AIPS HELP file for GSCAT in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 10 9:08:14 2025
GSCAT: Task locate the Guide Star Region for an RA and DEC
DATAIN Disk file name (FITS only)
SHIFT Ra (hours) and Dec (degrees)
of field (J2000)
Type: Task
Use: GSCAT Finds the Guide Star catalog region for the input
RA and DEC.
DATAIN......48-character name of the disk file from which to
read a FITS format REGIONS.TBL.
SHIFT.......RA (in hours) of the field and DEC (in degrees)
of the source of interest (J2000). The Region
number of the Guide Star catalog is printed.
GSCAT: Task read in the guide star cataloge table of regions.
This task is used in conjunction with the AIPS task
GSTAR which reads an Guide Star Cataloge FITS file
and creates an AIPS ST table.
Input Paramters:
DATAIN - Input File name. The input file should be the name
of the GSCAT file containing the REGIONS Table. The
REGIONS table lists the division of the sky in the
Guide Star cataloge. The region number returned will
indicate which file should be used to create an AIPS
ST file with the task GSTAR.
SHIFT - J2000 coordianates of the field for which Guide Stars
are needed. SHIFT(1) is in hours and SHIFT(2) is
in degrees.