AIPS HELP file for CBPLOT in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 22:53:23 2025
Type: Adverb (Scalar)
Use: Used by plot tasks to control whether and where a Clean
beam (if present) will be plotted. The usual values mean
0: no beam plot
1: lower left corner
2: lower right corner
3: upper right corner
4: upper left corner
5: plots the beam in a separate pane (KNTR)
6 - 10: as 1-5 but slightly filled in
11 - 15: as 1-5 more filled in
16 - 20: as 1-5 scribbled over
CBPLOT = -n < 0 => use CBPLOT=n but do not plot any contours,
grey scale, or vectors in the Clean Beam area.
Null value: 0 -> no beam
GREYS....Make a grey-scale or 3-color image with contours.
KNTR.....Make a contour and/or grey-scale plot file from one
or two images with multiple panels possible. Polarization
vectors may be plotted.
PCNTR....Make a contour and/or grey-scale plot with polarization
vectors. Muti-channel contours may be overlayed in
different colors.
PLAYR....Task to load one or two images and play with them on the
TVIEW....Display image cube in all 3 transpositions with rotation &
reference interactively.
TVSPC....Display images and spectra from a cube INTERACTIVELY.
TVLABEL..Verb to label the (map) image on the TV.