AIPS HELP file for MASKS in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 19:21:00 2025
MASKS: Makes mask image showing the boxes in BOXFILE
INNAME Input image name (name).
INCLASS Input image name(class).
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Input name(seq. #). 0=>high
INDISK Input disk drive #. 0=>any
OUTNAME Output image name (name)
OUTCLASS Output image name (class)
OUTSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Output image name (seq. #)
OUTDISK 0.0 9.0 Output disk drive #
BOXFILE disk file to read Clean boxes
DOBLANK -1.0 1.0 > 0 Use blanks for unCleaned
DOWEDGE -2.0 2.0 > 0 Add field number in boxes
Type: Task
Use: MASKS reads an input BOXFILE which defines the Clean boxes for
the input image. It makes an image with 1's in the Clean windows
and blanks or 0's outside the Clean windows.
INNAME......Input name of image(name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS.....Input name of image(class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......Input name of image(seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK......Disk drive # of image. 0 => any.
OUTNAME.....The output image name (name). Standard defaults.
OUTCLASS....Output name of image(class). Standard defaults.
OUTSEQ......The output image name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
OUTDISK.....The output disk drive #. 0 => any.
BOXFILE.....Input text file containing lines which specify the fields
for the multi-field imaging. This file should then be
specified as the BOXFILE for IMAGR.
' ' => take all inputs from adverbs.
Leading and trailing blanks from all lines in the text
file are discarded, so "column 1" below means the first
non-blank column in the card.
This option is used to specify field parameters for
fields 1 through NFIELD which are then copied to the
fields used for additional resolutions (if any). To
specify a field's parameters, put the letter F or f in
column 1 followed by the field number, the X and Y FLDSIZE
values, the RASHIFT amd the DECSHIFT for the field
(separated by blanks). Any field specified in this way
overrides the corresponding parameters given in the
adverbs. Thus,
F 2 450 450 -25.5 6.7
specifies that field 2 is to have a FLDSIZE of 450x450
with an RASHIFT of -25.6 and a DECSHIFT of 6.7 arcsec.
If this is the only F card in the file, then fields 1 and
3 through NFIELD are set by the adverb values. As an
alternative, a field may also be specified with a
"coordinates" card having a C or c in column one. After
the C, give the field number, the X and Y FLDSIZE values
and the center Right Ascension (HH MM SS.S) and
Declination (signDD MM SS.S) separated by blanks. Thus
C 2 450 450 11 34 45.67 -00 14 23.1
specifies that field 2 is to have a FLDSIZE of 450x450
with a center RA of 173.6902917 degrees and a center
Declination of -0.23975 degrees. All 9 numbers must be
given; the sign is optional for positive declinations and
is given only on the degrees term.
To set Clean boxes, specify one box per line, as field
blc-x blc-y trc-x trc-y (5 integers) e.g.
1 200 205 220 222
1 230 232 240 241
2 100 100 130 121
or circular "boxes" as
field -1 radius center-x center-y (5 ints) e.g.
001 -1 10 210 214
001 -1 5 235 237
Column 1 must contain a numeric character (part of the
field number); otherwise the line is treated as a some
other sort of line. Fields with no boxes specified
default to the size specified by IMSIZE and FLDSIZE (see
above and including FLDSIZEs read from this file).
DOBLANK.....True (> 0) => pixels outside Clean boxes are represented
with magic-value blanks; otherwise 0's are used. When
FLATN is run, 0's are interpolated and averaged causing
interesting but sometimes odd effects. Blanks are
usually better.
DOWEDGE.....True (> 0) => insert the field number in all Clean
windows that are large enough. Image intensity 2 is
used for window boundaries, 1 for Clean windows outside
the numbers and 3 times this for numbers. DOWEDGE 2
telss the task to make the numbers rather larger (for
TVLODs with TXINC and TYINC > 1). Again FLATN's
interpolation can do some odd things.
DOWEDGE < -1 says to use intensity 1 for the edges of
the boxes rather than 2.