AIPS HELP file for ABORTASK in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 21:28:55 2025
ABORTASK: Verb-like, aborts a detached task.
TASK Name of task to be aborted.
NUMTELL 0.0 POPS number of task
0 -> current
Task name may be inserted as an immediate argument
i.e ABORT task or ABORT 'task'. The TASK adverb iS
then ignored.
Type: Pseudoverb (but acts like a normal verb)
Use: Causes the specified task to abort. This is not usually a
good idea since catalog files may be left in a disturbed
condition. The verb does, however, attempt to delete the
scratch files of the task. This attempt will work only
for certain tasks and only if no one else is running the
task at the time. The format is
where is the task name. It need not be spelled out
in full (min. match does apply).
TASK......Name of task to be killed (5 characters or less).
Used only if no immediate argument is given.
NUMTELL...POPS number of task to be aborted. This lets you kill a
task running under a POPS number other than the current
one, i.e. from a second AIPS session. 0 -> POPS number of
the present AIPS session.