AIPS HELP file for TRANSCOD in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 11:19:56 2025
Type: Adverb (String*14)
Use: A character string specifying the type of transposition desired.
The string can contain up to 14 characters. It may include
blank and comma separators plus the characters -, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, and 7. All input axes having more than one pixel (after BLC
and TRC are applied) must be accounted for and may be included
only once. The string specifies the output axis sequence in
units of the input axis sequence. Thus, '7654321' completely
reverses the order of the axes but keeps the pixel ordering
within each axis unchanged. TRANCOD = '31-2' would transpose an
LL - MM - VEL image to a VEL - LL - MM image with the highest
declinations (MM) occurring before the lowest ones.
Null value: ' '
Null value means (for TRANS) to maintain the pixel and axis
ordering of the input image. In this case, TRANS becomes
equivalent to SUBIM.
TRANS.......A general matrix transposition task with subimaging and
axis reversal.
IMTXT.......Write an image to an external text file. TRANSCOD is
used as the basic Fortran format with no repeat count,
e.g., 'F10.4' or '1PE12.4'.