AIPS HELP file for CPARM in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 6:15:49 2025
Type: Adverb (Real(10))
Use: A general adverb which contains ten elements as parameters to some
process. read the help closely to set the parameters.
Null value: Usually 0.
IMSCAL........Large image self-cal with IM2CC and OOCAL.
OOCAL.........Determines antenna complex gain with frequency-dependent
PEELR.........Calibrates interfering sources in multi-facet imges.
VLBAKRGP......Fringe fit phase referenced data and apply calibration.
VLBAKRNG......Fringe fit data and apply calibration.
ACFIT.........Determine antenna gains from autocorrelations.
ATLOD.........Reads ATCA data in RPFITS dormat into AIPS.
BDEPO.........Computes depolarization due to rotation measure
BPCOR.........Correct BP table.
BSMOD.........Creates single-dish UV beam-switched data with model
CALIB.........Determines antenna calibration: complex gain.
CANDY.........User-definable (paraform) task to create an AIPS image.
CCEDT.........Select CC components in BOXes and above mininum flux.
CONFI.........Optimize array configuration by minimum side lobes.
CORER.........Calculates correlator statistics and flags bad ones.
CPASS.........Computes polynomial spectral bandpass correction table.
CUBIT.........Model a galaxy's density and velocity distribution from
full cube.
FGDIF.........Compares affect of 2 FG tables.
FILLM.........Reads VLA on-line/archive format uv data tapes (post Jan
FIXWT.........Modify weights to reflect amplitude scatter of data.
FLAGR.........Edit data based on internal RMS, amplitudes, weights.
GAL...........Determine parameters from a velocity field.
GLENS.........Models galaxy gravitational lens acting on 3 component
HOLGR.........Read & process holography visibility data to telescope
HOLOG.........Read & process holography visibility data to telescope
INDXH.........Writes index file describing contents of UV data base.
INDXR.........Writes index file describing contents of UV data base.
IRING.........Integrates intensity / flux in rings / ellipses.
KRING.........Fringe fit data to determine antenna calibration, delay,
LAYER.........Task to create an RGB image from multiple images.
LISPX.........Fits spectral indexes to a list of spectra, allows
interactive edit.
LPCAL.........Determines instrumental polarization for UV data.
MANDL.........Creates an image of a subset of the Mandlebrot Set.
MARSP.........Check Mars polarization angles
MATHS.........Operates on an image with a choice of mathematical
MWFLT.........Applies linear & non-linear filters to images.
NINER.........Applies various 3x3 area operaters to an image.
NNLSQ.........Non-Negative-Least-Squares decomposition of spectrum.
PADIM.........Task to increase image size by padding with some value.
PATGN.........Task to create a user specified test or primary-beam
PCAL..........Determines instrumental polarization for UV data.
PDPLT.........Plots selected contents of PD tables.
PRTUV.........Prints contents of a visibility (UV) data set.
REFLG.........Attempts to compress a flag table.
REGRD.........Regrids an image from one co-ordinate frame to another.
RM2PL.........Plots spectrum of a pixel with RMFIT fit.
SAD...........Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image.
SCIMG.........Full-featured imaging plus self-calibration loop with
SCLIM.........Operates on an image with a choice of mathematical
SCMAP.........Imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing.
SHADW.........Generates the "shadowed" representation of an image.
SKYVE.........Regrids a DSS image from one co-ordinate frame to
SNBLP.........Plots selected contents of SN or CL files on a baseline
SNPLT.........Plots selected contents of SN, SY, TY, PC or CL files
versus time.
SNSMO.........Smooths and filters a calibration SN table.
SPIXR.........Fits spectral indexes to each row of an image incl
STFND.........Task to find stars in an image and generate an ST table.
STRAN.........Task compares ST tables, find image coordinates (e.g.
guide star ).
SYVSN.........Plots selected SY/TY data with SN solution values versus
TAFFY.........User definable task to operate on an image.
TAFLG.........Flags data in a Table extension file.
TAMRG.........Task to merge table rows under specified conditions.
TAPLT.........Plots data from a Table extension file.
TASRT.........Task to sort extension tables.
TEPLT.........Plots selected contents of TE (TECOR) parameter tables.
TVSAD.........Finds and fits Gaussians to portions of an image with
TVSPX.........Fits spectral indexes to each image row, allows
interactive edit.
TYSMO.........Smooths and filters a calibration TY or SY table.
UVADC.........Fourier transforms and corrects a model and adds to uv
UVCON.........Generate sample UV coverage given a user defined array
VTEST.........Measures velocity discrepancy across fields.
WARP..........Model warps in Galaxies.
XG2PL.........Plots spectrum of a pixel with XGAUS/AGAUS and