AIPS HELP file for TVBANDW in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 10 10:00:44 2025
TVBANDW: Verb to activate three types of black and white LUTs
TVCHAN 0.0 16.0 TV channel; 0 => enabled
channels or all roam channels
COLORS 0.0 3.0 Color choice (0 all, RGB 1-3)
Instructions will appear on terminal.
Type: Verb
Use: Interactive function to enhance the display of an image plane in
black and white. It has some similarities to the pseudo color
TVPSEUDO verb. The resulting display can be colored with
TVPSEUDO, TVPHLAME, et al. Three methods are available.
Press Button A for "step wedges" formed by linearly increasing
the output from 0 to maximum over the width of each wedge.
The cursor X position controls then number of wedges (1 - 16)
and the cursor Y coordinate controls a gamma correction which
affects the intensities.
Hit button B to form colors from a sine wave in total intensity.
The cursor X position controls the starting value of the sine
wave and the number of sine waves (1 - 3). The cursor Y
coordinate controls a gamma correction which affects the
Press button C to get a contours of constant output intensity
from a range of input intensities. The cursor X position
controls the number of contours (2 - 64). The cursor Y
coordinate controls a gamma correction which affects the
Press button D to exit.
TVCHAN.....Specifies the TV channel. If zero, TVTRAN uses all
enabled channels if not in roam mode. If in roam mode,
all channels participating in the roam are used.
COLORS.....Specifies colors to be used as 0 => all, 1 => blue,
2 => green, 3=> blue & green, 4 => red, 5 => red
and blue, 6 => red and green, 7 => all. Note that
this is more general than that provided by some other