;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Copyright (C) 2022-2024 ; Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free ; Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, ; MA 02139, USA. ; ; Correspondence concerning AIPS should be addressed as follows: ; Internet email: aipsmail@nrao.edu. ; Postal address: AIPS Project Office ; National Radio Astronomy Observatory ; 520 Edgemont Road ; Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This file must be used to record any changes made to the Master version of AIPS kept in SOCORRO. An entry is: line 1: Date Program name Your name line 2: What was done (may span multiple lines) line n-1: Where has this change been moved (e.g. 15JUL94, nowhere) line n: Blank The details of line 1 are important since programs are used to find specified strings and do conversions on them. It MUST be typed as follows: 1 blank, 4 digits, a period, two blanks, then the Month, day, comma, year, some space, a title, some more space, your name. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Changes while 31DEC23 is TST *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** 15858. December 1, 2022 Code rollover Eric Changed $APLSUB/GETRLS.FOR. $INSUNIX/INSTEP1, $SYSPERL/install.pl, $SYSPERL/update.pl, $SYSPERL/ZXHLP2.PL, $SYSPERL/LaCook.PL, $UPDUNIX/UPDCONTROL, $SYSUNIX/AIPSPATH.CSH, $SYSUNIX/AIPSPATH.SH $SYSUNIX/AIPSPATH1.CSH, $SYSUNIX/AIPSPATH1.SH to make 31DEC22 instead of 31DEC21 - also fix dates in install.pl and update.pl. Moved nowhere. 15859. December 7, 2022 DOPOL correction Eric Reverted POLSET to the old version. It is not correct to determine continuum gains and then D terms assuming that the D terms are zero and then to apply them to both cross and parallel hand data. D terms are again applied only to cross-hand data. MOved to 31DEC22 thuis date. 15860. December 9, 2022 SPFLG Eric Changed the ENTER BASELINE option to take 2 antenna numbers and look them up in the baseline array. This might have an issue with multiple subarrays. So added option N 0 to give the old baseline number. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15861. December 15, 2022 UVPRT Eric An error is setting up the column pointers allowed the task to go on a nearly infinite loop and then die. Made a similar but less essential correction in UVFND and PRTUV. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15862. December 16, 2022 UVFND Eric When averaging channels before testing clip levels, the task checked the wrong data values (mostly not averaged ones). Corrected to test the averaged channels. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15863. December 22, 2022 UVFND Eric Did not label linear polarization properly. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15864. December 27, 2022 DVHGET Eric The Faraday rotation calibration was added to the parallactic angle terms. Moved to 31DEC21 this date. 15865. December 27, 2022 Y2K Eric Recomputed the Y2K images for all 4 sizes. Changed the ftp and web direct areas to contain only 31DEC10 and 31DEC22 directories with the FITS files. Updated Y2K.HLP and the web pages. Moved everywhere. 15866. December 27, 2022 AIPSPATH Eric Removed DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH which Macs no longer allow. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15867. December 27, 2022 FGSPW Eric For some reason it only reported parallel hand flags. Fixed it to report all 4. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15868. December 30, 2022 TECOR Eric Subroutine GETSIP had an error processing the ionosphere azimuth and so caused TECOR to get incorrect Faraday rotation values at positive hour angles. The values weren't crazy, just not right. Plots of IFR versus hour angle showed jumps at 0 while corrected ones are much smoother. Moved to 31DEC22 and 31DEC21 this date. 15869. December 30, 2022 AIPSLetter Eric Put LET22B TEX, PS, PDF into the system including web pages. MOved everywhere. 15870. January 3, 2023 VHDIF Eric The smoothing of the solutions removed the 180 addition. MOved to 31DEC22 this date. 15871. January 4, 2023 CookBook Eric Changed ABOUT help files on 30 November: ADVERB CALIBRAT HARDCOPY MODELING PLOT POLARIZA POPS PROCEDUR RUN SPECTRAL TASK UV VERB VLBI And more on January 3, 2023 ADVERB, UV CookBook chapters for 2: Index typo 4: XXYY -> VVHH, CALIN, VHCAL, VHCALIB, RFLAG output, TEC RLDIF (time) 6: POSSM table plotting 9: TEC, VLBRF 12: Index typo 13: 14 sections updated L: VHMOD 0, I, J updated CookBook PostScript everywhere, $DOCTXT nowhere. 15872. January 11, 2023 UVCOP Eric Changed: PPSEL new subroutine to copy PP tables selecting on time IF, channel, etc CALCOP Add PPSEL UVCOP Add PPSEL WXSEL Fixed comments to be correct for WX table NOIFS Removed a number of xxSEL routines for table types which depend on IF. SPLAT Added PPSEL SYSOL Added PPSEL TYAPL Added PPSEL UVDEC Created PPFSEL (PPSEL with CHINC) UVFRE Add PD PP to not copied list UJOIN Add PP to those discarded PRTUV Changed maximum source from 500 to 5000. Moved nowhere. 15873. January 11, 2023 PRTAB, TADIF Eric Corrected PRTAB and TADIF - the units are 8 characters not 24. Changed TADIF to not treat differences in column labels and units as hard errors. It is best to allow the task to go to the actual table data and report things from there. Also added JTRIM to the units and labels to make sure they are blank filled rather than 0-filled. Changed SYINI keywords to match those of OBIT's BDFIn in their order and to include REVISION. Moved nowhere. 15874. January 11, 2023 SYFIX Eric NEW TASK: Make sure that the source numbers in the SY table match up with those in the data. Moved nowhere. 15875. January 13, 2023 NOIFS Eric Added code to enable CP table copying. The routine to do it was present but not invoked. The other bandpass-like tables are calibration tables and so should not be copied here. Added progress messages as well. Moved nowhere. 15876. January 13, 2023 POSSM Eric Corrected error that caused the IF divider lines to be missing in the second column of subimages. Changed code so that the horizontal axis will show tick numbers in every subimage. Knowing which is the last on each column is too tricky when expected data are not present. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15877. January 20, 2023 DBCON Eric When AN files differ in array center, number Pcals, number of orbits, or FQID, they are not merged. It is better to issue a message about this. Change help to recommend first file be the one with extra antennas. Moved nowhere. 