AIPS HELP file for AVFILE in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 19:23:43 2025
AVFILE: Verb which advances or backspaces files on a tape
INTAPE 0.0 9.0 Tape unit # (0=> 1)
NFILES -9999.0 9999.0 Number of files to advance
Type: verb
Use: Skip forward or backward a number of files on a tape.
INTAPE Number of tape unit on which map tape is mounted.
0=> 1
NFILES Number of files to skip:
NFILES > 0 skip forward
NFILES = 0 back to beginning present file
NFILES < 0 skip back beyond present file
Note: if current tape position is somewhere in the middle of a
file the result (final tape position) of AVFILE is the same
as if the current tape position had been at the beginning of the
file. I.e., if NFILES=1 the tape will be positioned at the
beginning of the next file.