%----------------------------------------------------------------------- %; Copyright (C) 1995 %; Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. %; %; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or %; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as %; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of %; the License, or (at your option) any later version. %; %; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %; GNU General Public License for more details. %; %; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public %; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free %; Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, %; MA 02139, USA. %; %; Correspondence concerning AIPS should be addressed as follows: %; Internet email: aipsmail@nrao.edu. %; Postal address: AIPS Project Office %; National Radio Astronomy Observatory %; 520 Edgemont Road %; Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % cers.sty -- Workshop style definition \def\deg{\ifmmode^\circ\else$^\circ$\fi} \def\inv{\ifmmode^{-1}\else$^{-1}$\fi} \def\eg{{e.g.}} \def\ie{{i.e.}} \def\cf{{cf.}} \def\etal{{\it et al.}} \def\etc{etc.} \def\sup#1{$^{\rm #1}$} \def\mag{\sup{m}} \def\,{\thinspace} %\def\lfil{\leaders\hbox to 0.4em{\hss.\hss}\hfil} % REFERENCES % %----------------------------------------------------------------------% % Macros for references % %----------------------------------------------------------------------% % \def\tref#1{{\par\noindent \hangindent=3em \hangafter=1 #1\par}} % **************************************** % * PAGE LAYOUT * % **************************************** % Create "plaintop" page style that has folios at top of page. \def\ps@plaintop{\let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo \def\@oddfoot{}\def\@oddhead{\rm\hfil--\space\thepage\space--\hfil} \def\@evenfoot{}\let\@evenhead\@oddhead} \ps@plaintop % Use "plaintop" pagestyle by default. % **************************************** % * FRONT MATTER * % **************************************** % Make adjustments to LaTeX abstract style: optional upper case heading, % retain current type size (should be normalsize), ignore twocolumn option % in this substyle, add \sluginfo, and start abstract on fresh page. %\def\abstract{%\sluginfo\clearpage % \begin{center} % {\bf{ABSTRACT}} % \end{center} % \quotation %} \def\abstract{% % \bigskip\goodbreak{\narrower\smallsize% % \noindent{\bf Abstract}\quotation} \bigskip\quotation\noindent{\bf Abstract}\quad} % Title and author identification is by way of standard LaTeX commands % \title and \author, although the macros themselves are rather different. % The information is typeset by these macros in this style, rather than % being buffered as per regular LaTeX. The authors' principal affiliation % is specified with a separate macro \affil. Each \author command should % be followed by its own \affil (or address). % % Authors often have affiliations above and beyond their main employer, % and these are specified with the \altaffilmark and \altaffiltext commands. % These commands behave like the \footnotemark and \footnotetext commands % of LaTeX. \altaffilmark is appended to author's names in the \author % lists, and generates the superscript identification numbers. % The text for the individual alternate affiliations is generated by the % \altaffiltext command. It is up to the author to make sure that the % \altaffilmark numbers attached to authors' names correspond to the correct % alternate affiliation. % % \title{LUCID TEXT} % \author{NAME(S)} % \authoraddr{AUTHOR'S POSTAL ADDRESS} % \affil{AFFILIATION} % \altaffilmark{TAG NUMBER(S)} % \altaffiltext{NUMERICAL TAG}{TEXT} % % The typesetting performed by these commands is appropriate for the top of % the first text page of the manuscript. They could as well be used on a % title cover page, but vertical placement would have to be controlled by % the author. This is not to be encouraged, since I want to discourage % the introduction of any extra horizontal or vertical space. \def\title#1{{\center\large\bf{#1}\endcenter} \thispagestyle{empty}} \def\author#1{{\topsep\z@\center\normalsize#1\endcenter}} \let\authoraddr=\@gobble \def\affil#1{\vspace*{-2.5ex}{\topsep\z@\center#1\endcenter}} \def\altaffilmark#1{$^{#1}$} \def\altaffiltext#1#2{\footnotetext[#1]{#2}\stepcounter{footnote}} % Redefine