AIPS HELP file for CLRTEMP in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 12:20:39 2025
CLRTEMP: verb to clear up temporary literal space in procedures
NO adverbs.
Type: Verb
Use: To clear most of the temporary literal space. The POPS
language processor uses a "temporay literal" space in the
K array to hold numeric and character constants read in
and to hold the intermediate results of character
functions such as CHAR and !! (concatenate). In normal
modes, the area provided for this is way more than can be
used. However, it is possible in procedures that do
character manipulations repetitively (i.e., in loops) to
use up this space causing a "BLEW CORE" or now a "BLEW
TEMP C" error termination. The verb CLRTEMP asserts that
all contents of the temporary literal area added since
the input line (i.e. procedure) was put into execution
are no longer needed and may be cleared. Cautious use of
this verb should allow reasonable procedures to run until
normal completion.
Adverbs: none.