscom= 'echo "VLBARUN is done." sysout= '/tmp/p_tempmail system; default system syscom= 'cat /tmp/p_tempmail | mail -s "VLBARUN DONE" sys2com(1)= p_email system;sys2com = '' syscom= '\rm /tmp/p_tempmail system end type '';type 'USE P_ALLPLOT(X) TO PLOT FROM PL-VERSION X ON TV';type '' type 'PROCEDURE DONE, THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING AIPS FOR YOUR BUSINESS' else $ send e-mail saying procedure has failed if (p_doemail>0) then default system syscom= 'echo "VLBARUN failed, please review your inputs and try again." sysout= '/tmp/p_tempmail system; sysout ='' syscom= 'cat /tmp/p_tempmail | mail -s "VLBARUN FAILED" sys2com(1)= p_email system;sys2com = '' syscom= '\rm /tmp/p_tempmail system end type 'SOME ERROR OCCURRED - PLEASE REVIEW YOUR INPUTS AND TRY AGAIN' type p_error end; type '============================================================='; tget vlbarun RETURN;finish $=============================================== PROCEDURE PIPE vlbarun RETURN;finish $=============================================== procedure setoutfile outfile='mya:'!!inname!!'.'!!inclass!!'.'!!char(inseq);i=1 while ( i < length(outfile) ) if (substr(outfile,i,i) = ' ') then; substr(outfile,i,i) = '_';end;i=i+1 end typ outfile finish $=============================================== P_DEBUG = 0 $ can set to true and back in the interactive AIPS window