15878. January 23, 2023 TECOR Eric Changed GETSIP to make the azimuth of the ionosphere pierce point be close to the source azimuth. The ASIN function limited AZion to + and - 90 so need to deal with azimuths from 90 to 270. Moved to 31DEC22 and 31DEC21 this date. 15879. January 23, 2023 DANT.INC, MATCH Eric ANREFM used DANT.INC and was called whenever antenna files were opened. This made the COMMON change in not obvious ways. Broke DANT.INC into a declaration include IANT.INC and have DANT.INC reference that to make up the COMMON. Changed ANREFM to use only IANT.INC. Made changes to MATCH to allow the two files to have somewhat different AN files. Moved nowhere. 15880. January 27, 2023 TE table, TECOR Eric Create TEINI and TABTE to save all 15 relevant parameters from the ionospheric Faraday rotation computation so that they may be examined. Added DOTABLE option to TECOR to cause this table to be written optionally. Moved nowhere. 15881. January 27, 2023 TEPLT Eric NEW TASK. Plots any of the TE parameters against any other parameter. Can plot multiple ones on panels in Y and more than one antenna in multiple panels like SNPLT. Unless the data are VLB data, multiple antennas is not interesting. Moved nowhere. 15882. February 1, 2023 AIPS Memo 117 Eric Added the TE table description and example. Moved nowhere. 15883. February 2, 2023 TEPLT Eric Minor changes to TEPLT to assist EXTLIST. Changed AU2A (PLGET) and AU8A (EXTLIST) to add TEPLT. Moved nowhere. 15884. February 2, 2023 AMKAT Eric NEW TASK: Renumbers antennas so that the antenna number matches the station number. This is primarily to bring MeerKAT data so that multiple data sets will have matching antenna numbers. Moved nowhere. 15885. February 2, 2023 Adverb help files Eric Updated adverb help files for AMKAT, TEPLT, SYFIX: INNAME INCLASS INSEQ INDISK OUTNAME OUTCLASS OUTSEQ OUTDISK INVERS PRTLEV INEXT SOURCES QUAL TIMERANG ANTENNAS PIXRANGE NPLOTS XINC OPTYPE OPCODE APARM BPARM CPARM DO3COLOR SYMBOL FACTOR DOSCAN LTYPE DOTV GRCHAN XYRATIO Moved nowhere. 15886. February 6, 2023 APCLN, VTESS Eric On LNX64 machines, APCLN was causing the AIPS TV (XAS) to abort when DOTV was true. Other users reported that VTESS was doing the same thing. Changed APCLN, SDCLN, VTESS, UTESS, APGS, APVC, and STEER which all had the same AP-using code to use the normal TVLOAD routine instead. This is all magic thinking but VTESS and APCLN now work on my LNX64 machine anyway. A test on gala (MACARM) did suggest that there has been a slight change in the images loaded. Moved nowhere. 15887. February 7, 2023 RLDIF Eric Changed the EPA for 3C286 at frequencies below 10 GHz. Rick Perley's new numbers are 29.5 below 1.5 Ghz and 32.6 - 7/0/(F*F) where F is frequency in GHz from 1.5 to 10 GHz. Higher frequencies keep the pervious values. Moved nowhere. 15888. February 10, 2023 LISTR Eric The difference option STOKES='POLD' had an addressing problem that caused it to fail with no meaningful error message. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15889. February 13, 2023 UVPLT Eric Task would die on a degenerate axis even when the user specified a good plot range. It now honors the good range and will plot a degenerate axis. Move to 31DEC22? 15890. February 13, 2023 AVGWT Eric NEW TASK: Print and return the average visibility weight in the specified UV data subset. Moved nowhere. 15891. February 13, 2023 BPPLT Eric NEW TASK: Plots the average of bchan-echan from BP tables as a function of time. Useful for those using un-normalized bandpasses for calibration. Moved nowhere. 15892. February 16, 2023 FIXFR Eric The new catalog number was substituted for the old one is numerous places, apparently accidentally. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15893. February 22, 2023 xxSEL routines Eric Changed PPSEL to return IRET >= 0 only. Changed COPTAB, SPLAT, TYAPL, SYSOL, UVCOP, and UVDEC to die only on IRET > 0 from the SEL routines. (Mostly this was already okay, but PD and PP tested on not equal 0.) Moved PDSEL issue to 31DEC22 this date. 15894. February 22, 2023 Linear polarization Eric Linear polarizations have had a "gotcha" in which the IFR was applied to the data only if the DOPOL true step also included the conversion to Stokes I, Q, U, V. The IFR and parallactic angle should really be applied to VV, HH, VH, HV when doing DOPOL, leaving a simple conversion to I, Q, U, V for whenever that might be desired. Therefore: (1) created DVHROT to apply the 4x4 matrix multiplication times the visibility vector to rotate all to the sky plane. (2) Changed DATPOL to call DVHROT to apply parallactic angle and Ionospheric Faraday Rotation to linear polarization data after the application of the D terms. (3) Changed DVHGET to do a simple transformation from linear visibilities to Stokes, rather than the one that did the parallactic angle and IFR . Moved nowhere. 15895. February 22, 2023 BPPLT Eric Changed BPPLT to assist EXTLIST. Changed AU2A and AU8A for BPPLT, plot type 78. Moved nowhere. 15896. February 24, 2023 UVADD Eric The decision to not copy any extension files was incorrect. The task did do HI and NX (index). It will now do FQ and SU and AN and PO. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15897. February 24, 2023 TECOR Eric Downloaded a subroutine that computes modern models of the Earth's magnetic field from ngdc.noaa.gov (although it is much more widely available). The subroutine needed modification to meet AIPS' standards (and gfortran 11) and the signs and units of the answers needed some study. The option to use this IGRFv13 model has beed added (APARM(3) > 0) to TECOR. The two magnetic field models are pretty similar and the IFRs produced are quite similar if a bit offset. Moved nowhere. 15898. March 1, 2023 CALIB Eric CALIB changed DOCAL to false with a warning for single-source files. Changed this to a warning message that the output SN file does not represent a proper calibration. And change DOAPPLY to -1 with a message if appropriate. Moved nowhere. 15899. March 1, 2023 Mercator images Eric An error in DORCOS was found affecting the labeling of Mercator projection images. Numerous link edits required. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15900. March 2, 2023 help files Eric Added paragraph in OOSUB help file warning about IN3NAME and IN4NAME triggering spectral index computation attempts. User had better mean it. Changed DOCAL write up to allow DOCALIB true for single-source files but describing why it is not a normally good idea. Moved nowhere. 15901. March 6, 2023 UVMOD Eric The inputs section for ZEROSP had an error in claiming that ZEROSP(1) was used for I polarization. FMAX is used and the help file sections made that clear. Corrected the inputs. Moved nowhere. 15902. March 7, 2023 MFIMG Eric NEW TASK: Does 3 operations: (1) print the 2 magnetic field model values over the full sky every 10 degrees (2) image the magnetic field model over the sky in square, Aitoff, or Mercator projection, (3) image TEC over the full sky as a cube with time as the 3rd axis for 1 day's file. Moved nowhere. 