AIPS HELP file for TVBLINK in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 10 9:16:30 2025
TVBLINK: Verb which blink 2 TV planes, can do enhancement also
TVCHAN 0.0 16.0 1st TV channel
TV2CHAN 0.0 16.0 2nd TV channel
In blink mode:
Cursor X gives rate, cursor Y gives ratio, button A
selects enhance image A, button B selects enhance
image B, button C selects enhance both images
together, and button D exits.
In enhancement mode:
Cursor X gives intercept, cursor Y gives slope, and
button C reverses sign of slope. Buttons A and B
select which channel to enhance and button D
returns verb to blink mode.
Type: Verb
Use: To compare images on 2 planes of the TV by blinking them.
While blinking: the cursor X position controls the blink rate,
the cursor Y position controls the proportion of time spent on
each plane, button D causes the verb to quit, and Buttons A, B,
and C cause the blinking to stop and an interactive image
enhancement (just like TVTRANSF) to begin. Button A selects
channel A and button B selects channel B to be enhanced.
Button C specifies that both channels are to be enhanced at the
same time (on TVs which support split screen). During the
enhancement, the cursor X position controls the intercept and
the cursor Y position controls the slope of the (linear)
transfer function. Buttons A and B may be used to select
enhancement of channels A and B, resp. Button C will switch
the sign of the slope and Button D will return the verb to the
blinking mode. Instructions to remind you of these things will
appear on your terminal.
TVCHAN.....Selects TV channel to be "channel A"
TV2CHAN....Selects TV channel to be "channel B"
If either are out of range, 1 and 2 are used. On TVs
which support split screen, channel A will appear on the
left (or top) half during enhancement functions.