AIPS HELP file for VLAPROCS in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 9:46:48 2025
VLAPROCS: Defines procedures for reducing VLA data.
VLAPROCS uses no adverbs.
To use these procedures type 'RUN VLAPROCS'.
Type: Run file
Use: VLAPROCS defines a number of procedures that can be used in the
reduction of VLA data. See the individual HELP files for full
details. To use these procedures type 'RUN VLAPROCS'.
The following procedures are generally useful:
DAYNUM - returns the day number when given a date
e.g., > type daynum('20061230')
AIPS 3: 364
The following procedures automate some aspects of VLA data
VLACALIB - runs CALIB and LISTR for calibration
VLACLCAL - runs CLCAL and LISTR for calibration
VLARESET - deletes calibration tables
VLASUMM - prints antenna and scan information for experiment
VLATECR - calibrates Faraday rotation (downloads external files)
The following procedures are mostly useful for writing run files
or POPS procedures:
RUNWAIT - run a task and wait for it to finish
MAXTAB - returns maximum version number for a given table type.