15903. March 9, 2023 LINIMAGE Eric The help file did not describe the procedure, just the IMAGR parts of it. Added a paragraph to describe why the proc exists (to copy each IF to scratch file before running IMAGR on it for speed issues). Corrected a missing command in the procedure causing the FQUBE step to fail. Moved nowhere. 15904. March 10, 2023 SYMBOL Eric Changed PNTPLT to admit 23 as a cross with gap and 24 as a vertical line. Changed GAL to forbid 24 rather than 23. Changed CCNTR to use PNTPL. Changed help files for BLSUM CCNTR ALVAR ANBPL BPPLT CAPLT CLOSE CLPLT ELFIT GAL IRING LOCIT PDPLT PLOTR PRTAN SNBLP SNFIT SNIFS SNPLT SOUSP SYVSN TARPL TEPLT UVHOL VPLOT PEEK COSTAR SYMBOL Moved nowhere. 15905. March 10, 2023 TVBOX Eric GRBOXS and GRBOXD converted the box coordinates into TV pixel coordinates on the way in and converted all boxes back on the way out. If there are fewer TV pixels than image pixels, this can cause box coordinates to change. Modified GRBOXS to make CIRCLE an integer and use its values to say if the box has been modified or should stay unchanged. Changed GRBOXD, DRBOXS, and LMBOXS to handle CIRCLE as an integer and corrected a bad message in AU5C. Moved nowhere. 15906. March 16, 2023 VHDIF Eric VHDIF has to change due to the changes of Feb 22 in DOPOL and DVHGET. The special version of DVHGET that omitted the parallactic angle rotation is no longer needed, being replaced with the standard simple version. Instead, a special version of DVHROT which does NOT do the parallactic angle (and IFR) rotation is added to DVHGET. Rick is again happy. Moved nowhere. 15907. March 20, 2023 PCNTR Eric The polarization vector scale plot did not appear when XYRATIO was not zero. Moved the setting of the coordinate common so that it would happen always, not just when xyratio=0. Changed a format in this display to handle larger numbers. Changed PLTVSZ to handle really large images. Moved PCNTR to 31DEC22 this date. 15908. March 20, 2023 LWPLA Eric Add warning when DOLOR > 0 and PLCOLORS all 0. Moved nowhere. 15909. March 20, 2023 UVADD Eric Changed to allow the 2nd file to be single spectral channel when the first is not. Then line data set can be massaged by continuum. Moved nowhere. 15910. March 20, 2023 POSSM Eric Added POLPLOT = 'RMS' and 'RMSN' to compute the rms of spectra rather than the average and the rms divided by the average. This uses rms of real and imaginary parts separately, combined correctly into amplitude and phase rms at plot time. If phase is unstable, this makes for very large rmses. Moved nowhere. 15911. March 28, 2023 RLDIF Eric Changed the formula for 3C286 from 10-45 GHz so that it would be contiguous with the new formula at lower frequencies. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15912. March 28, 2023 FITLD Eric When applying BIF, EIF, BCHAN, ECHAN to FITS IDI data, the actual output buffer is used to hold the full data from which the subset is extracted. In some circumstances, the output buffer overflowed into the work buffer. This caused values of u, v, w, and the other random parameters to appear as data with u, v, w supplying values often in excess of 1 million. Increased the size of the buffer while leaving the declared size used for I/O alone in order to allow for some overflow. Fixed up history some - BIF/EIF, BCHAN/ECHAN and do the outname after it is known rather than before. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15913. March 29, 2023 SOUSP Eric It tries to use the frequencies used by SETJY from the history file. This is good when there has not been any IF selection done after SETJY but is not right if there has. Added code to detect that SETJY did more IFs than are now in the data and then to use the FQ table rather than history. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15914. March 30, 2023 BLPOLCAL Eric On the theory that BLCAL may be needed in a channel-dependent fashion for all 4 polarizations (RR, LL, RL, LR) for extreme dynamic-range cases: Created: BLPCL NEW TASK to divide pre-computed I, Q, U, and optionally V models into an input file, computed the average ratio in each polarization, write a BD table, and apply the correction to the input data file. BLPOLCAL NEW PROCEDURE to SPLIT the data set into an I polarization, use UVSUB to make MODL files from 3 or 4 images, run BLPCL, and then clean up. Help files for these two. Changed: BDINI To allow 4 more columns when there are 4 polarizations. TABBD To read/write up to 4 polarizations worth of BD data POSSM To allow extra Stokes values for BD tables BPLOT To allow extra Stokes values for BD tables BDAPL To not react to IRET < 0 from TABBD. BLCHN Help only: To admit to the option to smooth the BD table. The help files for POSSM, BPLOT, BDAPL also were modified slightly. Moved nowhere. 15915. April 4, 2023 CLIP Eric Added a special mode indicated by STOKES='PDIF' which clips on the difference of the parallel-hand data RR-LL or VV-HH. APARM(1) and (3) set the clip range. This should be useful especially for circular polarization. Linear polarization should have 0 difference only for unpolarized sources and matching beam patterns. Moved nowhere. 15916. April 5, 2023 BD table Eric Changed BDINI and TABBD to have the time be a time range. Changed BLCHN and BLPCL to find the low and high times entering in the calibration and record those in the BD table. Changed BDAPL, POSSM, and BPLOT to have times of dimension 2 and the latter two to test properly against the TIMERANG adverb. Moved nowhere. 15917. April 10, 2023 FRING Eric FRING has the option CHINC to reduce the number of spectral channels in the solution (averaging them). Created a procedure FINDCHIN which returns a recommended CHINC = 1 for channel increments >= 0.5 MHz and = 0.5E6/(channel incr) otherwwise. CHINC = 16 or less. Changed VLBAUTIL.001 to add this proc and to modify VLBAPCOR, VLBAFRNG, VLBAFRGP, and VLBAMPCL tp include CHINC. Changed VLBARUN.001 to add this proc making sure CHINC in SPLIT and IMAGR stays the same. Add CHINC to helps for all these. Moved nowhere. 15918. April 12, 2023 SNRMS Eric NEW TASK: prints max, min, mean, rms, median, mad, number blanks, and antenna for each IF and polarization from tables. Those table that SNPLT can do are available (SN, SY, TY, PC, CL). All of the OPTYPEs are also available. Moved nowhere. 15919. April 14, 2023 POSSM Eric Corrected frequency labeling for overlapped IFs and other issues. Required new subroutine to set the scaling. Moved nowhere corrections only should go to 31DEC22. 15920. April 17, 2023 CLIP Eric Added comment on HII about doing the PDIF option. STOKES has to be changed to HALF to get the data for this option. Put back the marking of the 2nd correlator as flagged so that it will appear in the output messages. Moved nowhere. 