AIPS AIX/RS-6000 Install Notes

Most recently updated on $Date: 1997/05/21 18:25:39 $ (UT)
- It may be necessary to increase the limit on maximum number of
simultaneous processes per user under AIX if your users do a lot of
printing. This is caused by the deferring of the temporary file
deletion within AIPS (done via a fork). Your system administrator
can use
to change this.
- Also, be careful with using the PSALLOC variable. We have found it
next to impossible to do anything meaningfull with this set so that
it forces conventional behaviour on the
call. If you run programs without PSALLOC set to
early, and your system gets tight on resources, the kernel
starts killing off random processes. On the other hand, having it
set means it takes enormous memory and swap resources to do the
simplest things.
- Make sure you use the cc compiler and not the xlc version.
- During the install testing, the author had to be creative in
allocating disk space. The 15OCT96/IBM directory was in fact a
symbolic link (symlink) to a directory on a different filesystem,
and this had the undesired side effect of making the reference to
UNSHR in the building of XAS fail because a relative path was used.
Performing the UNSHR by hand and restarting INSTEP1 worked,
- If the -Pv compiler directive is used (as it is automatically for
AIX version 3.2), this causes a special IBM preprocessor to be used.
This in turn produces non-ANSI Fortran, which generates warnings
because the -qfips qualifier forces ANSI compliance. Presumably the
benefits of the resulting optimization are worth the irritation of
the warnings.
- The install testing was performed under AIX 3.2.5. Initial reports
of attempts to install AIPS on AIX 4.x were not encouraging.