AIPS SGI (Irix) Install Notes

Most recently updated on $Date: 1997/05/21 18:35:34 $ (UT)
The installation was performed on a SGI machine running Irix 5.3.
- It is necessary to have /usr/bsd in your PATH environment variable
prior to starting the installation.
- If you do not have GNU make, you will have to edit the Makefile for
XAS by hand. Simply replace all occurences of the string $(ARCH)
with SGI, then type "make xas" followed by "make install" and "make
clean". It still produces many, many warning messages (at least
under Irix 5.3), but produces a working program.
- The making of the readline library produces copious warnings under
Irix 5.3; however, they are just that: warnings. The library builds
successfully, and the readline code in aips works as it should.
- Some code was added to FDEFAULT.SH} to attempt to make sensible
compiler qualifiers for later versions of Irix (6.x) but these were
untried in the installation testing.