15921. April 18, 2023 POSSM Eric Added counters of points on the plot and points off the plot and report these for each plot. When a plot scale is specified there is no way to know how many channels get omitted. Moved nowhere. 15922. April 21, 2023 VBRFI, VLBRF Eric Changed VLBRF and VBRFI to also print and plot the actual rms as well as the rms scaled by the mean value. Changed the adverbs so that APARM(1,2) are the plot range for actual rms and APARM(3,4) for the rms/mean. APARM(6) to (9) can turn off the various possible plots. APARM(5) selects the channel labeling. Moved nowhere. 15923. April 21, 2023 PLRFI, PRRFI Eric Changed these to read both the old and new format text files. APARM changed in PLRFI to be similar to VBRFI. DOIFS added to control separating IFs in the plot and GRCHAN for its normal usage. PRRFI now uses APARM(1) to (6) as a single cutoff level for Pmean, Pmax, Rmean, Rmax, Mmean, and Mmax, resp. Moved nowhere. 15924. April 24, 2023 VBRFI, VLBRF, PLRFI, SNRMS Eric Corrected the plotting of data and labeling for frequency on the X axis in VBRFI, and VLBRF. It did something odd before in at least some cases. Add XYRATIO adverb to PLRFI to enable plots to be scaled for publication. Added a TeX table option to SNRMS (& between columns). Moved nowhere. 15925. April 28, 2023 IMAGR Eric The dummy variables for gfortran 11 were not big enough. If the primary one were double precision, then the size was okay. Too hard to change that, so the dummy is now 64x bigger. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15926. May 1, 2023 TECOR Eric Leonid Petrov (AJ, 2023 April, 165:188) finds that the TEC needs to be scaled slightly to produce more accurate results. This accords with our observation that TECOR over-corrects VLA data. Added APARM(4) as option to scale the TEC and improved the history writing. See https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-3881/acc174 Moved nowhere. 15927. May 2, 2023 TECOR Eric Changed the code to implement the full Petrov mapping function as an option with 3 parameters, The default is identical to 1/cos(ZAION). Using TEPATH = TEC * APARM(4) / P where P = sqrt (1 - Rf^2 * cos^2 (a*EL)) Rf = (Rearth / (Rearth + Alt + APARM(5)) a = APARM(6) results in the same thing when the default APARM(4)~(1,0,1) is used. Moved nowhere. 15928. May 9, 2023 FTFLG, SPFLG Eric Added option FLAG CHANNEL RANGE to both tasks. The main changes were to the interactive routine FTFLAG/SPFLAG with minor changes to control routines and flag display. Changed help files to list the new option and added the option to the run-time help files (HLPSPFLG, HLPFTFLG) as well. Moved nowhere. 15929. May 12, 2023 CLCOR Eric Changed the usage of CLCORPRM(8) and (9) in OPCODE 'ANTP' and 'ANTC'. The proper motion correction was applied relative to 0 hours on the first day of the operation. It is now applied relative to the first CL record of the source being changed. This is more reasonable since usually the best guess coordinate for each source is used for the first time it is observed. Tried to make this obvious with a not in the inputs section and putting ****** in the help about the relevant section. Moved nowhere. 15930. May 16, 2023 VLATECR, VLBATECR Eric Changed VLAPROCS so that VLATECR sets DOTABLE. Changed VLBAUTIL proc VLBATECR to honor APARM(2)-APARM(6) and force APARM(1)=1 and DOTABLE=1. Updated the help files for VLATECR and VLBATECR. Moved nowhere. 15931. May 17, 2023 SRCNAME Eric Added a string adverb to POPSDAT and NEWPARMS to give a single source name for those tasks that can use only SOURCES(1). Moved nowhere. 15932. May 17, 2023 UVFIX Eric Added SRCNAME adverb to allow 1 source in a multi-source data set to be shifted. Fixed code to do this shift. Moved nowhere. 15933. May 18, 2023 LISUN Eric NEW TASK: This is a modification of LISTR OPTYPE 'SCAN' to list the angle to the Sun of each scan along with the scans. Unlike LISTR, adverbs SOURCES and TIMERANG are honored. Moved nowhere. 15934. May 19, 2023 SRCNAME Eric Change some tasks from SOURCES to SRCNAME: BOXES DFTIM FACES FIXBX PHSRF SETFC UVFIT UVGIT UVHIM UVIMG UVLIN UVLSD UVLSF UVMOD BLPCL Comments: EVAUV help file was missing many standard adverbs IMAGR Fortran expects SOURCES in the lower levels so had to put SRCNAME into a SOURCES array. MULTI Explain file had revisions to remove old comments. OMFIT As IMAGR UVBAS Help only - correct SOURCES remarks LINIMAGE Help only for change in IMAGR. BLPOLCAL Only 1 source usable Moved nowhere. 15935. May 19, 2023 FARAD Eric TECOR should be used but corrected GETSIP coordinate error in FARAD for completeness. Moved nowhere. 15936. May 19, 2023 SETGDS Eric The user may accidentally ask for a CC version higher than available. Changed SETGDS to set the CCVER of the current facet to the highest actually available when a higher version was requested. This is better than trying to do an image model with a Clean image. Affects many tasks that do models such as BLCAL, BLCHN, BPASS, CALIB, PCAL, FRING and a bunch more. Moved nowhere. 15937. May 24, 2023 ISPEC, RSPEC Eric Changed X axis handling to avoid an error in labeling when there are only a few channels. Moved nowhere. 15938. May 25, 2023 UVMOD Eric FQCENTER introduced an error. Corrected the model frequency to use the frequency reference pixel and other frequency parameters before any FQCENTER. Changed the help to emphasize the use of the header frequency in spectral index computation. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15939. May 30, 2023 RUN files Eric Updated RUN files for SRCNAME replacing sources. Most were for SETFC rather than IMAGR. Changed DOOSRO, PIPEAIPS, VLARUN, VLBARUN, and VLBAMPHC. Moved nowhere. 15940. May 30, 2023 START_AIPS Eric When $DISPLAY is not defined, suggest that an ssh or slogin with option -Y might help. Moved nowhere. 15941. June 1, 2023 Plot files Eric Changed the format of PLot files, adding 1 record listing the first 128 adverbs in the plot task. This record comes after the adverb values and is indicated by setting IOBUF(3) in record 1 to 999. Changed GINIT To read the task help file to make this list of adverbs and set the buffer (3) to 999 in record 1. LWPLA Add 1 to the record number for the start of plot info when record 1 has the buffer(3) > 0. TVPL As LWPLA TKPL As LWPLA TXPL As LWPLA AU8A As LWPLA AU2A Add code to set the adverb vlaues from the list of adverb names when that is present. Otherwise, revert to the INPuts file list which may not match. Moved nowhere. 15942. June 2, 2023 POSSM Eric Recent changes meant that horizontal axis labeling did not work properly when APARM(9) was not 3 (i.e. when IFs and/or polarizations were plotted separately). Fixed I hope. Moved corrections only to 31DEC22 on June 26. 