AIPS HELP file for MFITSET in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 23:18:47 2025
MFITSET: Verb to set JMFIT/IMFIT adverbs from the TV
GRCHAN > 0 -> draw Gaussians on TV
@ Output only adverbs
INNAME @ Input image name (name)
INCLASS @ Input image name (class)
INSEQ @ 0.0 9999.0 Input image name (seq. #)
INDISK @ 0.0 9.0 Input image disk drive #
BLC @ 0.0 4096.0 Bottom Left corner of fit
TRC @ 0.0 4096.0 Top Right corner of fit
NGAUSS @ 0.0 4.0 Number of components
GMAX @ Peak of component (JY)
@ 0-> Use maximum value
GPOS @ -50.0 16434.0 (X,Y) position (pixels)
@ 0-> Use position of max
GWIDTH @ -180.0 180.0 (BMAJ, BMIN, PA) of comp.
@ (pixels,pixels,deg)
@ 0->Use clean beam
Type: Verb
Use: MFITSET is an interactive Tv verb to set the name and initial
guess adverbs for running IMFIT and JMFIT. Load the image to
the TV and manipulate the display (zoom, transfer functions) so
that you can see the image features which you want to fit with
up to 4 Gaussians. Then do MFITSET which begins with the TVNAME
function to make sure that the INNAME, INCLASS, INSEQ, and
INDISK point at the image at which you are looking. Then you
are instructed to set the TVWINDOW (BLC, TRC) with the cursor.
Then the verb instructs you to point at Gaussian component 1
(its peak and peak position) with the TV cursor and hit buttons
A, B, or C. Having done that the verb instructs you to point at
the half-power point along the major axis and hit buttons A, B,
or C. Finally it asks for you to point at the half-power point
on the minor axis and hit buttons A, B, or C. Then the verb
loops and asks for the same things for Gaussian component 2,
then 3, and then 4. At any time, if you press button D, the
process stops and NGAUS is set to the last component which you
specified completely. Type OUTPUTS MFITSET or INP JMFIT or INP
IMFIT to see the adverb values that you have set.
Note that IMFIT and JMFIT have numerous other adverbs not set by
this verb. Most important are BLC, TRC, and CTYPE but the other
adverbs are also of interest.
Input adverb:
GRCHAN......> 0 -> clear graphics plane GRCHAN, then add the
indicated Gaussians as ellipses at the half-power
Output adverbs:
INNAME......Image name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS.....Image name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......Image name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK......Disk drive # for the image. 0 => any.
BLC.........Bottom left corner of area of image to fit.
TRC.........Top right corner of area of image to fit.
Maximum area is 10000 pixels (100x100)
NGAUSS......The number of components to use in the fitting (<= 4).
GMAX........The peak value guess for each component.
0=>Use value with largest absolute value in the
BLC,TRC window
GPOS........The position (X,Y) guess for components. The values are
in pixels in the order (X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,X4,Y4).
0=>Use pixel location with largest absolute value.
GWIDTH......The major axis, minor axis and position of major axis
guess for components. The values are pixels with
degrees for position angle and the order is
(MJ1,MN1,PA1,MJ2,MN2,PA2,...etc) 0->Use clean beam, if
available; otherwise it will be taken as a circular
gaussian of diameter 2.