AIPS HELP file for BATQUE in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 18:22:21 2025
Type: adverb (real)
Use: Specifies the number of a job queue and its corresponding batch
work file. There is only one work file for each queue and one
cannot submit, for example, work file 2 to job queue 1.
However, one may UNQUE a job from one job queue and store the
contents of the job file in any of the batch work files.
Null value: None
0 => all in verb QUEUES
Allowed values are locally dependent. Put BATQUE=99 and say
INPUT BATCH to be told the local upper limit.
BAMODIFY......Edits characters in a line of a batch work file.
BATCH.........Starts entry of commands into batch-job work file.
BATCLEAR......Removes all text from a batch work file.
BATEDIT.......Starts an edit (replace, insert) session on a batch
work file.
BATLIST.......Lists the contents of a batch work file.
QUEUES........Verb to list all submitted jobs in the job queue.
SUBMIT........Verb which submits a batch work file to the job queue.
UNQUE.........Remove a given job from the job queue.
AIPSC.........AIPS main program for testing and queuing batch jobs.