AIPS HELP file for TVTRANSF in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 6:29:38 2025
TVTRANSF: Verb which modifies the transfer function of the image
TVCHAN 0.0 16.0 TV channel; 0 => enabled
channels or all roam channels
COLORS 0.0 3.0 Color choice (0 all, RGB 1-3)
Cursor X gives intercept, cursor Y gives slope, and
buttons A or B turn plot of function on and off.
Button C reverses sign of slope. Button D exits.
Type: Verb
Use: Interactively alters the individual TV channel LUTs. The LUT
function used is linear with the cursor X position controlling
the intercept and the cursor Y position controlling the slope.
A hit on button C reverses the sign of the the slope. Hit
button D to exit. The function is plotted on graphics channel
1. Hit buttons A or B to turn the plot on and off.
TVCHAN.....Specifies the TV channel. If zero, TVTRAN uses all
enabled channels if not in roam mode. If in roam mode,
all channels participating in the roam are used.
COLORS.....Specifies colors to be used as 0 => all, 1 => red,
2 => green, and 3 => blue.