AIPS HELP file for BLOAT in 31DEC25
As of Thu Feb 6 12:58:34 2025
BLOAT: Makes a data set with more spectral channels
INNAME Input UV file name (name)
INCLASS Input UV file name (class)
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Input UV file name (seq. #)
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Input UV file disk unit #
OUTNAME Output UV file name (name)
OUTCLASS Output UV file name (class)
OUTSEQ -1.0 9999.0 Output UV file name (seq. #)
OUTDISK 0.0 9.0 Output UV file disk unit #.
APARM Control information
1=>No. channels in output
2=>Output file channel no.
of first input channel
3=>first channel to copy
4=>last channel to copy
5+6=>ref. frequency
Task: This task will read a line or pseudo-continuum data base and
convert it into a data base with more spectral channels. The
output number of line channels can be specified and zero
filled (i.e. flagged), the input visibilities are then inserted
as the specified channels. The reference frequency may be
changed and u, v, and w are converted the the output reference
frequency. After BLOAT data sets can be concatenated via DBCON
and compressed using UVSRT and VBMRG.
INNAME.....Input UV file name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS....Input UV file name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ......Input UV file name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK.....Disk drive # of input UV file. 0 => any.
OUTNAME....Output UV file name (name). Standard defaults.
OUTCLASS...Output UV file name (class). Standard defaults.
OUTSEQ.....Output UV file name (seq. #). Standard defaults.
OUTDISK....Disk drive # of output UV file. 0 => highest with
space for the file.
APARM......Control information:
1=> the number of line channels desired in the
output data base, 0 -> 1.
2=> The output channel number of the first input
channel. 0 -> 1.
3=> First channel to copy
4=> Last input channel to copy
5+6=>The output reference frequency (Hz). The two
values are converted to double precision and
added. The reference channel will be the input
reference channel converted by APARM(2).