As of Mon Oct 14 8:07:32 2024

PRTHI: Verb to print the HI (History) file of an image


INNAME                             Image name(name).
INCLASS                            Image name(class).
INSEQ           0.0      9999.0    Image name(seq. #). 0=>high
INDISK          0.0         9.0    Disk drive #. 0=>any
DOCRT          -3.0       132.0    <= 0 -> List on line printer
                                   > 0  -> List on terminal
                                   Printer disk file to save
HISTART         0.0                start print w record HISTART
HIEND           0.0                end print w record HIEND
PRTASK                             print only history of task
KEYSTRNG                           print only lines with this
                                   string; ' ' do not test


Type: Verb
Use:  PRTHI writes the history file on the line printer.

      Interactive jobs which might print more than 500 lines on the
      line printer will require confirmation that you mean to do this.
      Note that the test is based on the HISTART and HIEND (including
      their default values) without regard for PRTASK which may reduce
      the number of lines substantially.
  INNAME......Image name(name).   Standard defaults.
  INCLASS.....Image name(class).  Standard defaults.
  INSEQ.......Image name(seq. #).  0 => highest.
  INDISK......Disk drive # of image.  0 => any.
  DOCRT......False (<= 0) use the line printer if OUTPRINT = ' '
                   else write named OUTPRINT file only.
                   With the file, DOCRT=-2 suppresses the page-feed
                   character in the header lines.  DOCRT=-3 suppresses
                   the header lines except at the start.
             True  (> 0) use the terminal interactively.  The task will
                   use the actual terminal width as a display limit
                   unless 72 < DOCRT < width.  In that case, the display
                   limit will be DOCRT characters.
  OUTPRINT...Disk file name in which to save the line printer output.
             ' ' => use scratch and print immediately for interactive
             jobs - batch jobs use OUTPRINT = 'PRTFIL:BATCHjjj.nnn'
             (jjj= job #, nnn = user #).  When OUTPRINT is not blank,
             multiple outputs are concatenated, and the file is not
             actually printed.
  HISTART.....Print history records beginning with record
              HISTART.  0 or too large => 1.
  HIEND.......Print history records ending with record HIEND.
              < HISTART => maximum history entry.
  PRTASK......Print only those history records which begin with
              the same n non-blank characters as are given in
              PRTASK.  This is not particularly reliable, but
              should select the messages of particular tasks.
              Thus, PRTASK = 'UV   ' should print all messages
              from UVLOD, UVMAP, UVSRT, etc. but skip those from
              IMLOD, IMAGR, APCLN, etc.
   KEYSTRNG...Print only thos history records containing KEYSTRNG
              somewhere in the line.  Note that this test is case
              sensitive and that trailing blanks are ignored.
              Both PRTASK and KEYSTRNG tests are applied but only
              if they are not blank.