15943. June 5, 2023 SRCNAME Eric Changed tasks CAPLT, CLPLT, CLOSE, DFTPL, FRMAP, FRPLT, UVHGM to use SRCNAME rather than SOURCES since they each only handle a single source name. Changed adverb numbers in AU2A and AU8A. FRPLT used the wrong plot type code (used 16 = POSSM) so the corrected AU8A only has 1 version of FRPLT info. FRMAP needed a correction in AU8A besides SRCNAME and some setting of adverbs for EXTLIST. Moved nowhere. 15944. June 8, 2023 cvs in installations Eric Removed comments about cvs being required in install.pl for binary installations. Changed the comments in MAKE.BMNJ to suggest skipping the cvs part. Moved nowhere. 15945. June 12, 2023 'MODL' in UVSUB Eric The OPCODE 'MODL' was putting out all zeros from UVSUB and OOSUB when acting on a compressed data set. Correct ALGMEM which set the input buffer to zero 2 random parameters too soon. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15946. June 13, 2023 CHNDAT Eric Subroutine CHNDAT, used everywhere to set uv data frequencies, assumed that UVPGET had been called but did not need to do so. Fixed to avoid this assumption. Error affected only data sets with no FQ table. Moved to 31DEC22 June 14. 15947. June 14, 2023 UVSUB, OOSUB Eric Added OPCODE = 'MODU' to compute a model data set replacing all weights with 1.0. This removes the channel-dependent and IF-dependent flagging. Changed ALGSTB, ALGMEM, and VISDFT to accept FACGRD(2) < 0 for this option. Moved nowhere. 15948. June 15, 2023 Doc files Eric Updated $HLPFIL/HLPIT.LIS (the TAB completion control file) for the new adverbs, tasks, procedures. Updated ABOUT files $HLPFIL/ZZ for ADVERB CALIBRAT GENERAL MODELING PARAFORM PLOT POLARIZA PROCEDUR TASK UV Moved nowhere. 15949. June 20, 2023 CookBook Eric Update chapters for 13 Changed ABOUT files 3 PLGET 4 TECOR, TEPLT, BPPLT, MFIMG, CLIP, SNRMS, FRING (CHINC) CLCOR (ANTP), SRCNAME, LISUN 5 AVGWT, BLPOLCAL, CLIP 6 LISUN, TEPLT, BPPLT 9 TECOR, TEPLT, MFIMG, BLPOLCAL, SNRMS, FRING (CHINC), SRCNAME, LISUN C TECOR, SNRMS, CHINC I update J update 0 update Recipe reordered to reflect new usages Moved everywhere in in $AIPSPUBL. 15950. June 21, 2023 Holography Eric Changed UVHOL to have the new OTFMODE adverb. This warns the task that the old way of marking holography data is not present. The old way used the W coordinate to indicate the samples at the current resting position. The new OTF mode has W not meaning much - one run had w=1 always and the other had w change about every 7 samples. This means W is no longer useful if OTF used. Changed HOLOG to read in the data in advance and to allow time averaging of the data. This might be necessary for better imaging, although apparently not always. Moved nowhere. 15951. June 23, 2023 CookBook Eric Added a paragraph to LaCookV.tex about the OTF mode in holography. Fixed a cross reference case in LaCook6.tex. The table of contents and index files were not changed. Moved everywhere in in $AIPSPUBL. 15952. June 23, 2023 HOLOG Eric Changed frequency of DFT progress messages to depend on image size. Changed maximum image size to 1024. Moved nowhere. 15953. June 27, 2023 PBCALC Eric Add GMRT as a recognized array in the primary beam calculation subroutine. The subroutines in $QOOP/PBUTIL needed to have the array names GMRT and MeerKAT added to the test of whether PBCALC is useful. Similarly, PATGN needed these 2 names added. Moved nowhere. 15954. June 29, 2023 SYFIX Eric Changed printing of changed records 1 for each change to displaying the range of record numbers for each form of change. Added info on PRTLEV in help file. Moved nowhere. 15955. June 29, 2023 TYAPL Eric Added message recommending SYFIX is there are > 10 failures to find SY data for the visibility samples. Also help file paragraph. Moved nowhere. 15956. June 30, 2023 DSORC Eric Fixed up logic when renumbering all sources, such as 1 and 2 to 2 and 1. The code would not change the source number in the source table if the output source number already existed. Now it checks to see if the output source number is also being changed before refusing to make the change. Moved nowhere. 15957. July 3, 2023 RLDLY Eric The REFANT in the history file was one too high. The history also ignored the option of looping over many REFANTs. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15958. July 3, 2023 AIPSLetter Eric Put back the 30 June 2023 AIPSLetter. Moved everywhere in AIPSPUBL. 15959. July 11, 2023 BD table Eric Changed BDINI to make a better title for the table. Moved nowhere. 15960. July 12, 2023 SWPOL Eric Added a bunch of tables that should be swapped if possible. FG tables in particular can be swapped in a number of circumstances but not all (e.g. ant1 in only some polarizations with all antennas but only some antennas swapped). Moved nowhere. 15961. July 12, 2023 HOCLN Eric NEW TASK: Performs a complex Clean on the images made bu HOLOG. The method is similar to the SDI Clean in which each non-blanked image pixel is a complex Clean component at each cycle. Low loop gains (e.e. 0.01) work rather well for a while. The image is critically sampled (usually) and so there may be little improvement on the rather bad spatial resolution normally found in holography images. Moved nowhere. 15962. July 12, 2023 TADIF Eric Made issues with keywords and the like to be reported but not to stop doing more testing. Moved nowhere. 15963. July 13, 2023 IANTB Eric Corrected writing of times to handle day numbers > 0 properly rather than letting the hours get >= 24. Changed the frequency range display to have several more digits and to encompass the full range of each SPW. Changed the format of the Tsys adding 2 more decimal places and change the handling of blanked Tsys to write the reasonable and understood 999.0. Moved nowhere. 15964. July 13, 2023 e-MERLIN Eric Added the e-MERLIN stations to ANFIND which should remove the array not known (annoying) messages. Moved nowhere. 15965. July 13, 2023 CXCOPY Eric Utility to copy a COMPLEX array to another - forced on us by gfortran 11. Moved nowhere. 15966. July 14, 2023 GINIT Eric Changed hard-coded LUN for inputs file to use LUNTMP. PANEL had a conflict. Moved nowhere. 15967. July 14, 2023 PANEL Eric Added APARM(6) as a parameter to omit the panel edges in the fitting process. It seems to help some. Moved nowhere. 15968. July 17, 2023 RLDIF, VHDIF Eric Neither task in either continuum or spectral modes tested for no data found. Fixed this and even forced the deletion of an empty PP table when needed. Added input and output table info to RLDIF history to make it like VHDIF and then upgraded VHDIF history to the new standards. Moved nowhere, moved to 31DEC22 18 July. 15969. July 20, 2023 UV2MS Eric Changed CALSOUR to SRCNAME and added more defaults. Changed to make a pointer table to translate the input random parameters to the output. This will allow more data sets to be usable. Cleaned up the passing of parameters between subroutines. Added message pointing out the probable need to UVSRT and INDXR after UV2MS. Moved nowhere. 