AIPS HELP file for UVCOPPRM in 31DEC25
As of Thu Mar 6 19:35:35 2025
Type: Adverb (Real(10))
Use: The task specific parameters for UVCOP.
Null value: Usually 0.
UVCOP: Copies a selected subset (or all) of a uv data file.
(1) > 0 tells the program to copy fully flagged data, otherwise they
are dropped.
(2) > 0 tells the program to drop all distinctions between subarrays
(not advised).
(3) tells the program which type of data to copy;
0 => copy all data types
1 => copy only cross-power data
2 => copy only total-power data.
(4) > 0 keeps you informed about UVCOP progress, listing every
10,000th visibility and associated time stamp.
(5) => used to set a lower limit for allowed weights. Any data with
weights < UVCOPPRM(5) will be flagged and if the whole record ends
up flagged it will be copied only if UVCOPPRM(1) > 0.
** WARNING: THIS OPTION CHANGED 21-JUL-2011. It used to omit
records if all weights in all channels and IFs were less than
UVCOPPRM(5) but did not flag anything. Now it flags all low
weights and passes the data on with the flags unless all
correlators are now flagged.
(6) >0 => if flagging is applied to the UV data, it is applied by
default to SN, SY, and TY tables. To stop that, set UVCOPPRM(6)
as a bit pattern -
values 1 and 3 => do NOT flag SY/TY tables,
values 2 and 3 => do NOT flag SN tables.
(7) => Tables are copied from the specified begin time minus
UVCOPPRM(7) minutes to the specified end time plus UVCOPPRM(7)
minutes. This is to include CL table and SN table points for
interpolation purposes. 0 -> 15 minutes. If you do not want this
extension, set UVCOPPRM(7) less than zero or to something very
small like 0.0001.
(8) > 0 => this is holography data - do not scale the u,v,w of the
holography sources for frequency
UVCOP.........Task to copy a subset of a UV data file.