AIPS HELP file for DODARK in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 18:48:01 2025
Type: Adverb (Scalar - generally logical)
Use: Plot programs are able to draw "dark" as well as "bright"
vectors. The dark ones are normally drawn to provide
contrast when the background grey-scale image is strong.
DODARK is used to control whether the dark vectors are drawn
in a different color than the corresponding bright vectors.
When writing to the TV with DODARK > 0, the dark vectors
are drawn in the black overlay graphics channels. When
writing to a plot file, darks vectors are just a different
operation code than bright vectors.
GREYS.......Make a grey-scale plot with contours. DODARK functions
only when DOTV > 0.
KNTR........Make a grey-scale, contour, and polarization vector
plot with multiple panels. DODARK functions only when
DOTV > 0.
LWPLA.......Convert a plot file to PostScript for saving and/or
printing. DODARK > 0 makes dark vectors appear black
(actually PLCOLORS(1,5)-PLCOLORS(3,8)). You may want
DODARK false when making color vectors and/or coloring
the image.
PCNTR.......Make a grey-scale, contour, and polarization vector
plot. DODARK functions only when DOTV > 0.
TVPL........Display a plot file on the TV.