13.25 PLOT

AGAUS    Fits 1-dimensional Gaussians to absorption-line spectra
ALIAS    adverb to alias antenna numbers to one another
ALVAR    Plots the Allan Variance statistic of a UV data set
ANBPL    plots and prints uv data converted to antenna based values
ASPMM    Plot scaling parameter - arc seconds per millimeter on plot
AVGCHAN    Controls averaging of spectral channels
AVGIF    Controls averaging of IF channels
BDROP    gives number of pooints dropped at the beginning
BLPLT    Plots BLCAL tables in 2 dimensions as function of baseline and IF
BLSUM    sums images over irregular sub-images, displays spectra
BPEPL    Plots bandpass tables overlaying multiple times like BPEDT
BPERR    Print and plot BPASS closure outputs
BPLOT    Plots bandpass tables in 2 dimensions as function of time
BPPLT    Plots selected contents of bandpass (BP) files versus time
CAPLT    plots closure amplitude and model from CC file
CBPLOT    selects a display of a Clean beam full width at half maximum
CCNTR    Generate a contour plot file from an image with CC or MF plotted
CHEBI    Make text file to plot Chebyshev polynomials
CIRCLEVS    Sets RGBLEVS to fill LEVS with a circular color scheme
CLEV    Contour level multiplier in physical units
CLOSE    plots closure phase or amplitude spectra averaged over closures
CLPLT    plots closure phase and model from CC file
CNTR    generate a contour plot file or TV plot from an image
CODETYPE    specifies the desired operation or data type
CON3COL    Controls use of full 3-color graphics for contouring
CONPL    Plots AIPS gridding convolution functions
COPIES    sets the number of copies to be made
COSTAR    Verb to plot a symbol at given position on top of a TV image
DARKLINE    The level at which vectors are switched from light to dark
DEFCOLOR    Sets adverb PLCOLORS to match s default XAS TV
DELZN    Determines residual atmosphere depth at zenith and clock errors
DFTPL    plots DFT of a UV data set at arbitrary point versus time
DIST    gives a distance
DO3COLOR    Controls whether full 3-color graphics are used in a plot
DOALIGN    specifies how two or more images are aligned in computations
DOBLANK    controls handling of blanking
DOCENTER    selects something related to centering
DOCIRCLE    select a ”circular” display (i.e. trace coordinates, ...)
DOCOLOR    specifies whether coloring is done
DOCONT    selects a display of contour lines
DOCRT    selects printer display or CRT display (giving width)
DODARK    specifies whether ”dark” vectors are plotted dark or light
DOEBAR    Controls display of estimates of the uncertainty in the data
DOFRACT    Tells whether to compute a fraction or ratio
DOGREY    selects a display of a grey-scale image
DOHIST    selects a histogram display or controls writing of history file
DOHMS    selects sexagesimal (hours-mins-secs) display format
DOMODEL    selects display of model function
DOPLOT    Controls plotting of something
DOPRINT    selects printer display or CRT display (giving width)
DORESID    selects display of differences between model and data
DOSLICE    selects display of slice data
DOVECT    selects display of polarization vectors
DOWEDGE    selects display of intensity step wedge
EDROP    number of points/iterations to be omitted from end of process
ELFIT    Plots/fits selected contents of SN, TY, SY, PC or CL files
ELINT    Determines and removes gain dependence on elevation
EXTAB    exports AIPS table data as tab-separated text
EXTLIST    lists detailed information about contents of extension files
FACTOR    scales some display or CLEANing process
FGPLT    Plots selected contents of FG table
FLAMLEVS    Sets RGBLEVS to fill LEVS with a red flame color scheme
FRPLT    Task to plot fringe rate spectra
FTARS    Fits 1-dimensional polarization spectrum to Q/U text file
FUNCTYPE    specifies type of intensity transfer function
GAL    Determine parameters from a velocity field
GCPLT    Plots gain curves from text files
GREYS    plots images as contours over multi-level grey
GSTAR    Task to read a Guide Star (UK) table and create an ST table.
