AIPS HELP file for REROAM in 31DEC25
As of Mon Dec 9 13:10:24 2024
REROAM: Verb to use previous roam image mode, then does roam
No adverbs. See HELP ROAM
Type: Verb
Use: To reenter the roam operation using the roam modes set up by a
preceding TVROAM. See HELP ROAM for a description.
Adverbs: none
Use ROAMOFF to capture the resultant display in a simple TV display on
which the other TV verbs may function normally.
Note that TVTRANSF with TVCHAN=0 will act on all channels that are
used for the roam when the TV is in roam mode. Thus you can do a
TVROAM, adjusting the screen to select the desired subimage, then hit
button D. Set TVCHAN to zero and do a TVTRANSF to set the best
transfer function. Then REROAM to examine the image with the desired
scaling. But, as of 28-May-2011, you may also do this enhancement
while running TVROAM or REROAM.