AIPS HELP file for DOUVCOMP in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 19:59:39 2025
Type: Adverb (Logical: <= 0 is false, > 0 is true)
Use: Instructs tasks to write visibility data to disk in AIPS
compressed format. This format has one correlator value (2
numbers) per floating word, magic value blanking, and a single
weight per visibility record. This may result in a significant
reduction in disk usage (up to a factor of 3). This comes at a
cost - the data must be compressed and uncompressed as they are
used which requires a multiply for every datum. There is only one
weight for all IFs and polarizations which probably does not
represent reality (even if all spectral channels do have the same
weight). Furthermore, the full dynamic range of the numbers is 1
in 32768 which means that one bad value can turn all the rest of
the numbers into pure 0.
Null value: false (-1)
ATLOD.........Reads ATCA data in RPFITS dormat into AIPS.
BLING.........Find residual rate and delay on individual baselines.
DOUVCOMP refers to the format of scratch files.
FILLM.........Reads VLA on-line/archive format uv data tapes (post
Jan 88).
FITAB.........Writes images / uv data w extensions to tape in FITS
format. DOUVCOMP refers to the format in the output
FITS UV table.
FITLD.........Reads FITS files to load images or UV (IDI or UVFITS)
data to disk. DOUVCOMP does not apply to input UV FITS
FIXWT.........Modify weights to reflect amplitude scatter of data.
M3TAR.........Translate Haystack MKIII VLBI format "A" TAR's into
MK3IN.........Translate Haystack MKIII VLBI format "A" tapes into
OTFUV.........Translates on-the-fly single-dish SDD format to AIPS UV
SPLAT.........Applies calibration and splits or assemble selected
SPLIT.........Converts multi-source to single-source UV files w
UV2MS.........Append single-source file to multi-source file.
UVLOD.........Read export or FITS data from a tape or disk.
VLBIN.........Task to read VLBI data from an NRAO/MPI MkII
BDF2AIPS......Read EVLA ASDM/BDF data into AIPS.
READISK.......Reads images / uv data w extensions in FITS format into
VLBALOAD......Loads VLBA data.
VLBAMPHC......Applies VLBARUN calibration to additional phase
stopping centers. DOUVCOMP is used only if data have
to be loaded.
VLBARFI.......Calibrates VLBA autocorrelations, writes out statistics
VLBARUN.......Applies amplitude and phase calibration procs to VLBA
data. The VLBA calibration, editing, imaging pipeline.
Y2KSAVE.......Verifies correctness and performance using standard