; HLPFILIT ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;! Interactive Clean box file editing with image display - run-time help ;# Task TV-APPL OOP INTERACTIVE ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2016 ;; Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, ;; MA 02139, USA. ;; ;; Correspondence concerning AIPS should be addressed as follows: ;; Internet email: aipsmail@nrao.edu. ;; Postal address: AIPS Project Office ;; National Radio Astronomy Observatory ;; 520 Edgemont Road ;; Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- C----------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFZOOM This option resets any zoom factors and zoom center. The image is actually shown in zoom only when the menu selection is not going on. Thus, the image is zoomed during cursor-value, Black-and-white and color enhancement and window and box setting among other things. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFTRAN This option turns of any black-and-white enhancements done in TVFIDDLE or TVTRAN. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFCOLOR This options turns of any color enhancements done in TVFIDDLE, TVPSEUDO, or TVFLAME. It does not turn off any enhancements done by TVTRAN, just the coloring. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- TVFIDDLE This option allows you to set the zoom factor and center to blow up the data plot for more accurate cursor positioning. It also allows you to alter the look-up-tables. Button A selects image enhancement, altering between black-and-white and the AIPS-standard color contours. Button B increments the zoom or resumes zoom-center mode, while button C decrements the zoom or resumes zoom-center mode. Button D ends the enhancing and returns to the menu. Instructions appear on the message screen. If you want to combine image enhancement with coloring use TVTRAN and TVPSEUDO or TVFLAME. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- TVZOOM This option lets you set the TV zoom magnification factor and to set the point about which the zoom takes place. The cursor points at the zoom center which will be shifted to the center of the screen. A hit on buttons A or B increments the magnification factor and on button C decrements the magnification factor in a circular fashion. Hit button D to exit. Instructions appear on the message screen. Note that the zoom is turned off when the menu is displayed, but turned back on during other interactive functions. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- TVTRAN This option allows you to set the black-and-white transfer function using the TV cursor to control intercept and slope. Buttons A and B turn a plot of the LUT on and off, button C reverses the sign of the slope, and button D ends the enhancement and returns to the menu. Instructions appear on the message screen. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- TVPSEUDO This option allows you to set the color transfer function using the TV cursor. Button A loops through all possible RGB triangles, button B selects a circle in hue (which is very useful for phase displays), button C selects several color contours, and button D ends the enhancement and returns to the menu. As in AIPS, the TV cursor is used to adjust the colors within the selected function. Instructions appear on the message screen. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- TVFLAME This option allows you to set the color transfer function using the TV cursor and a flame-like color scheme. Buttons A and B cycle through the sequence of all possible color combinations, while buttons C and D end the enhancement and return to the menu. The TV cursor X position adjusts the image intensity at which the color turns more white, while the Y position adjusts the way colors add (the gamma). Instructions appear on the message screen. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- CURVALUE To perform an interactive display of the pixel locations and values of the image visible on the TV. The X and Y pixel coordinates, the pixel value, and the units of the pixel value are displayed in TV graphics channels 3 and 4 at the upper left of the display. The cursor position determine which pixel is shown. Button D ends the display and returns to the menu. Instructions appear on the message screen. The pixel values are read from disk and hence preserve accuracy. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- REBOX This option lets you create up to 4096 Clean boxes to restrict the search for components in the current facet. The boxes may be circular or rectangular. REBOX begins by displaying any current Clean boxes and then goes into the search mode to revise the current Clean boxes. While setting the lower left corner (or circle center) of each box for the first time, button A or B will mark the point and switch to setting the upper right corner (or radius) of the box. Button C will switch between setting a rectangle and setting a circle and button D will delete the current partial box and return to the menu. While setting the upper right corner (or radius) re-setting the lower left or center, button A marks the current point (corner, center, or radius) and switches to the opposite point (BLC <-> TRC, center <-> radius). Button B marks the current point and switches to the next (new) box, button C marks the current point and switches to a search mode leading to the resetting of a previous box, and button D exits. In search mode, move the cursor to any lower left or upper right corner of any already set rectangular box (or any center or any place on the circumference of an already set circular box) and press button A or B to reset that point or push button C to go on to the next box or button D to go back to the menu. The number of boxes is set by this function. Instructions appear on the message screen and the TV cursor cannot be moved to make a box extend beyond the (full) TV window. NOTE: functions REBOX and DELBOX may be used to reset the results if needed. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- DELBOX This option lets you delete some or all of the existing Clean boxes in the current facet. DELBOX shows you all the current boxes in the current facet or at least those boxes that appear partially in the selected window of the current facet. It begins in the search mode. Move the cursor to the lower left or upper right corner of rectangular boxes or the center or anywhere on the circumference of circular boxes and press buttons A or B. The selected box will change color. If it is the desired box, hit button A and it will disappear and DELBOX will return to the search mode. If you want to keep the box, hit buttons B, C or D and it will return to the initial color and be retained. If you hit button B or C, DELBOX returns to the search mode. Button D exits at any time with no more deletions. