AIPS HELP file for DRAWBOX in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 10 10:09:34 2025
DRAWBOX: Verb to draw Clean boxes on the TV graphics display
GRCHAN 0.0 8.0 Graphics channel to use.
NBOXES 0.0 50.0 Number of boxes to draw 0=>1
CLBOX -1.0 8192.0 Pixel locations (X,Y) in
image of lower left corner
and upper right corner of
NBOXES windows.
NFIELD 0.0 512.0 Field number to attach to box
0 => get from image class
Name of boxfile from which
boxes are to be read
Uses TV cursor to select the image with which the
BOXes are associated (if needed).
Type: verb
Use: To display current values in the adverb CLBOX in a TV graphics
plane on top of a grey-scale image. Alternatively, a
non-blank BOXFILE will draw the boxes found in it.
Input adverbs:
GRCHAN......Graphics channel to use. 0 -> 3.
NBOXES......Number of boxes set before hand. Must be > 0.
CLBOX.......CLBOX(a,1:NBOXES) where a=1 is lower left x pixel, a=2
is lower left y pixel, a=3 is upper right x pixel, and
a=4 is upper y pixel. For circular boxes, a=1 is -1,
a=2 is the radius in pixels, a=3 is the center x pixel
and a=4 is the center y pixel. On input, all must have
legitimate values for pixels in the image although not
necessarily currently displayed on the (full screen)
NFIELD......Field number for boxes; < 1 or > 4096 => get from image
class if possible, otherwise take 1.
BOXFILE.....If not blank, the text file containing the boxes to be