AIPS HELP file for PIX2XY in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 23:02:04 2025
Type: Adverb (Real*2)
Use: Specifies a pixel position in an image. The first number
gives the column number and the second number gives
the row number. The (1,1) pixel location is the
bottom left corner of the image. Fractional pixel
values can be used.
Null value: 0
Null value usually means at reference pixel
IMDIST....Determines spherical distance between two pixels. PIX2XY
is the pixel position in the second image.
IMSTAT....Returns statistics of a sub-image. PIX2XY is the pixel
coordinates of the minimum image value found.
TVILINE...Verb to draw a straight line on an image on the TV. PIX2XY
is the pixel position of the end point.
TVSTAT....Find the mean and RMS in a blotch region on the TV.
PIX2XY is the pixel coordinates of the minimum image value
TVDIST....Determines spherical distance between two pixels on TV
screen. PIX2XY is the pixel position selected in the
second image.
PASTE.....Pastes a selected subimage of one image into another.
PIX2XY is the alignment pixel in the second image.