AIPS HELP file for GRDROP in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 7:31:25 2025
GRDROP: Verb to delete a complaint/suggestion from the GR file
JOBNUM 0.0 83.0 Gripe number: use GRINDEX to
determine this parameter,
0 => most recent.
Type: Verb
Use: GRDROP is the simplest and only form for editing entries in the
Gripe file. It deletes the specified gripe if and only if it
belongs to the current login user. The verb GRINDEX should be
used to determine the number of the gripe which is to be deleted.
To be extra cautious, set JOBNUM and issue the command GRLIST to
read the contents of the gripe which will be deleted if the GRDROP
command is given. When a gripe is dropped, a message giving the
contents of the gripe and the fact that it has been GRDROPped is
e-mailed to This will cause the AIPS group to
ignore the previous gripe in most cases. Thus, you should not use
GRDROP simply to clean out old gripes when their contents are
still of possible value. Have the AIPS Manager use GRDROP (or
FILINI) to clean up old gripes --- no messages will be sent to
aipsmail. It may be helpful to enter a second gripe to give the
reasons why we should ignore the first one.
JOBNUM......Number of the gripe to be deleted. 0 => highest.