AIPS HELP file for TELFLM in 31DEC24
As of Thu Sep 12 12:11:32 2024
TELFLM: Procedure to tell FILLM about uv file breaking.
Takes an immediate argument which is passed by a TELL to
FILLM in APARM(1) and also uses
TIMERANG Time range selected
Type: Procedure (built in)
Use: To specify to real-time FILLM what to do with the current uv
files. An immediate argument of 0 implies append incoming data
("FEW"), 1 implies make new files on each scan ("MANY"), 2 implies
stop filling the current ones and make new on the next scan
("BREAK"), and 3 implies close the current files and stop now
("STOP"). Does this with a TELL operation which will be queued
(see it with STQUEUE) until FILLM can use it. The immediate
argument is passed as APARM(1).
TIMERANGE....Time range to include.
APARM........(1) >0 => new file for each scan, <0 => concatenate
files read in if similar enough. 0 => defaults to -1
for off-line FILLM, and to 1 for on-line FILLM
FILLM........Fills uv database(s) from VLA data, in this case in
real time as the data are taken.