AIPS SunOS 4 Install Notes

Most recently updated on $Date: 1997/05/21 18:52:45 $ (UT)
- If you obtained the binary distribution and do not have a Fortran
compiler, be sure to place the shared library (which
will be found either in your $AIPS_ROOT/SUN4/lib directory for tape
binary installations, or in $AIPS_ROOT for ftp binary installs) in a
directory that is included in your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or better yet
in the directory /usr/lang/SC2.0.1/. This is necessary so that the
shared library can be detected in the correct place by the dynamic
loader at runtime. If you cannot place it here, try putting
it in $SYSLOCAL and include this area in the definition of
LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your .login or .profile initialization file.
- On SunOS 4.1 systems, you need an ANSI compliant C compiler to
compile F2PS (and probably F2TEXT) during INSTEP1; the standard
compiler may not work. We suggest GNU C (gcc),
or fetch the binary from
- The default qualifiers in
the "-native
" qualifier in the COMP
As this is not recognised by the K&R style compiler, you should
remove it before starting INSTEP2