AIPS HELP file for DOPLOT in 31DEC24
As of Thu Oct 10 17:54:34 2024
Type: Adverb (scalar)
Use: Controls which plots if any are generated by a task.
= 0 -> usually no plots
ALVAR.........Plots the Allan Variance statistic of a UV data set.
DOPLOT selects which parameter is plotted
ELINT.........Determines and removes gain dependence on elevation.
EVAUV.........Subtracts & divides a model into UV data, does
statistics on results. DOPLOT selects which plots if
any are made.
MARSP.........Check planetary polarization angles, plot histogram of
differences. DOPLOT requests a plot of the histogram.
PANEL.........Convert HOLOG output to panel adjustment table. DOPLOT
is a bit map of possible plots, 0 -> all.
PBEAM.........Fits the analytic function to the measured values of
the beam. DOPLOT selects which plots if any are made.
PEEK..........Fits pointing model function to output from the VLA.
DOPLOT selects plots, if any.
PLOTR.........Basic task to generate a plot file from text input.
DOPLOT controls plotting of fit results.
PRTAN.........Prints the contents of the ANtenna extension file.
DOPLOT selects if AIPS plots are made of the antenna
RFLAG.........Plots histograms of time rms and deviation from robust
spectral mean/rms or flags UV data based on these.
DOPLOT = 1,3,5,7 plots basic histograms, = 2,3,6,7
plots cummulative histograms, and = 4,5,6,7 plots the
mean time rms and rmses of the time rms versus spectral
channel. DOPLOT <= 0 causes the task to write a flag
table first and then (if < 0) do plots applying the new
RIRMS.........Computes rms of real/imag of a selected subset of a uv
data set
UVRMS.........Computes statistics of a selected subset of a uv data
set. DOPLOT selects which plots if any are made.
VBRFI.........Plots spectral statistics of VLBA autocorrelation data
for RFI.
VLBRF.........Plots spectral statistics of VLBA autocorrelation data
for RFI.
VLBARFI.......Calibrates VLBA autocorrelations, writes out statistics