AIPS HELP file for CROWDED in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 10:55:56 2025
Type: Adverb (logical, > 0 => true)
Use: True means that the user wants a task to display and function in
a "crowded" manner. Otherwise, the task will function with
smaller amounts of data at a time in an uncrowded manner. Thus,
CROWDED means to allow editing of all IFs and polarizations at
the same time in the edit tasks.
Null value: false (-1).
BPEDT.....Interactive TV task to edit uv data based on BP tables.
CROWDED > 0 allows plots with all times.
EDITR.....Edits UV data with interactive displays of the UV data.
CROWDED specifies whether the displays and editing are
allowed to include all IFs and/or all polarizations at
the same time or whether each edit display will always
contain only one IF and polarization. The single IF
and/or single polarization displays may be selected even
when CROWDED is true.
EDITA.....Interactive TV task to edit uv data based on TY/SY/SN/CL
tables. CROWDED is used in the same mannerr as in EDITR.
PCEDT.....Interactive TV task to edit pulse-cal (PC) tables. CROWDED
> 0 allows all times to be plotted together.
PLOTC.....Plots color schemes used by 3-color plot tasks. CROWDED
used as in VPLOT.
SNEDT.....Interactive SN/CL/TY/SY table editor using the TV.
CROWDED is used in the same manner as in EDITR.
SYVSN.....Plots selected SY/TY data with SN solution values versus
time. CROWDED controls whether two polarizations or the SY
and SN values are plotted in the same panel or not.
VPLOT.....Plots uv data and model from CC file. CROWDED controls
whether polarizations and/or IFs are plotted in the same