AIPS HELP file for COTVLOD in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 22:13:36 2025
COTVLOD: Loads an image into a TV channel centered on coordinate
INNAME Image name(name).
INCLASS Image name(class).
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name(seq. #). 0=>high
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive #. 0=>any
COORDINA Coordinate in image
IMSIZE 0.0 8192.0 X,Y size to load
0=>entire centered image
TXINC -100.0 256.0 Load every TXINC'th column
TYINC -100.0 256.0 Load every TYINC'th row
TVCHAN 1.0 16.0 Image channel to load
TVCORN 0.0 512.0 TV pixel location of bottom
left corner of image
PIXRANGE Min,Max of image intensity
0=>entire range
FUNCTYPE Image intensity transfer func
'LN' Linear. unknown=>'LN'
'LG' Logarithmic
'L2' More logarithmic
'SQ' Square root
'NE' Negative linear
'NG' Negative logarithmic
'N2' Negative more log.
'NQ' Negative square root
Type: Verb
Use: COTVLOD loads a cataloged map into one or more television image
memories. The first map satisfying all the selection criteria
given below will be loaded. It is centered on a specified
INNAME......Image name(name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS.....Image name(class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......Image name(seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK......Disk drive # of image. 0 => any.
COORDINA....The X and Y coordinates are found as:
Xpos = abs(CO(1)) + abs(CO(2))/60 + abs(CO(3))/3600
if any of CO(1), CO(2), CO(3) < 0: Xpos = -Xpos
Ypos = abs(CO(4)) + abs(CO(5))/60 + abs(CO(6))/3600
if any of CO(4), CO(5), CO(6) < 0: Ypos = -Ypos
Note that, although these are most suited to RA, Dec in
sexagesimal notation, they can be used for any type of
coordinate. The units are standard FITS units (e.g
degrees, m/sec, Hz, sec, etc.) except that right
ascensions are in hours of time.
IMSIZE......Maximum size of image to load in X and Y. The image will
be centered on the coordinate so the actual IMSIZE(i) used
will be the lesser of IMSIZE(i) and the distance in the
i'th coordinate to the nearer edge of the image.
0 -> 8192 (i.e. use the nearest edge size).
TXINC.......Load every TXINC'th column beginning at TBLC.
TXINC = -1 => interpolate columns to fill as much
of the screen as possible. TXINC = -2 =>
interpolate one column between image columns (if
possible), -3 => 2 interpolated columns, etc.
TYINC.......Load every TYINC'th row beginning at TBLC.
TYINC = -1 => interpolate rows to fill as much of
the screen as possible. TYINC = -2 =>
interpolate one row between image rows (if
possible), -3 => 2 interpolated rows, etc.
TVCHAN......Image channel to load. 0 => channel 1.
TVCORN......TV pixel location (X,Y) of the bottom left-corner
of the image. 0 => center on TV
PIXRANGE....Min,Max intensity to display. 0 => entire range.
FUNCTYPE....Image intensity transfer function
'LN' => linear; 'NE' => negative lin.
'LG' => log; 'NG' => negative log;
'L2' => extreme log; 'N2' => negative extra log;
'SQ' => square root,; 'NQ' => negative square root;
others => linear.