AIPS HELP file for GR2CHAN in 31DEC25
As of Wed Dec 11 9:03:42 2024
Type: Adverb (Real)
Use: TV graphics channel to use. GR2CHAN is used when two
graphics channels need to be specified. XAS supports 8
graphics channels the last of which is used as a black
background. Note that the graphics channels may be on or off
separately, but they scroll together.
DELBOX......Verb to delete boxes with TV cursor & graphics display.
GR2CHAN is used for boxes about to be deleted.
DFILEBOX....Verb to delete Clean boxes with TV cursor & write to file
GR2CHAN is used for boxes about to be deleted.
GRBLINK.....Verb which blinks 2 TV graphics planes
GR2CHAN gives the second plane to be blinked
TVANOT......Verb to load anotation to the TV image or graphics
GR2CHAN is used for the background