; TV ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ;! Information about TV ;# INFORMATION GENERAL ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1998, 2000-2001, 2003-2004, 2006, 2008-2012 ;; Copyright (C) 2014-2017 ;; Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, ;; MA 02139, USA. ;; ;; Correspondence concerning AIPS should be addressed as follows: ;; Internet email: aipsmail@nrao.edu. ;; Postal address: AIPS Project Office ;; National Radio Astronomy Observatory ;; 520 Edgemont Road ;; Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- TV LLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUU CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ---------------------------------------------------------------- List of verbs, adverbs, tasks in category TV BLANK blanks out selected, e.g. non-signal, portions of an image CHARMULT Changes the multiplication factor for TV characters CNTR generate a contour plot file or TV plot from an image COLORS specifies the desired TV colors COSTAR Verb to plot a symbol at given position on top of a TV image COTVLOD Proc to load an image into a TV channel about a coordinate CURBLINK switch TV cursor between steady and blinking displays CURVALUE displays image intensities selected via the TV cursor DEFCOLOR Sets adverb PLCOLORS to match s default XAS TV DELBOX Verb to delet boxes with TV cursor & graphics display. DELTAX Increment or size in X direction DELTAY Increment or size in Y direction DFILEBOX Verb to delete Clean boxes with TV cursor & write to file DONEWTAB do we make new tables, use a new table format, etc. DOTV selects use of TV display option in operation DRAWBOX Verb to draw Clean boxes on the display FACTOR scales some display or CLEANing process FILEBOX Verb to reset Clean boxes with TV cursor & write to file FILIT Interactive BOXFILE editing with facet images GRBLINK Verb which blinks 2 TV graphics planes GRCHAN specifies the TV graphics channel to be used GRCLEAR clears the contents of the specified TV graphics channels GREAD reads the colors of the specified TV graphics channel GROFF turns off specified TV graphics channelS GRON turns on specified TV graphics channelS GWRITE reads the colors of the specified TV graphics channel HLPTVHLD Interactive image display with histogram equalization - run-time help HLPTVSAD Find & fit Gaussians to an image with interaction - run-time help HLPTVSPC Interactive display of spectra from a cube - run-time help HUEWEDGE Show a wedge on the TV suitable for TVHUEINT displays HUINT make RGB image from images of intensity & hue, like TVHUEINT IM2TV Verb to convert pixel coordinates to TV pixels IMERASE replaces an image portion of the TV screen with zeros IMLHS converts images to luminosity/hue TV display IMPOS displays celestial coordinates selected by the TV cursor IMWEDGE load step wedge of full range of image values to TV IMXY returns pixel coordinates selected by the TV cursor MFITSET gets adverbs for running IMFIT and JMFIT NBOXES Number of boxes NCCBOX Number of clean component boxes OFFHUINT Proc which restores TV functions to normal after TVHUE OFFPSEUD Verb which deactivates all pseudo-color displays OFFSCROL Verb which deactivates scroll of an image OFFTRAN Verb which restores transfer function to normal OFFZOOM Verb which returns the hardware IIS zoom to normal OFMFILE specifies the name of a text file containing OFM values PCNTR Generate plot file with contours plus polarization vectors PIX2XY Specifies a pixel in an image PIXAVG Average image value PIXRANGE Range of pixel values to display PIXSTD RMS pixel deviation PIXVAL Value of a pixel PROFL Generates plot file for a profile display. REBOX Verb to reset boxes with TV cursor & graphics display. REMOVIE Verb to rerun a previously loaded (TVMOVIE) movie REROAM Verb to use previous roam image mode, then does roam RGBCOLOR specifies the desired TV graphics color RGBGAMMA specifies the desired color gamma corrections RGBMP Task to create an RGB image from the 3rd dim of an image ROAM Roam around an image too large for the display. ROAMOFF Verb to recover image from roam display in simple display mode ROMODE Specified roam mode SETMAXAP Examines/alters system parameter limiting dynamic pseudo-AP SETROAM Verb use to set roam image mode, then do roam. OBSOLETE