the LaTeX \and command for this style. \def\and{\vspace*{-0.5ex}{\topsep\z@\center and\endcenter}} % **************************************** % * FOOTNOTES * % **************************************** % The following code redefines a few things so that spacing in footnotes is % different than LaTeX defaults. The adjustment to \skip\footins increases % the amount of vspace inserted before the \footnoterule. Redefine % \@makefntext to get proper indentation. \skip\footins 4ex plus 1ex minus .5ex \footnotesep 3ex %\long\def\@makefntext#1{\noindent\hbox to\z@{\hss$^{\@thefnmark}$}#1} %\long\def\@makefntext#1{\indent\hbox{$^{\@thefnmark}$}#1} % For ApJ, acknowledgments are set off from main body text simply by % vertical space (no heading or type size change). I do the same for % the AAS manuscript style. For use in producing more polished output % for other journals, this macro might generate text saying % "Acknowledg[e]ments". \def\acknowledgments{\vskip 3ex plus .8ex minus .4ex} \let\acknowledgements=\acknowledgments % second spelling % LaTeX sectioning tools. % **************************************** % * EQUATION NUMBERING * % **************************************** % Redefine \appendix so that equation numbers are prepended with % \theappendix number. Reset equation counter so that equation % numbers in the appendix begin again with 1. Note that the % \appendix command is NOT a sectioning command; it is merely % a delimiting markup between the main body of the paper and the % appendix. Sections in the appendix are still started with % \section commands. % % \appendix \def\appendix{\par \setcounter{section}{0} \setcounter{subsection}{0} \setcounter{equation}{0} \def\thesection{\Alph{section}.} \def\theequation{\hbox{\normalsize\Alph{section}\arabic{equation}}}} % Define mathletters environment. This is a wrapper that goes % *around* (outside of) equation or eqnarray environments. % % \begin{mathletters} % \end{mathletters} \newcounter{cureqno} \newenvironment{mathletters}{\refstepcounter{equation}% \setcounter{cureqno}{\value{equation}}% \let\@curtheeqn\theequation% \edef\cur@eqn{\csname theequation\endcsname}% \def\theequation{\cur@eqn\alph{equation}}% \setcounter{equation}{0}}% {\let\theequation\@curtheeqn% \setcounter{equation}{\value{cureqno}}} % The \eqnum command allows the author to override all automatic % equation marking schemes. % % \eqnum{TEXT} \def\eqnum#1{\def\theequation{#1}\let\@currentlabel\theequation \addtocounter{equation}{\m@ne}} % **************************************** % * EPS INCLUSIONS * % **************************************** % Include Rokicki's epsf.sty file explicitly. \input{epsf.sty} %\@ifundefined{epsfbox}{\@input{epsf.sty}}{\relax} % Simplified EPS inclusion macros so we can see how this goes... % These are layered on Rokicki's dvips material, and are dependent % on the author's use of that DVI driver. % % \plotone{EPSFILE} % \plottwo{EPSFILE}{EPSFILE} % \plotfiddle{EPSFILE}{VSIZE}{ROT}{HSF}{VSF}{HTRANS}{VTRANS} % % \plotone inserts the plot in a space that is \columnwidth wide; the % plot is scaled so the horizontal dimension fits in the text width, % and the vertical dimension is scaled to maintain the aspect ratio. % \plottwo inserts two plots next to each other in one \columnwidth, % sort of like "two-up" mode. % % EPSFILE name of file with EPS % % The following arguments are for the \plotfiddle macro which formats % the \special itself, prepares vspace, etc. This completely bypasses % Rokicki's macros that attempt to rationalize the EPS BoundingBox with % the LaTeX page dimensions. % % VSIZE vertical white space to allow for plot % ROT rotation angle % HSF horiz scale factor % VSF vert scale factor % HTRANS horiz translation % VTRANS vert translation %\epsfverbosetrue %\def\plotone#1{\centering \leavevmode % \epsfxsize=\columnwidth \epsfbox{#1}} % define plotone so that the width can be scaled individually... \def\plotone#1#2{\centering \leavevmode \epsfxsize=#1\columnwidth \epsfbox{#2}} \def\plottwo#1#2{\centering \leavevmode \epsfxsize=.45\columnwidth \epsfbox{#1} \hfil \epsfxsize=.45\columnwidth \epsfbox{#2}} \def\plotfiddle#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{\centering \leavevmode \vbox to#2{\rule{0pt}{#2}} \special{psfile=#1 voffset=#7 hoffset=#6 vscale=#5 hscale=#4 angle=#3}}