AIPS HELP file for CIRCLEVS in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 11:18:19 2025
CIRCLEVS: Proc to set RGBLEVS to a circular color scheme
DOCIRCLE -1.0 1.0 > 0 do full circle, else
do blue to red only
$ Input/output adverbs
LEVS $ Contour levels
RGBGAMMA $ 0.0 Gamma correction parameter
@ Output only adverb
RGBLEVS @ 0.0 1.0 RGB for each LEVS in order
Proc: This procedure will set RGBGAMMA if it is not positive, will
examine the LEVS values and set them to -10 to -1 followed by 1
to 10 if they are not set. Then it will determine a circular
pattern of colors from blue to green to red and, if DOCIRC>0,
back to blue. It will set RGBLEVS so that the first positive
LEVS and first negative LEVS will be blue, the 2nd positive and
2nd negative LEVS will be somewhat more green and so forth
to the highest LEVS (positive and or negative) will be the
final color (either red or blue depending on DOCIRC).
Before using this procedure you must enter
which will define this and 3 other procedures. Any time you
change the values in LEVS, you should then enter
again to select the new set of colors. Note that these colors
are similar to those of the verb TVPSEUDO with Button B.
Input adverbs:
DOCIRCLE...> 0 => do a full circle in color from blue to green to
red to blue, else do 2/3 of a circle stopping at red.
Input/output adverbs:
RGBGAMMA...If 0 on input, set to 2.2. The gamma correction
parameter to adjust colors (value used = input value to
the 1/RGBGAMMA power). Larger values make more pastel
LEVS.......Contour level multipliers. Up to 30 values in increasing
order - if all 0 on input, set to -10 to -1, 1, to 10.
Defines which values require colors and what their range
should be. Thus, if you change LEVS, you should execute
Output adverbs:
RGBLEVS....RGB colors (3,30) for each of the LEVS in use.
"Scratch" adverbs:
II, JJ, KK, XX, YY, RR, GG, BB, TT, X are all changed by the