As of Wed Oct 23 4:51:24 2024

HUEWEDGE: Verb to load a step wedge of image intensities as


          previously loaded (shows only the map values actually
TVCHAN          0.0        16.0    TV channel for intensity
TV2CHAN         0.0        16.0    TV channel for hue
PIXRANGE                           Range of intensities for
                                   intensity display
DOINVERS       -1.0         1.0    > 0 intensity wedge on X
                                   <= 0 on Y, hue on X
LABEL           0.0         7.0    Label parts: = 7 all
GRCHAN          0.0         8.0    Graphics channel for label

              Optional immediate argument gives width of wedge
                 in pixels (default 16).  If argument < 0,
                 program uses TV cursor to determine where to
                 put wedge (default below bottom or above top
                 of image).  Point to left or right of image
                 to get a vertical wedge.


Type:  Verb
Use:   Loads a linear step wedge into the TV memory associated with
       the hue image using the PIXRANGE and FUNCTYPE of that image's
       TVLOAD.  A wedge, constant in X and changing in Y, is also
       loaded to the TV memory associated with the intensity image.
       The intensities of that wedge use the FUNCTYPE of the intensity
       image TVLOAD and a PIXRANGE limited by the PIXRANGE of the
       intensity image TVLOAD.  This allows you to select a narrower
       range of intensities for the vertical direction including no
       range at all.

       There is an optional immediate argument:
               HUEWEDGE (n)
       If n is missing, use n=16, where n is the width of the
       wedge in pixels.  If n<0 use abs(n) as the width of the
       wedge and ask the user to indicate where to draw the
       wedge.  The default locations of the wedge are:
       (a) just below the image (if it will fit) (b) above the
       image (if it will fit), and (d) overlaying the bottom
       rows of the image.

       To get a vertical wedge, use n < 0 and select a point to the
       right or left of the image.  The X position you select is taken
       as the left edge of the vertical wedge.  For horizontal wedges
       use n > 0 or, with n < 0, point below or above or inside the
       image.  The point you select is the bottom of the horizontal

       Note that, if HUEWEDGE is used in a FOR or WHILE loop or in an
       IF-THEN-ELSE construct, then the immediate argument is
       required.  Otherwise, some item necessary to the loop/construct
       will be taken as the immediate argument.

  TVCHAN.....TV channel for intensity image.
  TV2CHAN....TV channel for hue image.  If either is out of range, 1
             and 2 are used.
  PIXRANGE...Limit the intensity wedge direction to PIXRANGE.
             0,0 => as TVLOAD.  Will be set to the TVLOAD if
             outside the TVLOD range.
  DOINVERS...>  0 => intensity wedge on long axis, hue on short
                     i.e. horizontal wedge has intensity on X, hue on
                     Y, vertical wedge has intensity on Y hue on X
             <= 0 => hue wedge on long axis, intensity on short
  LABEL......0 => no labeling
             1 => label intensity wedge axis
             2 => label hue wedge axis
             4 => label image
             3 => label both wedge axes
             5 => label image and intensity wedge axis
             6 => label image and hue wedge axis
             7 => label everything
  GRCHAN.....Graphics channel for labeling: 0 => 2