AIPS HELP file for TVSLICE in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 18:00:37 2025
TVSLICE: Verb to display slice file directly on TV graphics
INNAME Image name (name)
INCLASS Image name (class)
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name (seq. #)
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive #
INVERS 0.0 46655.0 Version # of SL file. 0=>last
LTYPE -410.0 410.0 Type of labeling: 1 border,
2 no ticks, 3 standard, 4 rel
to center, 5 rel to subim cen
6 map pixels, 7-10 as 3-6 but
no non-axis
PIXRANGE Min,Max of image intensity
Max <= Min => slice range
BDROP 0.0 9999.0 Drop slice pts from beginning
EDROP 0.0 9999.0 Drop slice pts from end
GRCHAN 0.0 7.0 Graphics channel to use
Type: Verb
Use: TVSLICE will display a SL file directly to a TV graphics plane
without going through a plot file. It erases the specified
graphics plane, labels the plot, and then draws the slice data.
TVASLICE draws slice data without the erasure and labeling.
This verb name used to set the end points for SLICE
interactively. That function was renamed SETSLICE in 31DEC00.
INNAME......Image name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS.....Image name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......Image name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK......Disk unit #. 0 => any.
INVERS......Version # of SL file. 0 => highest version #
LTYPE.......Labelling type, see HELP LTYPE for details:
1 = border, 2 = no ticks, 3 or 7 = standard, 4 or 8 =
relative to ref. pixel, 5 or 9 = relative to subimage
(BLC, TRC) center, 6 or 10 = pixels. 7-10 all labels
other than tick numbers and axis type are omitted.
Add n * 100 to alter the metric scaling.
PIXRANGE....Min,Max of Image intensity. 0 => entire range of
the slice (not the image).
BDROP.......No of slice pts to omit from beginning of plot.
EDROP.......No of slice points to omit from end of plot.
Note that these are points in the slice not pixels in
the original image. Use INEXT='SL'; EXTLIST to see how
many points are in the slice.
GRCHAN......TV graphics plane to use. <= 0 -> 1