HLPUFLAG    Edit uv-data on a grid UFLAG - run-time help
HLPWIPER    edit uv data from UVPLT-like plot WIPER - run-time help
ICUT    specifies a cutoff level in units of the image
IMEAN    displays the mean & extrema and plots histogram of an image
IMRMS    Plot IMEAN rms answers
IMVIM    plots one image’s values against another’s
IRING    integrates intensity / flux in rings / ellipses
ISPEC    Plots and prints spectrum of region of a cube
KNTR    make a contour/grey plot file from an image w multiple panels
LABEL    selects a type of extra labeling for a plot
LAYER    Task to create an RGB image from multiple images
LEVS    list of multiples of the basic level to be contoured
LPEN    specifies the ”pen width” code # =¿ width of plotted lines
LTYPE    specifies the type and degree of axis labels on plots
LWPLA    translates plot file(s) to a PostScript printer or file
MARSP    Check planetary polarization angles, plot histogram of differences
MF2ST    Task to generate an ST ext. file from Model Fit ext. file
NPLOTS    gives number of plots per page or per job
NX    General adverb referring to a number of things in the X direction
NY    General adverb referring to a number of things in the Y direction
OBPLT    Plot columns of an OB table.
OFMFILE    specifies the name of a text file containing OFM values
OKCOLORS    Sets adverb PLCOLORS to use less ink (white background)
PCFIT    Finds delays and phases using a pulse-cal (PC) table
PCHIS    Generates a histogram plot file from text input, e.g. from PCRMS
PCNTR    Generate plot file with contours plus polarization vectors
PCPLT    Plots pulse-cal tables in 2 dimensions as function of time
PCUT    Cutoff in polarized intensity
PDPLT    Plots selected contents of PD tables
PFPL1    Paraform Task to generate a plot file: (does grey scale)
PFPL2    Paraform Task to generate a plot file: (slice intensity)
PFPL3    Paraform Task to generate a plot file: (does histogram)
PLCOLORS    specifies the colors to be used
PLCUB    Task to plot intensity vs x panels on grid of y,z pixels
PLEV    Percentage of peak to use for contour levels
PLGET    gets the adverbs used to make a particular plot file
PLOTC    Plots color schems used by 3-color plot tasks
PLOTR    Basic task to generate a plot file from text input
PLRFI    Plots spectral statistics from output of VBRFI & VLBRF
PLROW    Plot intensity of a series of rows with an offset.
PLVER    specifies the version number of a PL extension file
POL3COL    Controls use of full 3-color graphics for polarization lines
POLPLOT    specifies the desired polarization ratio before plotting.
POSTSCRIP    General comments about AIPS use of PostScript incl macros
PRINTER    Verb to set or show the printer(s) used
PROFL    Generates plot file for a profile display.
PRTAB    prints any table-format extension file
PRTAN    prints the contents of the ANtenna extension file
PRTIM    prints image intensities from an MA catalog entry
PVPLOT    selects a display of a polarization vector in a box in a corner
RAINLEVS    Sets RGBLEVS to fill LEVS with a rainbow color scheme
RGBLEVS    colors to be applied to the contour levels
RIRMS    computes rms of real/imag of a selected subset of a uv data set
RM2PL    Plots spectrum of a pixel with RMFIT fit
RMFIT    Fits 1-dimensional polarization spectrum to Q/U cube
RSPEC    Plots and prints spectrum of rms of a cube
SCLIM    operates on an image with a choice of mathematical functions
SL2PL    Task to convert a Slice File to a Plot File
SLPRT    Task to print a Slice File
SNBLP    Plots selected contents of SN or CL files on a baseline basis
SNFIT    Fits parabola to SN amplitudes and plots result
SNIFS    Plots selected contents of SN, TY, SY, PC or CL files by IF
SNPLT    Plots selected contents of SN, SY, TY, PC or CL files versus time
SOUSP    fits source spectral index from SU table or adverbs
SPRMS    Plots spectral statistics of a selected subset of a uv data set
STARS    Task to generate an ST ext. file with star positions
STEPLEVS    Sets RGBLEVS to fill LEVS with a repeated sequence of colors
STFND    Task to find stars in an image and generate an ST table.
