AIPS HELP file for PRTOF in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 10 9:53:03 2025
PRTOF: Task to print on-line flag table information
INNAME Image name (name)
INCLASS Image name (class)
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name (seq. #)
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive #
INVERS 0.0 46655.0 Extension file version #
BPRINT 0.0 First row number to print
EPRINT 0.0 Last row number to print
XINC 0.0 32767. Increment between rows
DOCRT -3.0 132.0 If > 0, write to CRT
> 72 => CRT line width
Printer disk file to save
NCOUNT 0.0 Print the first NCOUNT values
in a cell
DOFLAG -1.0 1.0 > 0 => list flagged rows too
Type: Task
Use: PRTOF prints on the line printer or terminal the rows of an
on-line flagging table. At present a full interpretation of
the bit-pattern antenna flag is only implemented for the VLA.
(The VLA is currently the only telescope writing the file.)
INNAME.....Image name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS....Image name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ......Image name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK.....Disk drive # of image. 0 => any.
INVERS.....Extension file version # 0 => highest.
BPRINT.....First row to list. 0 => 1.
EPRINT.....Last row to list. < BPRINT => to end.
XINC.......Increment in row number between listings.
<= 0 => 1.
DOCRT......False (<= 0) use the line printer if OUTPRINT = ' '
else write named OUTPRINT file only.
When OUTPRINT is not blank, DOCRT=-2 suppresses the
page-feed character on page headers and DOCRT=-3
suppresses page headers and most other header
True (> 0) use the terminal interactively. The task will
use the actual terminal width as a display limit
unless 72 < DOCRT < width. In that case, the display
limit will be DOCRT characters.
OUTPRINT...Disk file name in which to save the line printer output.
' ' => use scratch and print immediately for interactive
jobs - batch jobs use OUTPRINT = 'PRTFIL:BATCHjjj.nnn'
(jjj= job #, nnn = user #). When OUTPRINT is not blank,
multiple outputs are concatenated, and the file is not
actually printed.
NCOUNT.....Elements 1 through NCOUNT are printed for each selected
cell in the table. 0 => 100000.
DOFLAG.....> 0 => list flagged rows (with an * in 1st col) as well
as unflagged rows
<= 0 => skip over flagged rows, listing only good ones.
PRTOF: Task to display the contents of an on-line flag table
Related Programs: FILLM, PRTAB, OFLAG
FILLM will write an on-line flag table for VLA data. This table
contains the usual columns - time, source, antenna, subarray,
and frequency ID - plus special information, namely a bit pattern
showing antenna-based conditions and a warning score which is
polarization (R and L) and IF dependent. The bit pattern contains
Bit Value Meaning
-- ---- ---------------------------------------------
1 1 reference pointing requested, but not applied
2 2 antenna shadowed at source change time ('Shadowed')
3 4 antenna off source ('OffSourc')
4 8 first LO not locked ('1 LOLock')
5 16 Tsys fluctuating ('TsysFluc')
6 32 antenna flagged bad by operator ('Operator')
7 64 back-end total power out of range ('BETotPow')
8 128 back-end filters mis-set ('BEFilter')
9 256 L8 module not locked ('L8Module')
10 512 L6 module not locked ('L6Module')
11 1024 sub-reflector not in position ('SubRefle')
12 2048 source change in progress ('SouChang')
13 4096 phase switching disabled ('PhSwitch')
14 8192 round-trip phase correction disabled ('RndTrip')
The strings in parentheses are printed (or at least the first n
characters of them are printed) when the bit is on.
A warning score of 0 means no warning and is displayed with blanks by
PRTOF. Values of 1 - 3 are intended as mild warnings, values of 4 -
15 are more severe. In practise, the VLA appears to issue scores of 0
and 4 only.