15970. July 21, 2023 Adverb help files Eric Updated helps for new tasks, procs: ANTENNAS BADDISK BASELINE BCHAN BCOUNT BIF BLVER BMAJ BPVER CALCODE CELLSIZE CUTOFF DO3COLOR DOACOR DOBAND DOBLANK DOCALIB DOCRT DOPOL DOSCAN DOTV ECHAN EIF FACTOR FLAGVER FREQID GAIN GAINUSE GRCHAN IMSIZE IN2CLASS IN2DISK IN2NAME IN2SEQ IN3CLASS IN3DISK IN3NAME IN3SEQ IN4CLASS IN4DISK IN4NAME IN4SEQ IN5CLASS IN5DISK IN5NAME IN5SEQ INCLASS INDISK INEXT INFILE INNAME INVERS LTYPE NITER NPLOTS OPCODE OPTYPE OUTCLASS OUTDISK OUTNAME OUTPRINT OUTSEQ OUTVERS PDVER PIXAVG PIXRANGE PIXSTD QUAL REFANT SELBAND SELFREQ SMOOTH SOURCES SRCNAME STOKES SUBARRAY SYMBOL TIMERANG XAXIS XINC XYRATIO INSEQ CALSOUR Moved nowhere. 15971. July 21, 2023 UVPLT, WIPER Eric Added BPARM(10) .= 100 to WIPER and APARM(10) > 0 to UVPLT to omit cross-correlation data from the plots. Moved nowhere. 15972. July 25, 2023 CLIP Eric Corrected PDIF which did not flag cross-hands when flagging parallel. Moved nowhere. 15973. August 2, 2023 CROSSPOL Eric Changed help files for CROSSPOL, VLBACPOL, and POLSN to make it clear that RLDLY should be used instead. Added category OBSOLETE to all 3. Moved nowhere. 15974. August 11, 2023 SQASH Eric Corrected the recording of DPARM(1) in history - the number was wrong then method string was correct. Moved nowhere. 15975. August 15, 2023 PANEL Eric Added line to output text file giving the fraction at the edges omitted in fitting each panel and what that left for area fitted. Moved nowhere. 15976. August 17, 2023 SOUSP Eric Changed SOURCES to SRCNAME in Fortran, help, and adverb helps. Moved nowhere. 15977. August 18, 2023 SOUSP Eric Changed SOUSP to emit the correct number of parameters and to set the reference frequency used into the REFREQ adverb. Moved the fit result plot labeling to the center in X since it would overlap some of the spectra at the left or right corner. Changed AU2A (PLGET) for the new number of adverbs. Changed AU8A (EXTLIST) to support the new version and the previous version of SOUSP. Moved nowhere. 15978. August 22, 2023 MORIF Eric When reducing the number of IFs it had a problem handling integers and character strings that were IF dependent. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15979. August 23, 2023 MAC ARM Eric Management has forced the upgrade of our ARM Mac mini to OS 13.5.1 which has then forced the minimum Mac system to migrate from 11 to 12. Changed $SYSMACAR files FDEFAULT.SH, LDOPTS.SH, and CCOPTS.SH. Moved nowhere - 31DEC22 may have problems if there are more patches. 15980. August 23-24, 2023 GFortran 12.2 Eric Mac ARM now needed a new gfortran compiler 12.2. It has more complaints: $AIPSUB: SGLAST, STORES $APLOOP: TABLE, TABLEUTIL $APGNOT: CALWR, LISTR, M3TAR, MK3IN, UVPRM, VBGLU $QPGNOT: CVEL, PCVEL $QYPGNOT: VTESS $YPGM: BSCLN Moved nowhere. 15981. August 24, 2023 DATCAL Eric Changed DATCAL to defend against bad returned values from FXSEG. Moved nowhere - maybe patch. 16982. August 25, 2023 Mac ARM OS Eric Added a library (libquadmath) to $SYSMACAR/fix_aips_macos.sh. Added that library and updated the gfortran library in the MACARM $LIBR/INTELCMP directory. Due to this upgrade, we cannot update the 31DEC22 version any more so that it can remain at the older level. Moved nowhere. 15983. August 31, 2023 AIPS Eric Corrected AIPS.FOR to save the command-line history when doing a restart. Changed AU1 for exits and restarts to see if there are any data files and SAVE/GET files or a large (> 100) message file. If not, then assume the users does not want to create a LASTEXIT file. The vestiges of a message file (MS) and the command line (RL) file are left on disk 1 anyway. Moved nowhere. 15984. August 31, 2023 DISKU Eric Added BADDISK so that INDISK=0 means all disks except those listed in BADDISK. Moved nowhere. 15985. September 14, 2024 SPIXR Eric The error return from the primary beam correction was then not reset as so was taken as serious. Changed to reset that particular error (after the affected pixels were ignored). Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15986. September 14, 2023 TUGET Eric NEW pseudoverb. Does TGET from a different user number. Changed: POPSDAT.HLP (NEWPARMS cannot handle this), HELPS to set the verb number from the pseudoverb, AU2A to pick up the USERID adverb and swap it into NLUSER on all ZPHFIL calls. Moved nowhere. 15987. September 14, 2023 LSTHDR Eric Added more digits for RA and DEC when data are VLBI. affects FITLD, IMLOD and verbs IMHEAD, IM2HEAD, etc Moved nowhere. 15988. October 2, 2023 CALIN, EDITA Eric CALIB: when writing flags for bad closure, after copying the input flag table, the output table was closed and so the write to it failed. EDITA: the pick up of DODELAY was given a wrong type and so did not work MOved to 31DEC22 this date. 15989. October 6, 2023 TEC files Eric The naming convention for TEC files has changed for files taken after day 219 this year (Aug 7). VLBAUTIL and VLAPROCS have been changed to test the dates and use the new, rather longer names when appropriate. Note that the new files are gzipped, the old files are compressed. Added to EXPLAIN sections of VLATECR and VLBATECR help files also. Moved to 31DEC22 this date. 15990. October 6, 2023 LISUN Eric Drop unused OPTYPE. Adjust FORMATs some for clarity. Moved nowhere. 15991. October 18, 2023 VPLOT Eric Changed default ECHAN to be the maximum channel when AVGCHAN > 0. Default remains BCHAN when channels are not averaged. Moved nowhere. 15992. October 18, 2023 UVIMG Eric Added progress messages and emphasize the need to set pixel sizes in the help file. Moved nowhere. 15993. October 18, 2023 TECOR Eric Added code to remove ".Z" and ".gz" from the ends of the INFILE name before access. This did not matter when more than one file is read because the task built the names, but does matter when only one is read. Changed VLBATECR in VLBAUTIL and VLATECR in VLAPROCS to drop the .Z and .gz in INFILE for TECOR. Moved procedures to 31DEC22 this date. 15994. October 18, 2023 UVRMS Eric Corrected message that said sources were excluded when they were included and vice versa. Corrected handling of errors so that the statistics get computed even if plots are stopped and messages about deleting plot file 0 are not issued. Added the return of PIXAVG and PIXRMS adverbs. Moved nowhere. 15995. October 19, 2023 UVHOL, HOLOG Eric Changed UVHOL to issue progress messages. Changed HOLOG to sum samples when OTFMODE > 1 rather than average. The output files in this way have similar amplitudes to those when OTFMODE = 1. Moved nowhere. 