SETSLICE Set slice endpoints on the TV interactively SETXWIN Procedure to set BLC and TRC with TV cursor TBLC Gives the bottom left corner of an image to be displayed TTRC Specifies the top right corner of a subimage to be displayed TV1SET Verb to reset 1D gaussian fitting initial guess on TV plot. TV3COLOR Verb to initiate 3-color display using 3 TV channels TVACOMPS Verb to add slice model components directly on TV graphics TVAGUESS Verb to re-plot slice model guess directly on TV graphics TVALL Procedure loads image to TV, shows labeled wedge, enhances TVAMODEL Verb to add slice model display directly on TV graphics TVANOT Verb to load anotation to the TV image or graphics TVARESID Verb to add slice model residuals directly on TV graphics TVASLICE Verb to add a slice display on TV graphics from slice file TVBLINK Verb which blinks 2 TV planes, can do enhancement also TVBOX Verb to set boxes with TV cursor & graphics display. TVBUT Tells which AIPS TV button was pushed TVCHAN Specified a TV channel (plane) TVCLEAR Verb to clear image from TV channel(s) TVCOLORS Sets adverb PLCOLORS to match the TV (DOTV=1) usage TVCOMPS Verb to display slice model components directly on TV graphics TVCORN Specified the TV pixel for the bottom left corner of an image TVCPS Task to copy a TV screen-image to a PostScript file. TVCUBE Verb to load a cube into tv channel(s) & run a movie TVDIC Task to copy a TV screen-image to a Dicomed film recorder. TVDIST determines spherical distance between two pixels on TV screen TVFIDDLE Verb enhances B/W or color TV image with zooms TVFLUX displays coordinates and values selected with the TV cursor TVGUESS Verb to display slice model guess directly on TV graphics TVHELIX Verb to activate a helical hue-intensity TV pseudo-coloring TVHLD Task to load an image to the TV with histogram equalization TVHUEINT Verb to make hue/intensity display from 2 TV channels TVHUI make TV image from images of intensity, hue, saturation TVILINE Verb to draw a straight line on an image on the TV TVINIT Verb to return TV display to a virgin state TVLABEL Verb to label the (map) image on the TV TVLAYOUT Verb to label the holography image on the TV with panel layout TVLEVS Gives the peak intensity to be displayed in levels TVLINE Verb to load a straight line to the TV image or graphics TVLOD Verb to load an image into a TV channel TVLUT Verb which modifies the transfer function of the image TVMAXFIT displays fit pixel positions and intensity at maxima on TV TVMBLINK Verb which blinks 2 TV planes either auto or manually TVMLUT Verb which modifies the transfer function of the image TVMODEL Verb to display slice model directly on TV graphics TVMOVIE Verb to load a cube into tv channel(s) & run a movie TVNAME Verb to fill image name of that under cursor TVOFF Verb which turns off TV channel(s). TVON Turns on one or all TV image planes TVPHLAME Verb to activate "flame-like" pseudo-color displays TVPL Display a plot file on the TV TVPOS Read a TV screen position using cursor TVPSEUDO Verb to activate three types of pseudo-color displays TVRESET Reset the TV without erasing the image planes TVRESID Verb to display slice model residuals directly on TV graphics TVRGB make TV image from images of true color (RGB) images TVROAM Load up to 16 TV image planes and roam a subset thereof TVSAD Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image with interaction TVSCROL Shift position of image on the TV screen TVSET Verb to set slice Gaussian fitting initial guesses from TV plot TVSLICE Verb to display slice file directly on TV TVSPC Display images and spectra from a cube TVSPLIT Compare two TV image planes, showing halves TVSTAR Verb to plot star positions on top of a TV image TVSTAT Find the mean and RMS in a blotch region on the TV TVTRANSF Interactively alters the TV image plane transfer function TVWEDGE Show a linear wedge on the TV TVWINDOW Set a window on the TV with the cursor TVWLABEL Put a label on the wedge that you just put on the TV TVXY Pixel position on the TV screen TVZOOM Activate the TV zoom TXINC TV X coordinate increment TYINC TV Y coordinate increment TZINC TV Z coordinate increment WEDERASE Load a wedge portion of the TV with zeros XAS Information about TV-Servers XVSS Information about older Sun OpenWindows-specific TV-Server