STVERS    star display table version number
SYMBOL    General adverb, probably defines a plotting symbol type
SYVSN    Plots selected SY/TY data with SN solution values versus time
TADIF    prints differences between two table-format extension files
TAPLT    Plots data from a Table extension file
TARPL    Plot input and output text files of the TARS task
TEKSERVER    Information about the X-11 Tektronix emulation server
TEKSRV    Information about the X-11 Tektronix emulation server
TEPLT    Plots selected contents of TE (TECOR) parameter tables
TKAMODEL    Verb to add slice model display directly on TEK
TKARESID    Verb to add slice model residuals directly on TEK
TKASLICE    Verb to add a slice display on TEK from slice file
TKBOX    Procedure to set a Clean box with the TK cursor
TKERASE    Erase the graphics screen or window
TKGUESS    Verb to display slice model guess directly on TEK
TKMODEL    Verb to display slice model directly on TEK
TKNBOXS    Procedure to set Clean boxes 1 - n with the TK cursor
TKPL    Task to send a plot file to the TEK
TKPOS    Read a position from the graphics screen or window
TKRESID    Verb to display slice model residuals directly on TEK
TKSLICE    Verb to display slice file directly on TEK
TKWIN    Procedure to set BLC and TRC with Graphics cursor
TVACOMPS    Verb to add slice model components directly on TV graphics
TVAGUESS    Verb to re-plot slice model guess directly on TV graphics
TVAMODEL    Verb to add slice model display directly on TV graphics
TVARESID    Verb to add slice model residuals directly on TV graphics
TVASLICE    Verb to add a slice display on TV graphics from slice file
TVCOLORS    Sets adverb PLCOLORS to match the TV (DOTV=1) usage
TVCOMPS    Verb to display slice model components directly on TV graphics
TVGUESS    Verb to display slice model guess directly on TV graphics
TVMODEL    Verb to display slice model directly on TV graphics
TVPL    Display a plot file on the TV
TVRESID    Verb to display slice model residuals directly on TV graphics
TVSLICE    Verb to display slice file directly on TV
TVSTAR    Verb to plot star positions on top of a TV image
TXPL    Displays a plot (PL) file on a terminal or line printer
UFLAG    Plots and edits data using a uv-plane grid and the TV
UVHGM    Plots statistics of uv data files as histogram.
UVHOL    Prints holography data from a UV data base with calibration
UVPLT    Plots data from a UV data base in multiple ways
UVPRM    measures parameters from a UV data base
UVRMS    computes statistics of a selected subset of a uv data set
VBRFI    Plots spectral statistics of VLBA autocorrelation data for RFI
VLBACRPL    Plots crosscorrelations
VLBASNPL    Plots selected contents of SN or CL files
VLBRF    Plots spectral statistics of VLBA autocorrelation data for RFI
VPLOT    Plots uv data and model from CC file
WETHR    Plots selected contents of WX tables, flags data based on WX
WIPER    plots and edits data from a UV data base using the TV
XAXIS    Which parameter is plotted on the horizontal axis.
XBASL    Fits and subtracts nth-order baselines from cube (x axis)
XG2PL    Plots spectrum of a pixel with XGAUS/AGAUS and ZEMAN/ZAMAN fits
XGAUS    Fits 1-dimensional Gaussians to images: restartable
XPLOT    Plots image rows one at a time on the graphics or TV screen
ZAMAN    Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to absorption-line data
ZEMAN    Fits 1-dimensional Zeeman model to data