AIPS HELP file for TVSPLIT in 31DEC24
As of Fri Sep 13 23:11:07 2024
TVSPLIT: Verb which compares 2 TV planes, showing halves
TVCHAN 0.0 16.0 1st TV channel
TV2CHAN 0.0 16.0 2nd TV channel
In split mode:
Cursor position gives split point, button A selects
enhance image A, button B selects enhance image B,
button C increments the split mode and button D
In enhancement mode:
Cursor X gives intercept, cursor Y gives slope, and
button C reverses sign of slope. Buttons A and B
select which channel to enhance next and button D
returns verb to split mode.
Type: Verb
Use: To compare images on 2 planes of the TV by showing one on the
left or top and the other on the right or bottom. While in
normal mode: the cursor position controls the split point,
button D causes the verb to quit, button C "increments" the
split mode (switch which image is on left/top, switch between
horizontal and vertical split, where possible0, and buttons A
and B select an interactive image enhancement (just like
TVTRANSF). Button A selects channel A and button B selects
channel B to be enhanced. During the enhancement, the cursor X
position controls the intercept and the cursor Y position
controls the slope of the (linear) transfer function. Buttons
A and B may be used to select enhancement of channels A and B,
resp. Button C will switch the sign of the slope and Button D
will return the verb to the split selection mode. Instructions
to remind you of these things will appear on your terminal.
TVCHAN.....Selects which channel is "channel A"
TV2CHAN....Selects which channel is "channel B"
If either are out of range, channels 1 and 2 are used.