AIPS HELP file for INTEXT in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 6:26:54 2025
Type: Adverb (String*48)
Use: To specify the name of some disk file outside the usual AIPS
catalog system to be used as input to an AIPS verb or task.
The file can be a text file giving a basic data listing of
various sorts.
Format: The name is usually given by specifying a logical device plus
directory, followed by a colon, followed by the actual file
name. In Unix, logicals are environment variables. The
logical name must be set up before entering the AIPS program
and is usually in upper case. Thus, for example:
percent setenv MYAREA ~joeuser
for the C shell, and
$ myarea=$HOME; export MYAREA
for bourne, korn, and bash shells. Then in AIPS,
Note that the Unix-standard $ ahead of the logical is omitted.
AIPS-standard logicals like FITS (often AIPS/FITS) are available
also. Other forms are now acceptable as well:
will find the file in the $FITS directory (when reading or
writing FITS disk files) or in the directory local when you
started AIPS. A full path name may also be given
INTEXT = '/home/primate2/egreisen/AIPS/Text.prt
if it fits in 48 characters. Note that the trailing quote mark
is left off and this is the last command on the input line so
that the case is preserved.
In some programs, it is regarded as an error if INTEXT already
exists. Most concatenate to or replace pre-existing INTEXTs.
Null value: ' '
Taken to mean no subsidiary file. This can be an error.
BPERR........Print and plot BPASS closure outputs; INTEXT contains
PRTMSG output from BPASS
CPYRT........Replaces history with readme file, inserts copyright;
INTEXT points at a README.SURVEY file or contains the
desired readme information
GAL..........Determine parameters from a velocity field; INTEXT
provides rotation curve data to be used in the fit
IMLIN........Fits and removes continuum emission from cube; INTEXT
contains a list of channel weights
IMRMS........Plot IMEAN rms answers; INTEXT contains PRTMSG output
from IMEAN for multiple spectral channels
MTARS........Compute model inputs to TARS. INTEXT supplies the
list of frequencies to be used in the model.
PCHIS........Generates a histogram plot file from text input,
e.g. from PCRMS. INTEXT is a text file containing
multiple columns, one of which is to have its histogram
PLOTR........Basic task to generate a plot file from text input;
INTEXT contains plot labeling information and
x,y,type data to be plotted
REWGT........Modifies UV data re-scaling the weights only. INTEXT
contains the channel weights.
RMTFC........Cross-correlation test. INTEXT contains the complex
rotation measure transfer function (dirty beam).
SETAN........Reads an ANtenna file info from a text file; INTEXT
contains information on antenna locations, names, etc
SQASH........Task to collapse several planes in a cube into one
plane or row. INTEXT supplies the channel weights.
STARS........Task to generate an ST ext. file with star positions;
INTEXT contains "star" positions, widths, types,
TARPL........Plot input and output text files of the TARS task.
INTEXT supplies the data to be plotted.
TBIN.........Reads a text file AIPS table into AIPS; INTEXT
contains the text version of an AIPS table
UVFLG........Flags UV-data; INTEXT contains multiple flagging
UVLIN........Fits and removes continuum visibility spectrum, also
can flag; INTEXT contains channel weights
WXLOD........Reads KEYIN-format weather information making WX table.
XTRAN........Create an image with transformed coordinates; INTEXT
contains star positions used to fit image distortions
HINOTE.......Adds user-generated lines to the history extension
file; INTEXT contains history lines to be appended to
the existing HI file
VLBARFI......Calibrates VLBA autocorrelations, writes out statistics
INTEXT optionally supplies flag commands to be read by
VLBARUN......Applies amplitude and phase calibration procs to
VLBA data. INTEXT optionally supplies flag commands
to be read by UVFLG.
VLBAWIDE.....Calibrates all VLA wide-band autocorrelations with