AIPS HELP file for DOALPHA in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 19:04:06 2025
Type: Adverb (Logical, > 0 => true)
Use: True (1) means to alphabetize some list before displaying
False (-1) means to display the list in "natural" order
Null value: false (<= 0)
CATALOG.....List one or more entries in the user's data directory.
M2CAT.......Displays images in the user's catalog directory for
M3CAT.......Displays images in the user's catalog directory for
M4CAT.......Displays images in the user's catalog directory for
M5CAT.......Displays images in the user's catalog directory for
MCAT........Displays images in the user's catalog directory for
MOCAT.......Displays images in the user's catalog directory for
PCAT........Verb to list entries in the user's catalog (no log
file). List starts or stops at SLOT.
SGINDEX.....Verb lists SAVE areas by name and time of last SAVE.
SGUINDEX....Verb lists SAVE areas by name and time of last SAVE of
another user.
TGINDEX.....Verb lists those tasks for which TGET will work.
TGUINDEX....Verb lists those tasks for which TUGET will work on
another user number.
U2CAT.......List a user's UV and scratch files on disk IN2DISK.
U3CAT.......List a user's UV and scratch files on disk IN3DISK.
U4CAT.......List a user's UV and scratch files on disk IN4DISK.
U5CAT.......List a user's UV and scratch files on disk IN5DISK.
UCAT........List a user's UV and scratch files on disk INDISK.
UOCAT.......List a user's UV and scratch files on disk OUTDISK.
VGINDEX.....Verb lists those tasks for which VGET will work.