AIPS HELP file for FSHIFT in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 11:21:27 2025
Type: Adverb (Real array, 2 elements)
Use: Specifies a change or shift of an image location. The first
element specifies a shift Eastward (lower X-pixel value). The
second element specifies a shift Northward (larger Y-pixel
value). Thus if both are > 0, the resulting map center is to the
Northeast of the input (or the source appears to move down and to
the right).
The shift is no longer in SIN projected coordinates, so the
FSHIFT distances measured from an image are NOT exactly the
number of pixels of offset multiplied by the pixel scale.
This version of the SHIFT adverb is used for the output from
operations that fit a source model.
Null Value: NONE ( 0 => no shift)
The shifts are now (15OCT99) simpler to specify since they are in arc
seconds at the reference point. They are simply the apparent
difference in position on the image ( (Xpix - Xpix_0) * Cell_X,
(Ypix - Ypix_0) * Cell_Y ) at least for small differences. For large
shifts, use IMXY to give you RA and Dec and then compute the shifts
SHIFT(1) = cos (Dec_0) * (RA - RA_0)
SHIFT(2) = Dec - Dec_0
in arc seconds. The _0 refers to the reference coordinate.
MAXFIT...returns pixel position and image intensity at a maximum
FSHIFT is the ra/dec shift needed to put the peak on the
nearest integer pixel.
IMFIT....Fits Gaussians to portions of an image
FSHIFT is the ra/dec shift needed to put the peak on the
nearest integer pixel.
JMFIT....Fits Gaussians to portions of an image
FSHIFT is the ra/dec shift needed to put the peak on the
nearest integer pixel.