15996. October 19, 2023 HOLIS Eric NEW TASK: Lists the groups of holography data for OTF data, for pointed data, and for pointed data summarized as if OTF. Moved nowhere 15997. October 19, 2023 CLNUP Eric NEW TASK: Tasks lists the "hidden" files that get left behind when users exit. These are message (MS), readline (RL), SAVE/GET (TG), and task data (TD - written by TPUT and GO, read by TGET). CLNUP, for files older than specified, can summarize, list, or delete these 4 file types. It can also summarize and list other types but it leaves the deletion up to the user. CLNUP works on all user numbers not just the login user. Moved nowhere. 15998. October 26, 2023 LISTR Eric Added a bit mopre polarization labeling in the MATX function. Added more STOKES values in the help for MATX, Moved nowhere. 15999. November 14, 2023 GINIT Eric Parseltongue made the horrible decision to bypass AIPS.EXE and start AIPS tasks directly. This leads to the tasks not having correct information potentially. The variable VERNAM which is normally TST:, NEW:, OLD:, or CVX: is used by GINIT to read the task help file. Added code to set VERNAM to TST: if it is not correctly set. Moved nowhere (this is a 31DEC23 only feature). 16000. November 21, 2023 MNJ tests Eric Changed a comment in GINIT to test MNJ changes Moved nowhere 16001. November 22, 2023 GTPARM Eric Put a check on the value of VERNAM as passed into the task, setting it to TST: if it is not NEW, OLD, CVX or TST. This makes 15999 not required but causes no harm. Moved nowhere. 16002. November 30, 2023 MNJ Eric Changed $UPDUNIX files: UPDERROR To append the LogFile as well as the error file. When cvs fails, the LogFile has the most interesting information. UPDCONFIG To list gala and gala-new under $SITE COAOARN. To create a new variable NRAOMaster for dave, ararat, gala, gala-new and primate (only machines inside the DSOC). AIPSUPD Change so that only NRAOMaster=YES does UPDCVS. Other machines use either UPDRSYNC or UPDPSYNC to update the text files (and RSYNC does binaries). If UpdCVS=YES the compiles and links are done as always. UPDPSYNC NEW: does the rsync on all areas except LIBR and LOAD. MAKE.BMNJ Remove all references to cvs for the moment (commented out) MAKE.MNJ Set $CVS only for $SITE = COAOARN. Moved nowhere. *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** Changes while 31DEC23 is NEW *********************************************************************** *********************************************************************** 16004. December 4, 2023 Doc files Eric Updated the TAB completion file HLPIT.LIS and the ABOUT files for ANALYSIS CALIBRAT CATALOG GENERAL HARDCOPY IMAGING MODELING OBSOLETE PLOT POLARIZA POPS TASK UV VERB VLBI Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16005. December 4, 2023 install.pl Eric Dropped the -c from FORTOPT. Perhaps the Makefile for XAS will work in future. Moved to 31DEC23 7 December. 16006. December 7, 2023 Linear polarization Eric When DOPOL is applied to linear polarization, all 4 input correlations are used to compute all 4 output correlations. DVHROT does this but it did not check for flagging. Fixed this to flag all 4 if any 1 input correlation is flagged. This lead to oddities, such as apparent high values remaining after a CLIP. Moved to 31DEC23 and 31DEC22 this date. 16007. December 7, 2023 CLIP Eric If during the loop over sources, some source was found to have no visibilities, the values of DOCAL, DOBAND, and DOPOL were lost (became false). Put code to make sure this does not happen. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16008. December 11, 2023 SPFLG, TVFLG, et al. Eric Changed SPFLG, TVFLG, FTFLG, and PCFLG to offer a CHAR MULT option whenever they start with characters bugger than 7x9 (the char mult value of 1). This allows the user to switch the character size. Also changed the *.HLP help files and the HLP*.HLP run-time help files. Also added message in SPFLG when SET BASELINE does not find a baseline. Added to XAS a message at startup when character multiply > 1. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16009. December 12, 2023 PRTAB Eric When RPARM pointed at a character column, the length was not properly carried to the test code while setting the size of printed columns. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16010. December 18, 2023 More character size Eric Changed TVMENU to change the character size to one smaller if the menus will not fit on the screen. It will keep trying until it can't go lower. Changed BPEDIT to add the CHAR MULT option when the task starts with a multiplier > 1 for all 3 supported file types. Changed BPEDT, PCEDT, PDEDT, HLPEDIBP, HLPEDIPC, and HLPEDIPD help files to mention this option. Added code to TVFLG, SPFLG, FTFLG, and PCFLG to lower the character multiplier if the menu does not fit on the screen. Added sentence about this to HLPSPFLG, HLPTVFLG, HLPFTFLG, and HLPPCFLG run-time help files. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16011. December 29, 2023 Character size Eric Changed: TVDEVICE Zero images/graphics when requested even if marked as already done. QCLEAN Save initial character size indicator and, if > 1, add a CHARMULT to the menu and implement it. SCMAP On self-cal menu, save initial character size indicator and, if > 1, add a CHAR MULT to the menu and implement it. SCIMG On self-cal menu, save initial character size indicator and, if > 1, add a CHAR MULT to the menu and implement it. Also IMAGR, SCMAP, SCIMG and HLPCLEAN, HLPSCMAP, HLPSCIMG help files with new menu item. QEDIUTIL For each method (SN, TY, SY, UV) Save initial character size indicator and, if > 1, add a CHAR MULT to the menu and implement it. Added code to try to prevent the menu from overlapping the status lines (at the bottom left). Help files named EDITA, EDITR, SNEDT, HLPEDICL, HLPEDISN, HLPEDISS, HLPEDISY, HLPEDITS, HLPEDITY, and HLPEDIUV get info about new menu item. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16012. January 5, 2024 More hcracter size Eric Changed everything so that it decides whether to do CHAR MULT on both the initial character size and the XAS default size which is SQRT(maxtv(1)*maxtv(2)) / 1024. + 0.5. Changed subroutines QCLEN, QEDIUTIL, BPEDIT and tasks SPFLG, TVFLG, FTFLG, PCFLG, SCIMG, SCMAP. Help files changed BPEDT, EDITA, EDITR, FTFLG, IMAGR, PCEDT, PDEDIT, SCIMG, SCMAP, SNEDT, SPFLG, TVFLG. Run-time help files changed HLPxxxxx where xxxxx = CLEAN, EDIBP, EDICL, EDIPC, EDIPD, EDISN, EDISS, EDISY, EDITS, EDITY, EDIUV, FTFLG, PCFLG, SCIMG, SCMAP, SPFLG, TVFLG. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16013. January 5, 2023 Readline Eric There were many copies of ZGRLHI.C all essentially identical. Made one copy $APLUNIX/ZGRLHI.C which is changed to set the number of history lines to 1 and read the requested history on restarts as well as the initial call. Otherwise a restart got the history of the old users not the new one. Added a "void" and more parentheses to eliminate messages. Removed versions of ZGRLHI for AXLINUX, DEC, HP, IBM, LINUX, LNX64, SGI, SOL, SUN. Left FORTRAN stubs in IBM/3090 and ULTRIX. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16014. January 9, 2023 AIPSLetter Eric Checked in LET23B TEX, PS and PDF files. Moved everywhere since in $AIPSPUBL. 16015. January 11, 2024 VBRFI, VLBRF, PLRFI Eric Added a decimal to the frequency axis labeling to support P band. Corrected number characters when integer. Corrected YMIN/YMAX in VBRFI and VLBRF to test for magic blanks in all 3 arrays. Corrected averaging of mean arrays in VLBRF. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16016. January 18, 2024 IMxHEAD Eric Corrected AU3B to display the keywords correctly. A bad test caused the keywords to be ignored. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16017. January 22, 2024 VBRFI, VLBRF, PLRFI Eric The appearance of the last plot was not tested properly. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16019. January 26, 2024 VLBATECR, VLATECR Eric Corrected the IF statement which separated the old name format from the new. Day numbers < 220 in 2024 were using the old nameformat. The If needed to be smarter. Moved to 31DEC22 and 31DEC23 this date. 16030. February 22, 2024 EVLA delays Eric Changed DATCAL to not use FXSEG for EVLA. Using it apparently caused baseline-dependent errors in EVLA visibilities, usually only a few percent. DATCAL will still correct for delays on data that have been frequency averaged after correlation but will no longer add the mis-alignment correction needed (??) for the VLBA. The 31DEC22 MACARM version has to be recompiled with the current gfortran on that machine. Moved to 31DEC23 AND 31DEC22 this date. 16024. February 12, 2024 AT files Eric AIPS compilation and linking uses the @ symbol at the start of a file name to mean a list of files to be compiled and linked. My new ububtu machine however has an @ in the home directory name. Changed the AIPS convention to two @'s. Changed $SYSUNIX files AIPSCC, AIFC, AILINK, FC, LINK, COMRPL, and COMLNK. Changed $INSUNIX files INSTEP2 and INSTEP4 as well and $UPDUNIX files UPDCOMRPL and UPDCOMLNK. Moved to 31DEC22 and 31DEC23 on 22 Feb. 16032. February 27, 2024 POSSM Eric SOLINT needs to be zero for BD tables. Any other value causes POSSM to do an awful lot of work for no benefit. Moved to 31DEC23 this date, 31DEC22 March 7. 16033. March 1, 2024 POSSM Eric Plots from a data set with only 8 channels per IF made it clear that the X-axis labeling was off by a little. Numerous minor corrections were required but I hope it is now correct. Moved these fixes to 31DEC23 this date. PP change blocked. 31DEc22 March 7. 16035. March 7, 2024 POSSM Eric When doing OLD version of POSSM, found one bug plotting data when there was more than one column of plots. Also adjusted the plotting of the IF number line to omit it when there are more than two rows. Moved to 31DEC22 and 31DEC23 this date. 16036. March 8, 2024 POSSM Eric APARM(10) > 0 reverses the X axis. The labeling needed some correction. Moved to 31DEC22 and 31DEC23 this date. 16037. March 11, 2024 POSSM Eric Plots with no separators between IFs did not handle BCHAN and ECHAN properly. All channels appear in the plot with channels < BCHAN and > ECHAN blanked. When separators are plotted, then only BCHAN to ECHAN are plotted in each panel. A bug handling auto- and cross-correlation plots with BCHAN and ECHAN was also corrected. One polarization plotted okay but the second was messed up. Moved to 31DEC22 and 31DEC23 this date. 16060. May 10, 2024 XAS Eric Changed comm.c (closedown) by reordering some of the code. On Macs, the turning off of some X functions causes the program to die. This caused the TV server program to keep running and left link files for LOK and XAS inthe /tmp directory. This led to a proliferation of XASes and invisible TVSERVs. Putting the external shutdowns ahead of the internal gets it to work. Moved to 31DEC23 on 15 May. 16061. May 15, 2024 install.pl Eric A debug statement was left in so that the architecture was never MACARM, always MACINT! Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16067. May 29, 2024 rsync Eric The SIS folks have moved rsync off of the ancient machine acorn to some unknown place called rsync.aoc.nrao.edu. Changed UPDCONFIG in $UPDUNIX and $SYSPERL/install.pl for this. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16071. June 4, 2024 POSSM Eric The init routines tested BIF and EIF before they were set. Added a test in the init to set BPARM(8)=-1 when only one IF is to appear in each plot window. Changed the routine that computes the mean and rms to use double precision since data with little variation ended up with rms zero otherwise. The change to the plot range for phase on rms zero was limited to times when the min and max are the same. The mean and rms also needed to be divided by 2 for CP phase plots. Moved fixes to 31DEC23 this date. 16028. February 16, 2024 FITLD Eric rPICARD changes the FITSIDI file header to a form not specified in the standard (NAXIS=1, NAXIS1=0). Added code to detect this and still call the data FITSIDI but with a warning. Moved TO 31DEC23 4 June. 16029. February 21, 2024 FITLD Eric The code was too smart for the previous fix alone. Added more code to trap the rPICARD foolishness. Moved TO 31DEC23 4 June. 16063. May 22, 2024 FITLD Eric Code forced output version of PC table to 1. Changed to allow multiple PC tables if there are multiple PH tables. Moved TO 31DEC23 4 June. 16074. June 10, 2024 SUBIM Eric The setting of TRC in the presence of increments > 1 was not correct. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16076. June 10, 2024 install.pl Eric The rsync.aoc.nrao.edu change needs to be made 2 places Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16078. June 13, 2024 TEC stuff Eric Changed variable in TECOR.FOR - it is IGRF not ITRF. Added info to help files for TECOR, VLBATECR, VLATECR, TECRTYPE. Changed VLBAUTIL (VLBATECR) and VLAPROCS (VLATECR) RUN files to include a subroutine that determines old versus new format for 7 known cases plus a guess for any others. The guess includes code for 30-minute data file and whether to hope for a 1-hour file. If the initial attempt in the new format fails it will try for the opposite type (1-hour <-> 2-hour). Moved nowhere should go to 31DEC23. 16081. June 17, 2024 UVFIT Eric The task had the worng number of adverbs and so ignored the last of INLIST plus several others. It used the wrong buffer for updating the output CC table with the source name. Moved to 31DEC23 this date. 16083. June 18, 2024 SPFLG Eric The menu pointers for the CLIP operations were offset. Moved to 31DEC23 this date.