AIPS HELP file for AFILE in 31DEC24
As of Fri Sep 13 22:31:50 2024
AFILE: Task which sorts and edits MkIII correlator A-file.
INFILE Input A-file (text)
OUTFILE Output A-file (text)
OPCODE 'SORT' - will sort the file
'EDIT' - will sort and edit
APARM Criteria used to determine
if MkIII scan is acceptable.
Only used if OPCODE='EDIT'
APARM(1) = 1:
Edit on processing time.
APARM(1) = 2:
Edit on quality factor
APARM(1) = 3:
Edit on SNR
APARM(1) = 4:
Edit on # secs in scan
APARM(2): experiment number
to accept, 0 => accept all.
Task: This task will sort and edit the A-file (text) that
accompanies MkIII A tapes. It is expected that the user
will have concatanated all A-files associated with an
experiment before running this task. The purpose of
editing is to remove duplicate scans from the A-file,
the criteria for removing scans are set by the user
using APARM(1). The resultant file is then used in
MK3IN to select the scans that the user wishes to read
from the A tape.
INFILE.....Input A-file (text)
OUTFILE....Output A-file (text)
OPCODE.....'SORT' - will sort the file
'EDIT' - will sort and edit
APARM......Criteria used to determine if MkIII scan is
acceptable. Only used if OPCODE='EDIT'
If APARM(1) = 1, duplicate scans will be
removed based on the processing date encoded in
the AFILE. The scan with the latest processing
date will be kept.
IF APARM(1) = 2, duplicate scans will be removed
based on the quality factor encoded in the AFILE,
the scan with the highest quality factor will be
IF APARM(1) = 3, duplicate scans will be removed
based on the signal-to-noise ratio encoded in the
AFILE, the scan with the highest quality factor
will be kept.
IF APARM(1) = 4, duplicate scans will be removed
based on the number of seconds of data in the scan,
the scan with the highest quality factor will be
If APARM(2) = 0, AFILE will accept all experiment
numbers. If APARM(2) > 0, AFILE will only accept
those scans which are part of the experiment
number specified. The experiment number is assigned
at the correlator.