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOBOX This option looks at the full image of the present facet. It starts by blanking out the edges and corner, keeping an inscribed ellipse whose diameter is the image size minus 2*IM2PARM(6). It then blanks out all current boxes. Having done this, it determines the rms and peak of the "residual" image. It finds islands of emmision greater than IM2PARM(2)*rms, keeps those islands that have a peak pixel above both IM2PARM(3)*rms and IM2PARM(4)*peak residual, and turns the strongest IM2PARM(1) of these into boxes. Each of these boxes is expanded by IM2PARM(5) pixels (allowed range -1 to 6) in all directions beyond the basic island size. Islands that are only 1 pixel on one of the sides are made into boxes only if their peaks are rather larger than the above cutoffs. You can repeat AUTOBOX until all islands are too weak or too small to meet the criteria. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOBOX PARMS This option prompts you on the terminal for all of the IM2PARM auto-boxing parameters. The current value is shown in brackets, but you must enter a number to respond to each question. Entering 0 for most questions causes that parameter to remain unchanged. The expand boxes question has 0 as a legitimate answer so you would have to answer -2 to get an unchanged value. The parameters are requested in the order of IM2PARM and the full set entered is repeated in the message window. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- DEL ALL BOXES This option allows you to set the current number of boxes in the current facet to zero. REBOX and AUTOBOX may then be used to make boxes, if needed, in the current facet. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- RESET BOXES This option resets the number of boxes and their description to what they were when work on this facet was begun THIS TIME. The resetting would allow recovery from an erroneous deletion or excessive AUTOBOX operation. Note that any selection of NEXT FACET, LAST FACET, or ENTER FACET freezes the current description of this facet's boxes and one cannot return to a previous description. When you start on a facet, the boxes for that facet at that moment are remembered in a special memory and may be used to replace any new set of boxes for that facet until you leave or attempt to leave that facet for another. At that time, this special memory is overwritten by the boxes of the new facet. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK BOXES This option examines all boxes one facet at a time to see if they overlap boxes in any of the other facets. If so, the smaller of the two boxes is deleted. The routine uses fiducial points: the center and 4 corners of rectangles and the center and 8 points around the circumference of circles. If more than 1 fiducial point in a box lies within another box in another facet then the two are taken to be in conflict and the smaller one is deleted from the list. Note that Cleaning the same source at the same time from two separate facets will cause difficulties - OVERLAP >= 2 mode avoids this by Cleaning one facet at a time, but OVERLAP < 2 mode does all facets at once and can have trouble with overlapped boxes. NOTE: there is no difficulty with boxes overlapping within the same facet. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT FACET This option changes from the current facet image to the facet numbered one higher, wrapping back to facet 1 when it exceeds NFIELD. The new facet image is loaded to the TV, either in a regular TV load to channel one if the image will fit fully on the TV, or in a "roam" mode if the image is larger in one or both dimensions. While roaming, the cursor position controls the portion of the image that is visible. You may zoom the image with Buttons A or B and reduce the image zoom with Button C, but this zooming may confuse the "captured" image. Use TVZOOM instead after the image is "captured." Hitting Button D turns off the roam mode and the currently visible image will be "captured" as a simple image loaded to image plane 1 for processing by REBOX, DELBOX, etc. Use REROAM to change the selected subimage to allow editing of all Clean boxes for the facet. This operation freezes the current facet's box description and enables the box description of the new facet to be RESET BOXES. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- LAST FACET This option changes from the current facet image to the facet numbered one lower, wrapping back to facet NFIELD when it drops below 1. The new facet image is loaded to the TV, either in a regular TV load to channel one if the image will fit fully on the TV, or in a "roam" mode if the image is larger in one or both dimensions. While roaming, the cursor position controls the portion of the image that is visible. You may zoom the image with Buttons A or B and reduce the image zoom with Button C, but this zooming may confuse the "captured" image. Use TVZOOM instead after the image is "captured." Hitting Button D turns off the roam mode and the currently visible image will be "captured" as a simple image loaded to image plane 1 for processing by REBOX, DELBOX, etc. Use REROAM to change the selected subimage to allow editing of all Clean boxes for the facet. This operation freezes the current facet's box description and enables the box description of the new facet to be RESET BOXES. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTER FACET This option allows you to switch to any of the available facets. The program will prompt you for a number and then will switch to that new facet number. Note that selecting this option will reset the remembered boxes used by RESET BOXES even if you enter the facet number of the current facet.p C----------------------------------------------------------------------- REROAM This option causes a resumption of the roam operation begun when the facet image was first loaded and is available only when the facets are larger than the TV display on one or both axes. While roaming, the cursor position controls the portion of the image that is visible. You may zoom the image with Buttons A or B and reduce the image zoom with Button C, but this zooming may confuse the "captured" image. Use TVZOOM instead after the image is "captured." Hitting Button D turns off the roam mode and the currently visible image will be "captured" as a simple image loaded to image plane 1 for processing by REBOX, DELBOX, etc. Use REROAM again to change the selected subimage to allow editing of all Clean boxes for the facet. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- EXIT This option causes all the edited Clean boxes (and those that were not changed) to be written to OBOXFILE. Then the task exits. C-----------------------------------------------------------------------