AIPS HELP file for BWSMEAR in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 5:57:18 2025
Type: Adverb (scalar)
Use: To specify how much correction to make for bandwidth smearing.
For model fitting, the bandwidth smearing function is taken to be
a Gaussian in the radial direction of FWHM = BWSMEAR times the
radius from the original pointing direction. This is really not
the correct function to use. The bandwidth shape itself should be
used. But that varies from antenna to antenna and makes the Clean
beam convolved with that shape into something other than a
Gaussian. Give the task something like the bandwidth divided by
the center frequency. The fitting tasks smear the basic Clean
beam with this function when the Clean beam is used for the
initial guess of the compnent widths and when the Clean beam is
used for deconvolving the fit widths to estimate the true widths.
Null value: <= 0
Taken to mean do no correction.
IMFIT.....Fits up to four Gaussians
JMFIT.....Fits up to four Gaussians
SAD.......Fits up to 4000 Gaussians in a subimage, finding the source
regions itself and attempting simple and multiple-Gaussian
fits to each region.
TVSAD.....Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image with
interaction. Basically SAD with user interaction whenever
there is difficulty fitting an island.