AIPS HELP file for ERROR in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 22:31:04 2025
Type: Adverb (scalar)
Use: Was there an error? Also used as an estimate of the uncertainty
in some tasks.
Null value:
none. <= 0 => false, > 0 => true.
or 0 => task-dependent default
CHKNAME.....Checks existence of data set or image by name adverbs
COPIXEL.....Convert between physical and pixel coordinate values.
EGETHEAD....Returns parameter value from image header and error
EGETNAME....Gets INNAME et al., setting ERROR true on empty slot.
FILEZAP.....Delete an external file,
GETVERS.....Finds maximum version number of an extension file.
IMCENTER....Returns pixel position of sub-image centroid,
IMVAL.......Does cubic interpolation of image value; returns ERROR
true if fit failed.
MAXFIT......Finds coordinates and value of an image extremum;
returns ERROR true if fit failed.
NAMEGET.....Fills 1st input image name parameters by default
QGETVERS....Finds maximum version number of an extension file
QIMVAL......Does cubic interpolation of image value quietly; returns
ERROR true if fit failed.
SYSTEM......Verb to send a command to the operating system.
TVFLUX......Displays coordinates and values selected with the TV
cursor; sets ERROR true if cubic interpolation fails.
TVMAXFIT....Displays fit pixel positions and intensity at maxima on
TV; returns ERROR true if MAXFIT fails on a position.
BSMAP.......Images weak sources with closure phases. ERROR is the
error per unit weight in Jy.
FITLD.......Reads FITS files to load images or UV (IDI or UVFITS)
data to disk. ERROR >= 2 on input means to ignore AIPS
history (useful if the data were written by FITAB once
and then FITTP).
IMLOD.......Reads tape to load images to disk. ERROR as in FITLD.
PRTTP.......Prints contents of tapes and disk files, all supported
formats. ERROR as in FITLD.
UVLOD.......Read export or FITS data from a tape or disk. ERROR as